Mobile Photography / Art Tutorial – iColorama Procedural: Studies of a Brush Tip
We are delighted to publish Jerry Jobe’s latest mobile photography/art video tutorial for our viewing pleasure. This time Jobe shares with us some really great brush tips in iColorama. Take it away Jerry…
iColorama retails for $2.99/£1.99 and you can download it here
“I created a piece in iColorama the other day that used a variety of techniques. It started simply – just a background and a single dab with a brush tip on a mask. These kinds of works, the ones that use variations on a single theme, are valuable to teach these multiple techniques. So here’s a 10-minute lesson on how I came up with this work, which I entitled “Studies of a Brush Tip”.

I apologize for the fact I had to speak so rapidly to get everything in, but I cover a lot in these ten minutes. Nevertheless, you should be able to follow along as long as you pause frequently.
Here’s the end result of the video.
Until next time, enjoy!

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