Streets Ahead – Challenge 7 – Steal a Moment
Welcome to the showcase for our seventh challenge ‘Steal a Moment’. The objective of these challenges is to help us collectively practice and perhaps learn some new techniques. Each challenge will be based either on a shooting technique or perhaps a theme. We announced this challenge within our Streets Ahead Facebook group and it features fabulous mobile photography taken on the street using frames such as windows and doorways to create a ‘frame within a frame’.
We would like Streets Ahead to be and interactive group, and for members to try to participate in the challenges.
If you are a woman street photographer, please join our growing community (see links below).
With many congratulations to Armineh Hovanesian, Dani Salvadori, Gina Costa, Giulia Baita, Lee Atwell, Christine Mignon, Cara Gallardo Weil, Elaine Taylor, Grace Brignolle, Louise Whiting, Nicki Fitz-Gerald, Stef LePape, Basak Aytek and Vivi Hanson Sacredote for being featured this time.
Flickr Group (for weekly showcase submissions)
Flickr Challenge Group (this is a social group to enter your images for our Challenges)
Facebook Group (for information sharing/discussions)
The showcase video has been curated and created by Cara Gallardo Weil and the commentary by Gina Costa, enjoy!
Basak Aytek
This capture may be one of the most surprising of this showcase. That is because I initially believed the man was kissing another man. On closer inspection, it may be a woman, as there seems to be a handbag on his/her lap. The expression of the woman standing suggests a level of irritation or impatience. This capture truly “steals a moment”, but requires a second look!
Nicki FitzGerald
This beautifully composed, tightly focused shot, brings us right into the immediate space of this gentleman as he enjoys his cigarette. Does he notice we are watching him, does he care if we do? Nicki’s deft compositional arrangement – simple horizontal accents punctuated by the vertical cane and bench legs give the capture an uncluttered feel, preventing any distraction from the central “action” of the shot.
Louise Whiting
What a wonderful moment Louise was quick enough to capture! Not only are we brought into this intimate moment between two lovers, but Louise also composes the shot with great skill. Notice the arrangement of the lovers in the right third of the frame, while the diagonal of the rail leads our eye toward the couple. The left third of the shot allows our eye to reach back, beyond the foreground action, to the sea and outcrop in the background. Notice the boat that travels in a line parallel to the rail. Keen eye Louise!
Streets Ahead Flickr Group Showcase