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AppArt Mini #4 Featuring Mobile Artist Deborah McMillion “I Love A Mystery”

Please enjoy our fourth post to our new section within our APPart Column entitled – APPart Mini. This time our editor Bobbi McMurry talks with Deborah McMillion to find out more about her work, over to you Bobbi. (Foreword by Joanne Carter).


Apps: Sketchbook, Formulas, PhotoWizard, Alien Sky, Paper 53

Contact Details for Deborah McMillion:




Deborah McMillion


Bobbi:  “It’s impossible to mistake Deborah’s work for that of someone else. Her surreal images are always interesting with stories that often don’t seem to make sense, so you crawl inside and spend some time exploring her narrative. Whether or not you “figure it out” is irrelevant, you likely find your own story and enjoy yourself in the process.

Deborah has shared several of her intermediary images revealing her personal exploration in creating this piece. She’s changed the elements included, modified the background, and refined the various pieces of the drawings as she goes along. I know you’ll enjoy seeing how this wonderful work evolved”.

Image ©Deborah McMillion


Deborah: I collect “folders” of individually isolated figures, animals, plants, clocks, etc. once it’s painted it is saved. Sometimes these things never fit; often they get repeated because stories are continued. I have 12 tulle skirts blowing around and quite a few anchovies.

Since I illustrate dream fragments these symbols and icons work as my dream language. Sometimes all I have of the fragment is a scene and a strong emotion. It’s these really evocative feelings I love – the heavy Portent and a whimsical scenario. For me that’s Surrealism. “I Love A Mystery” is centered on the two figures in tulle skirts. I then move images in and out until the piece comes together”.


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TheAppWhisperer has always had a dual mission: to promote the most talented mobile artists of the day and to support ambitious, inquisitive viewers the world over. As the years passTheAppWhisperer has gained readers and viewers and found new venues for that exchange.

All this work thrives with the support of our community.

Please consider making a donation to TheAppWhisperer as this New Year commences because your support helps protect our independence and it means we can keep delivering the promotion of mobile artists that’s open for everyone around the world. Every contribution, however big or small, is so valuable for our future.

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Bobbi McMurry received her BFA from Arizona State University where she focused on painting, drawing, and printmaking. After graduating, she spent many years as an Art Director for custom and newsstand magazines. She has recently rekindled her passion for creating personal images and has gravitated to the world of mobile art. Her work has been accepted into numerous juried exhibitions, and has been recognized in mobile art competitions including The Third Wave and the Mobile Photo Awards. Additionaly, her work is part of the current iPhonic Art Exhibit at Markham Vinyards in California. She has been featured on mobile photography blogs, and recently became a columnist for The App Whisperer. Bobbi lives and works in Phoenix, Arizona.

One Comment

  • Deborah McMillion

    Thanks so much, Bobbi, this was a really nice introduction into my world. You gave me my voice as well as lending yours. And without either of us us over explaining so others can find theirs. Perfect.