iOS Mobile Photography Video App Tutorial: iColorama Procedural: Bottled by Jerry Jobe
We are delighted to publish this fantastic video tutorial on the uber popular iColorama app. Jerry Jobe runs through some great options to help you get the most out of this app. Over to you Jerry, (foreword by Joanne Carter).
iColorama retails for $2.99/£1.99 and you can download it here.
iColorama is an app that thrives on experimentation. You see an effect and think to yourself. “How can I do that in iColorama?” Or you stumble upon an effect you haven’t tried before and think, “How can I use that?” It was a combination of those two questions that led to the image I will be recreating in the video tutorial today. The image is called “Bottled”.
The resulting video, which uses in the neighborhood of twenty different options, runs just over 17 minutes. I realize that will be too long for many of you, but believe me – there’s a lot going on and I fly through it.
Please let me know if you have any questions about the techniques used. Enjoy!

Carolyn Hall Young
Thank you Jerry! I appreciate the time and care you put into these. Your tutorials are always valuable.
My favorite app by far… Thank you for this!