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Mobile Art and Photography That Has Influenced Me – Interview with Bonobo Stone from Montreal, Quebec, Canada

We are delighted to bring you the fifteenth in our brand new Mobile Art and Photography that has Influenced Me series of interviews at TheAppWhispererWithin this series, we contact well established and highly regarded mobile photographers and artists and ask them a sequence of questions. Each one relates to mobile art and photography that has inveigled and continues to impact them, by other mobile artists throughout the world. Our fifteenth interview is with Bonobo Stone from Canada, enjoy!

In this interview, Stone cites work by: Robin Cohen, Jack Barnosky, Meikel A Church, Roger Guetta, Helen Breznik, Eleni Gemeni, Eliza Badoiu, Juta Jazz, Diana Nicholette Jeon, Patricia Januszkiewicz and Kristie Benoit.

To read others in this series please go here.

(foreword by Joanne Carter)

“Before I start, I would like to express profound thanks to Joanne for the opportunity to give a nod of appreciation to the artists who continue to influence me”  


The image that is currently in the forefront of my mind

This photo by Robin Cohen blows my mind.  It is absolutely gorgeous, and I never tire of staring at.

©Robin Cohen

The image that changed my life

I love the stylised photography of Jack Barnosky. Rather than a single image, I would say his oeuvre has profoundly influenced me. His work makes me appreciate the power of editing.

©Jack Barnosky

The image I wish I had created

At heart, I am a collage artist. But Meikel S Church is a master of the medium. I am always impressed by his profound efforts. Ergo, I am envious.

©Meikel S Church

Artwork that has influenced my art

I owe a huge debt of gratitude to fellow Montrealer, Roger Guetta. Before I met Roger, I was oblivious regarding sites like TheAppWhisperer, online. He turned me on to Joanne, and numerous other digital artists. Even better, he is a fantastic creative force who has influenced my artistry and appreciation for mobile photography.

©Roger Guetta

The image that is the most underrated

I am not sure the work of Helen Breznik is underrated.  But certainly, her work is worthy of wider appreciation. Her style absolutely appeals to my aesthetic.

©Helen Breznik

The image that changed my mind

Rather than changed my mind, I would say this image, by Eliza Badoiu, opened my mind.  I find the editing superb!

©Eliza Badoiu

The most recent image that made me smile

How can you not smile when you gaze upon this masterpiece, by Eleni Gemeni?

©Eleni Gemeni

The most recent image that me sad

I think it is a sign of an incredible talent when an artist creates something that is both tragic and beautiful simultaneously. This image by Juta Jazz does just that. I find it breathtaking!

©Juta Jazz

My comfort images

There is something playful about the visual works of Diana Nicholette Jeon. I love her stylised tableaus very much; they appeal directly to my heart.

©Diana Nicholette Jeon

The image I would most like to give as a gift

I would love to have a signed Patricia Januszkiewicz hanging on one of the walls of my home.  So naturally, her art would make an ideal gift!

©Patricia Januszkiewicz

My Earliest Artistic Memory

Kristie Benoit was one of the first digital artists I discovered online. Her work continues to resonate in me to this day. She is an enormous talent worthy of attention and praise.

©Kristie Benoit

Contact Details for Bonobo Stone

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