Streets Ahead – Twenty Fifth Edition
Welcome to the twenty fifth edition of “Streets Ahead,” a weekly column dedicated to women mobile street photographers.
Each week we review and curate work that was submitted to our Flickr Group. In addition to creating a showcase video which features a sampling of submitted work, we also highlight a few images that caught our attention… offering some thoughtful commentary about technique, composition, and subject matter.
If you are not a member of our Facebook group… we highly recommend that you join us! This is our space for sharing newsworthy information and conducting discussions (what, when, where, why and how) about Women Photographers/Artists and Street Photography, in general.
So, if you are a woman street photographer, please join our growing community… I’m sure that you will agree that we are a very enthusiastic and supportive group of women!!
• Flickr Group (for weekly showcase submissions)
• Facebook Group (for information sharing/discussions)
Hope you enjoy this week’s showcase…
“Bollywood Demo” by Cecily Mariece Caceu (cecilyc123)

This image is just full of fun. I love that Cecily has caught the guy doing the demo in mid step, with his arms up – if you are familiar with the typical Bollywood dance moves, you can just imagine what is to follow. Most of the adults have big smiles on their faces – they obviously get a lot of joy out of taking part, and I love the expressions on the faces of the kids, who are just trying so hard to concentrate and follow. They seem to take it far more seriously than the adults. The little one in the left hand corner isn’t quite sure, but seems to be looking at Mr Bollywood with a mixture of awe and bewilderment. I wish I could have been there to watch it unfold! I bet it was a good laugh!
“Untitled” by Christine Mignon

If looks could kill Christine, I think you would have seriously been floored here! The humour in the image is that although she seems to have caught Christine taking a photo and is giving her a super stern look, she looks very comical as her hair has been swept across her face and it looks like she has a giant mustache that has been carefully groomed to sit there. It made me laugh when I saw the photo. Well captured Christine!
“Tired of the party” by Gina Cost (gcosta9)

Good title – the two little girls are in their own world, seemingly bored of being with the adults. They have found refuge in the garden outside while the adults are inside engaged in conversation. I like the focus on the little girls sitting on the wooden bench, with their feet not quite touching the ground. The lines of the windows and the lines of the wall above the windows creates a nice pattern in the background. I like that there is a frame within a frame. The outside frame being the border of the whole image and the inside frame being the window, which gives us a glimpse of the party going on inside. One has a sense from the absence of other children the picture that this is a party for adults. The sepia tones give the image a nice warmth.
“Waiting room” Sevinc Rende (SRende)

One can’t help but wonder what they are waiting for… is it a doctor’s surgery, a government agency of sorts, or a bank? No one seems particularly happy. It is interesting that the people seem to be a mixture of ages, from the young lady on the left to the elderly looking women on the right. And then there is the man in the centre. One wonders what the story is behind each person as they seem to all be from different walks of life. An intriguing shot.
“Night Rider” by Liz Traynor (Ferguscat1)

I love the painterly, grainy feel to this image. Liz has caught the girl on the bicycle at just the right moment, with a little bit of shadow within the frame on the left. I love the blurriness of the background, with the rays of light giving a sense of the movement. She seems to be traveling out of the shadows and in to the light. Very nice.
“It’s a jungle on the tube” by WitChi Wotcha

Another great title… The tube can be a bit of a jungle and very chaotic, especially at rush hour, but in this case, there is of course a double entendre, referring to the lady’s sense of style – everything from tip to toe is a jungle theme with the leopard spots. Perfect processing and I like that we can’t see her face. So the focus is totally on her outfit. I like the juxtaposition of the checkered pattern of the seat against the leopard pattern of her dress. Nicely seen!
One Comment
Tracy Mitchell Griggs
Congrats to all of the talented women streeties – always enjoy the arm chair tourist aspect of viewing each week’s selection. Makes my feet itchy 🙂