Mobile Art and Photography That Has Influenced Me – Interview with Ile Mont from Mexico City
We are delighted to bring you the seventeenth in our brand new Mobile Art and Photography that has Influenced Me series of interviews at TheAppWhisperer. Within this series, we contact well established and highly regarded mobile photographers and artists and ask them a sequence of questions. Each one relates to mobile art and photography that has inveigled and continues to impact them, by other mobile artists throughout the world. Our seventeenth interview is with our incredibly talented Portrait of an Artist Editor, Ile Mont from Mexico City, enjoy!
In this interview, Mont cites work by: @gaguchi, Oola Cristina, Brendan O Se, Bobbi McMurry, Cynthia Haynes, Lorenka Campos, HappyDaysFactory, Clint Cline, Mark Fearnley and Eliza Badoiu.
To read others in this series please go here.
(foreword by Joanne Carter)
The Image That Is Currently In The Forefront Of My Mind
Is an image from April 28, 2011.The author was a very young man that called himself The Red Barn artist, you can still can see his account at Instagram @gaguchi. He was sadly taken away so young in a car accident. Tragic. But his work gave a whole new meaning to photography for me. He could look beyond an empty square and fill it with dynamism and imagination. He could see beyond the grid and make it so unique and powerful. He died in the middle of a huge project that we will never see, but he showed a lot of us to think always further and to keep pushing the limits.

The Image That Is Currently in the Forefront of my Mind
Is a self portrait from Eliza Badoiu @elizabadoiu from sometime ago. Is one of those pictures you just can’t forget. It made a very lasting impression on me. The palette is mysterious and romantic, the elements around her, very intriguing and beautiful.

The Image I Wish I Had Created
Is a collage by @oolacristina entitled ‘How to make a shoe print dress’, which I find fascinating, beautiful and fun. I wish I could envision this kind of worlds more often. I immediately felt like a character who so wished to be immersed in that image. The ambiance, the colours and the mood are so appealing.

Artwork That Has Influenced My Art
Is the work of @brendan.o.se. Street photography at its best. I find his work very inspiring, whether it is a straight black and white image or a beautiful blurred piece. I find his photography figurative, bold and always experimental. I would love if I could do an instameet with him one day.

The Image That Is The Most Underrated
Is one by Bobbi McMurry @sugarama, about a door in Tuscany. It is is so artistic and rich I can’t believe it only has 82 likes. I am convinced such mastery to work shapes, color and apps deserves much. Much more.

The Image That Changed My Mind
Is one from Cynthia Haynes @cynthiahaynes on IG. From Jodhpurs, India. She captured such a special moment. This image absolutely convinced me about the richness of poetic, soft, tender images.

The Most Recent Image That Made Me Smile
Is a very simple and pretty image from @happydaysfactory Which reminded me of the simple pleasures of life. I also love swings so much.

The Most Recent Image That Me Sad
It is not that recent. It is an image from Lorenka Campos @lorenka, from November 2016 entitled ‘How dare the world keep spinning’. It is a very sad self portrait that I can’t forget. It depicts, I think, the biggest sadness of all.

My Comfort Images
Those are the ones of Clint Cline @clixit2020. I just love what he comes up with every day. His palettes and images smooth my spirit and really comfort me. He has developed a very unique and particular style. I keep returning to his feed regularly.

The Image I Would Most Like To Give As A Gift
Is one of Mark Fearnley @mark.fearnley. I wish I could take those brilliant black and white images. He has such a great eye and mastery: perfectly composed and edited, elegant, pictures. Very sharp and clean style.

hello again…
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