Awesome ‘Must Have’ Apple Medical Apps by LLC produce the most incredible medical apps we have seen. If you are studying medicine and need any further convincing whether to invest in the Apple system, of iPhone or iPad then these apps will demonstrate that it is a complete ‘no brainer’ – pardon the pun.
The attention to detail in all of these apps is second to none. Many of these apps have been or still are, Number 1 in countless countries. Don’t just take our word for it though, take a look at this list below and prepare to me amazed…
3D4Medical’s Images – iPad edition

This iPad App is currently at Number 1 in 49 countries around the world!!
This app has been designed specifically for the iPad to showcase the high quality images developed by It contains over 200 medical images that can be displayed for presentation purposes, saved as wallpaper or shared with friends / colleagues. All images are created using 3D computer software, not images.
• Create a customized slide show of medical images.
• Search for image(s) by name or therapeutic area.
• Browse through the list of available images with the Index feature.
• Or just flick through the images one by one.
Heart Pro

The Heart Pro has already reached the number one position for Medical iPad apps (Top Paid and Top Grossing) in over 40 countries world wide! The Heart Pro – is built on 3D4Medical’s new "Nova Series" technology. Please check out the video tutorial which will give you an idea of what to expect in this app:
Simply rotate, stop, cut open and label the components of the heart, all with simple strokes of a finger.
Rotate – by dragging finger
Spin – by swiping finger
Cut – by a long swipe (a long swipe is a swipe that starts outside the heart – i.e the background – located on the sides and top of the heart)
Zoom – by pinching fingers
The Urogenital System – iPad edition

This app has been designed specifically for the iPad. It is a must have app for anyone studying anatomy and is aimed at students with a basic to advanced level of anatomical medical knowledge. It is far more interactive than flash cards with several amazing features (see below) and has an interactive quiz section for testing your knowledge of the urogenital system.
• Ability to zoom in and identify any part of the urogenital system.
• Ability to rotate any organ for anterior, lateral, posterior and medial views, inferior and superior views are available where appropriate.
• A large number of quality 3-Dimensional images.
• Full anatomical descriptions of all labelled parts.
• A magnification mode for when there are multiple flags.
• Ability to test yourself with a fun Quiz function.
• Change background color from black to white and vice-versa.
• A ‘Home’ button that takes the user back to the start screen.
• No internet connection required.
The Nervous System

NOTE: This application covers the nervous system that serves the body wall and extremities. This application does not cover the autonomic or visceral nervous system.
This is a must have app for anyone studying anatomy. It has been designed for students from basic to middle level of anatomical medical knowledge as well as medical professionals. It is far more interactive than flash cards with several amazing features (see below) and has an interactive quiz section for testing your knowledge of the the nervous system.
It can be used as a powerful reference tool that allows the user to zoom in and identify a part of the brain or an individual nerve within the full nervous system.
The Skeletal System Pro – iPad edition

This app has been designed specifically for the iPad. It is a must have app for anyone studying anatomy and is aimed at students with a basic to advanced level of anatomical medical knowledge as well as medical professionals. It is far more interactive than flash cards with several amazing features (see below) and has an interactive quiz section for testing your skeletal and ligament knowledge.
It can be used as a powerful reference tool that allows the user to zoom in and identify an individual bone, part of a bone or ligament within the full skeleton.
• Ability to zoom in and identify any region, bone, bone part or ligament.
• Ability to rotate the bone or region for anterior, lateral, posterior and medial views, inferior and superior views are available where appropriate. X-ray and skin views are also available.
• Over 350 high-quality 3-Dimensional images of the bones.
• Full anatomical descriptions of all 1,200 labelled parts.
• All bone and ligament labels in both English and Latin.
• A magnification mode for when there are multiple flags.
• A dual index that can search in both English and Latin.
• Ability to test yourself with a fun Quiz function.
• Change background color from black to white and vice-versa.
• A ‘Home’ button that takes the user back to the start screen.
• No internet connection required.
The Muscle System Pro – iPad edition

This app has been designed specifically for the iPad. It is a must have app for anyone studying anatomy and is aimed at students with a basic to advanced level of anatomical medical knowledge as well as medical professionals. It is far more interactive than flash cards with several amazing features (see below) and has an interactive quiz section for testing your knowledge of the the muscle system.
It can be used as a powerful reference tool that allows the user to zoom in and identify an individual muscle or part of a muscle within the full muscle system.
• Ability to zoom in and identify any region, muscle or muscle part.
• Ability to rotate the muscle or region for anterior, lateral, posterior and medial views.
• Ability to drill down and remove each layer of muscle, (using the scalpel button), revealing deeper muscles (up to 7 layers).
• Over 350 high-quality 3-Dimensional images of the muscle.
• Over 1,000 flags that label all muscles.
• A magnification mode for when there are multiple flags.
• Label descriptions that include Origin, Insertion, Action and Nerve Supply.
• An index that finds any muscle.
• Ability to test yourself with a fun Quiz function.
• Change background color from black to white and vice-versa.
• A ‘Home’ button that takes the user back to the start screen.
• No internet connection required.
The Cardiovascular System Pro

This is a must have app for anyone studying anatomy. It has been designed for students from basic to advanced level of anatomical medical knowledge as well as medical professionals. It is far more interactive than flash cards with several amazing features (see below) and has an interactive quiz section for testing your knowledge of the cardiovascular system.
• No internet connection required.
• Ability to zoom in and identify any vessel.
• Detailed 360 degree views of the heart including a cross sectional view.
• Ability to rotate a body part for anterior, lateral, posterior and medial views, inferior and superior views are available where appropriate. X-ray and skin views are also available.
• Over 350 high-quality 3-Dimensional images of the cardiovascular system.
• Full anatomical descriptions of all 1,200 labelled parts.
• All vessels are labelled in both English and Latin.
• A dual index that can search in both English and Latin.
• Ability to test yourself with a fun Quiz function.
The Digestive System – iPad edition

This app has been designed specifically for the iPad. It is a must have app for anyone studying anatomy and is aimed at students with a basic to advanced level of anatomical medical knowledge. It is far more interactive than flash cards with several amazing features (see below) and has an interactive quiz section for testing your knowledge of the digestive system.
• Ability to zoom in and identify any part of the digestive tract.
• Ability to rotate any organ for anterior, lateral, posterior and medial views, inferior and superior views are available where appropriate.
• High-quality 3-Dimensional images of the digestive organs.
• Anatomical descriptions of all labelled parts.
• A magnification mode for when there are multiple flags.
• Ability to test yourself with a fun Quiz function.
• Change background color from black to white and vice-versa.
• A ‘Home’ button that takes the user back to the start screen.
• No internet connection required.