Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 21 October 2018
One late night this week, on the tube homeward bound, I was accosted by a couple. One sat purposefully too close to me, physical and personal boundaries abandoned, and the other, opposite, knocking knees. The woman, her head leaning on my shoulder, was stonned I would say and the man somewhat addled, suffering a huge headache, I was stone cold sober. Once they penetrated my wired vigilance I got chatting. Apparently, they had mistaken me for Rosemary Bennett, The Times, Social Affairs Correspondent but they couldn’t quite marry up my constrained chronological age and hers. Admiring my skin, my clothes, my rings, my voice, I felt owned and whilst living…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 4 March 2018
I’ve been really excited this week because I have created a new interview platform within TheAppWhisperer that allows artists to answer the textual questions we ask, visually and the results have been spectacular. I have wanted to do this for sometime. As I explained elsewhere on the internet, my thought processes behind this format of interview are based on not only my life experiences but also on some of my professional qualifications. I have been surrounded my entire life by people who find communicating in a neurotypical way, difficult. I believe and have always believed that the onus is on the person trying to interpret what is being communicated, to…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 5 November 2017
This weeks Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group Showcase demonstrates the beauty of mobile art and mobile photography, fitting together, perfectly. It is testament to the reputation of all of the artists within our community. It’s poised, unflappable and inturn, changes a good showcase, into a perfect one. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week: Sergiy Beliayev, Oola Cristina, Lydia Cassatt, borisbschulz2009, Alan Kastner, Larissa Paschoalli, Jeronimo Sanz, Dieuwke Geervliet, Karen Axelrad, Sina, Catha Li, TheiPhoneArtGirl – Meri…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 1 October 2017
Shallow sleep dreams are the sources of many of my best ideas, when my pillow starts to vibrate, I set the long snooze function, hovering between consciousness. Once I have an idea, I scrutinise, explore and practice it. I then reshape that idea into other forms of art, dance, music, stage, I keep it turning for more and more possibilities. I develop a script and then I deliberately lose it, an idea is only a map, to find the treasure I have to walk it, experience and develop it. Development then takes on another form, it cannot be produced from a place of safety, that’s just dull. Locations have emotional…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 10 September 2017
As I created this weeks Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group showcase, Orfeo et Eurydice: Melodie for Piano Solo performed by James Rhodes played and soothed me, this beautiful rendition will likely reduce you to tears. Rhodes is a highly accomplished concert pianist and a man whose personal memoir is so raw and harrowing that the court of appeal initially prevented him from publishing it, the ban was lifted and his book ‘Instrumental: A Memoir of Madness, Medication and Music‘ which includes a Spotify playlist, is a heartbreakingly difficult read. Music saved Rhodes and he makes no bones about it. ‘Plot 29‘ by Allan Jenkins, Observer Food Monthly editor is…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 2 July 2017
“There are sights too beautiful to swallow. They stay on the rim of the eye; it cannot contain them“, this is a quote from a beautiful book I am currently reading and highly recommend, To the River by Olivia Laing. It is not only poignant for this life itself but also for this weeks Mobile Photography and Art Showcase. This showcase is the work of abundantly gifted mobile artists from around the world. Each image goes straight to the emotional truth of life today. There’s a sullen lust in the portraiture, a heaviness in the street scenes and lyrical joy in the floral portraiture. This art is inspirational, fascinating and…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Showcase – 19 March 2017
You may have heard of Dr Megan Poe, she is a 42 year old psychiatrist and associate professor who teaches an undergraduate course on love, which she designed at New York University. It has achieved overwhelming success. The course is called ‘Love Actually’ and attempts to pack as much about the human experience of love in, as is possible. The course leans heavily on the work of Eric Fromm, the psychologist best known for his 1956 book, The Art of Loving, that I mentioned a few weeks ago, here. What I love about the syllabus of this class, is at its core, albeit a psychology class, its emphasis is on…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase 19 February 2017
Wow! What a week for mobile photography and art imagery! You’ve all kept me very busy this morning/afternoon, selecting your images and placing them, carefully into this showcase. So much so, that my mind has almost gone blank with what to say. Usually, on a Sunday, after I have worked on our showcase, I assimilate some words and thoughts, things I have been thinking over during the week, perhaps. Of course, this week took in Valentines Day, which to many of us means love. So, of course, that got me thinking, of the Valentines week that I spent with my love and also, I thought of, perhaps in view of…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 16 October 2016
This weeks mobile photography and art Flickr Group Showcase is a true masterpiece and thrilling demonstration of celestial art. It pays homage to the strength and skill of all of these featured artists. This is art as perpetual evolution. This showcase is one that will engulf your cerebral cortex. Enjoy! If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art flickr group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. If you would like to view our previous Flickr Group Showcases (please go here). Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week: Damian De Souza, Pericles Loucopoulos, Mark Walton1,…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 9 October 2016
This is an incredibly powerful mobile photography and art flickr group showcase, with an abundance of messages, wrapped up with music ‘A Love Song’ by Xenia Dunford. This is a showcase that will make you care. Pay attention and let your mind wander and marvel at the elegance, enjoy the intimacy of viewing art of distinction and as perpetual evolution. Enjoy! If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art flickr group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. If you would like to view our previous Flickr Group Showcases (please go here). Many congratulations to the following artists for…