Weekend of Mobile Photography/Art with Alexis Rotella
Last weekend you may recall that we posted our second in a new series of articles entitled ‘Weekend of Mobile Photography/Art‘. That one was with Fiona Christian, our first was with Jerry Jobe and this weekend Alexis Rotella tells all! Take a look…
All images ©Alexis Rotella
“My schedule is not 9-5, five days a week, with the weekend off. I’m a licensed acupuncturist who often sees patients on Saturdays, so there’s no set time where I do mobile art. Especially during the winter months, I am not tooling around town in Annapolis, Maryland. But when I go grocery shopping, I’m always on the lookout for flowers to work with”.

“I have a big house to take care of as well as a large yard. I recently started the Paleo diet which requires careful planning of meals. Much of my time, for the past 50+years has been dedicated to writing and editing Japanese poetry forms in English. I take my writing seriously. But I also love mobile art and it brings me such pleasure to turn over the reins to the Muse”.

“On Saturday nights and Sundays especially, I read novels, poetry, nonfiction. I watch Netflix as well as old movies. I am curious about so many things. I have more questions than answers. I believe who I am as a person comes out in my art and though I don’t always like what appears on the screen, each piece of mobile art teaches me something. I spend hours every week looking at the work of other artists, mobile artists as well as modern painters and the old masters. I think when I die what I will miss most is my iPhone!”

“Every night my husband and I turn on the news and while I listen to what’s going on in this crazy world, I have my iPad Pro on my lap and get lost in the editing process. Perhaps the tulips I photographed earlier in the day want to speak in a new unspeakable language, or maybe a photo from the Web wants to be recycled into something unrecognisable. Maybe I’ll play with the Diana App and see what images want to marry each other. Or I might download a new app just for kicks and be disappointed or delighted. It’s all about going with the flow, not getting too attached to any image, but falling in love with the one that hasn’t happened yet, whether it be the weekend or a Monday morning while lingering in bed”.

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