iFoto Fairchild – The Orchid Festival at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden – Shirley Drevich
We have great pleasure in publishing Shirley Drevich’s first article to her Column with us – iFoto Fairchild. We have published twelve of her fabulous orchid images as well as that we have created a screen show of them, scroll to the very end of this article to watch that. Over to you Shirley (foreword by Joanne Carter).
I have the privilege to teach iPhoneography at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden where I often experience it’s splendor and beauty through my iPhone. The Garden is truly a tropical paradise, dedicated to conserving, educating and research. Fairchild is one of the premier conservation and education-based gardens in the world.
My first column for The App Whisperer features images of orchids captured with an iPhone 5 from the annual Orchid Festival at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden along with my early images captured with my first iPhone, a 3Gs. It is fitting because Orchids were all I shot for months using Hipstamatic when I first started using an iPhone. In 2010 my brother gave me several cases for the iPhone 3GS and one day I decided to try a Griffin case with a magnification lens built in that you could slide over the lens. From that day on I was hooked! The case never left the 3Gs. It reawakened my passion for capturing close ups of Orchids with a camera so small and that was always with me and an app so cool, Hipstamatic, I didn’t even want to explore the world of apps until 3 – 4 months later. To this day, many of my images begin with Hipstamatic. Unfortunately, Griffin has never made another case like that for the iPhone 4 or 5.
Apps used in this series are: Hipstamatic, Blur fx, Snapseed, Blender, Vintage, fxPhotostudio
Enjoy the Orchid Slide Show!
Information about Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden can be found here:

One Comment
What beautiful images! Thanks for brightening up my whole morning and showing what a great job a phone can do on macro shots.