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APPart Mini – Featuring Mobile Artist Michael “Bonabo” Stone

Please enjoy our second post to our new section within our APPart Column entitled – APPart Mini. This time our editor Bobbi McMurry talks with Michael ‘Bonabo’ Stone to find out more about his work, over to you Bobbi. (Foreword by Joanne Carter).

Apps: FingerCrop, Union, Repix, Glaze, DXP, Vintage Scene

For our second AppArt Mini, I’ve selected a fabulous photo collage created by Michael “Bonobo” Stone who created this piece in a manner that retained the look of traditional collage (those created pre-digital). He is a fan of some of the all-time greats, Hannah Hoch, Jesse Treece, and Joseph Cornell.

The very nature of collage can open up a huge can of worms in regard to copyright laws. The vast sharing of imagery on the web, the collaborations we do, and the ease with which we are able to download other artist’s work has made this an even more sensitive topic. To me, the bottom line is this, create your own work, if you do incorporate someone else’s image into your own, you need prior permission to do so, and you need to give the originator credit.

The shirt in Michael’s piece was “appropriated” from one of my favorite artist’s Rogelio Manzo. Michael did the right thing here by asking Rogelio’s permission – which was granted. We’ve included Manzo’s piece here so that you can see how Michael has incorporated the shirt and made it his own.

A little sidenote: Manzo thought Michael’s final image was great  who knows where that might lead?

Bonobo Stone:

When I began shaping, where Collage, Photography and Painting meet my objective wasn’t to disguise a finished tableau that could pass either as a photo or a painting. I wanted the viewer to see the process in the work, to showcase the digital tools that I use and how truly unique the digital medium is.

In my humble opinion, mobile art is the ultimate mixed media hybrid. It’s essentially a sophisticated form of finger-painting. No studio is required. The only tool I need is the iPod Touch I carry around in my pocket!

To me mobile artists are part of an evolutionary leap in collage. The apps on my mobile device are the scissors and glue that make my work possible.  During the construction ofWhere Collage Photography and Painting Meetthe apps I employed included:FingerCrop- for cutting and pasting – Union -to double expose images – Repix -to add painterly effects -Glaze – for texture -DXP -to create blends – andVintage Scene -to create a distinct photographic feel.


Manzo image used for shirt

©Rogelio Manzo

Where Collage Photography and Painting Meet

©Rogelio Manzo – ‘intervened’ by M J Stone

Michael Stone

Correspondence confirming copyright sharing approval

Bobbi McMurry received her BFA from Arizona State University where she focused on painting, drawing, and printmaking. After graduating, she spent many years as an Art Director for custom and newsstand magazines. She has recently rekindled her passion for creating personal images and has gravitated to the world of mobile art. Her work has been accepted into numerous juried exhibitions, and has been recognized in mobile art competitions including The Third Wave and the Mobile Photo Awards. Additionaly, her work is part of the current iPhonic Art Exhibit at Markham Vinyards in California. She has been featured on mobile photography blogs, and recently became a columnist for The App Whisperer. Bobbi lives and works in Phoenix, Arizona.

One Comment

  • Diana Nicholette Jeon

    I am having a really difficult time following this. MIchael, could you detail the steps further in creating this image?