Benamon Tame Joins The App Whisperer As A New Columnist
We’re delighted to welcome Benamon Tame as a new Columnist to We recently featured Benamon Tame in our interview with the World Photography Organization (WPO), if you missed that, please go here. We also recently published a great article by Benamon – ‘A Toys Story or Finding Loki’, if you missed that, please go here.
Benamon is a UK based Photographer, iPhone photographer, writer and Gothic Surrealist. His work has been featured on iPhone photography websites and blogs of note. International Galleried artist including the Mobile Photography Awards 2012, the International iPhoneography Show, LA Mobile Arts Festival 2012 and most recently the Light Impressions at Art Basel Miami.
Benamon’s weekly column will be called ‘PictureBook’ and will be published every Tuesday. Benamon’s column is going to focus on the story behind the image. This is how Benamon describes ‘PictureBook’ in his own words:
‘As Photographic artists we do not just capture stories but create them, the journey behind and the image we present .I will draw on Images selected from my own story series but also look at the work of the other story tellers within the community’.
We recently welcomed Richard Gray, Misho Baranovic, Dan Marcolina, Keith Tharp, David Hayes, Teri Lou Dantzler, Richard Koci Hernandez, Rudy Vogel, Kevin Kuster, Laura Peischl, Dilshad Corleone, Mel Harrison, Star Rush, Catherine Restivo, JQ Gaines, Cindy Patrick, Roger Guetta, Janine Graf, Sarah Jarrett and Jennifer Bracewell as Columnists to theappwhisperer and we will have a few more announcements to make very soon.
We are growing at a phenomenal rate and trying to include as much unique content and variety from the mobile photography world as our readers can possibly digest, you really don’t need to go anywhere else!
Please join us in welcoming Benamon to theappwhisperer family, welcome Benamon…
Janine Graf
Such a brilliant addition to The App Whisperer “family” and am really looking forward to your column Benamon! Hip hip HOORAY! 😀
Benamon Tame
a belated thank you Janine! x