Mobile Photography & Art Showcase – 27 June 2021
To nourish our souls we must become familiar with emotional honesty as a term, as well as a reality, we should all embrace it if we want to experience anything but raw emotional tinnitus. This weeks mobile photography and art showcase is an act of love. It represents life with all the intricate layers it tells. Fiercely intelligent, honest and entertaining this is a very satisfying immersion with close emotional focus at its heart of mobile photography and art, making it one of the most gripping showcases we have published. Enjoy! If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art flickr…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 4 April 2021
“The feelings of desperation and unhappinness are more useful to an artist than the feeling of contentment, because desperation and unhappinness stretch your whole sensibility”. A quote by Francis Bacon but one I disagree with. Rufus Wainwright once admitted that he was terrified to settle down into a happy relationship, because without the emotional drama that came from all those dysfunctional love affairs, he was afraid of losing access to ‘that dark lake of pain’ he felt was critical to his music. I disagree that we should all be addicted to suffering, we need to be able to trust pleasure and utilise it to help create art. Too many artists…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 28 March 2021
This weeks mobile photography and art showcase features supreme images, ones that unpeel themselves more as we look. The sheer range of these artists’ works exemplifies what we already know, describing these works as spectacular would be true, but an understatment. Enjoy! Thank you to all the talented artists for submitting your works to our showcase this week. If you would like your work to be considered for entry in to our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. You can also submit images to our Instagram tag for this section #theappwhisperer. @realityfragments, Eliza Badoiu, csallquist, @hipstanitaelle – Anita Elle, @christineobrienart, Catherine Caddigan, @sengulbekmez, @myfineheartworks,…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 21 February 2021
With incredulous timing, Robin Dunbar’s latest book ‘Friends: Understanding the Power of our Most Important Relationships‘ has been published, when so many of us are experiencing acute loneliness. In the United Kingdom, we are still under the strictest lockdown rules and many of us are shielding too, signifying we cannot leave our properties, at all. We are craving human contact with our friends and families and we worry if they or ourselves will end up being just another sad statistic on the news. Dunbar’s book helps us to understand how physical friendships, whether romantic or platonic activate our endorphin system, nourishing our bodies and our brains. Without its release, we…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 14 February 2021
This weeks it is my pleasure to lavish you with love within our showcase, not that we need it to be Valentine’s Day to do so, but it is rather apt that it is. Who would have thought we would have had such a tumultuous year, when we look back? Having lost my liberty for the best part of twelve months being rather forcibly placed within the ‘extremely clinically vulnerable‘ group of patients, I’ve now discovered I am suffering from a ‘survivor’s guilt’ of sorts having received my Covid-19 vaccination earlier this week. I have and am surrounded by my three ‘children’, albeit the youngest is on the cusp of…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 7 February 2021
We are all aware life has changed and we can no longer travel or even linger when exercising however, we always have our imagination and of course Google to help us out. Random Street View allows you to teleport to over ten million miles on earth via working in tandem with Google Street View. You can select a country and randomly view where you have navigated to or just let it select a country for you too to explore. So far this morning, I’ve enjoyed sharing the beach on Hong Kong with a couple of brave sports and then I thought I’d visit the US and found myself at 2469-2481…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 29 July 2018
Just as a tailor sews secret messages into garments, the wise will know that everything that I do always has more than one purpose, reason and meaning. There’s not one interview, article or showcase that doesn’t reflect this throughout TheAppWhisperer. My mind works in a multitasking constant, when viewing each Mobile Photography Showcase, as well as the order of the works, the music serves as a complement and also adds a surrogate meaning, to another event, always directed towards a chic other. And what you’ll notice from the swooning imagery in this weeks showcase, is a oedipal gothic romance, layered and layered with depth. It’s a tale of young cherished…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 29 April 2018
It has been said (‘Teenagers: A Natural History’: David Bainbridge, 2010) that teenage years are to develop the brain and as such they are the greatest achievement of evolution – the point where all that is special about our species comes into play. For parents of teenagers, it’s our job to look after them while they are incubating their extraordinary craniums. “Adolescence is the reason we live so long, long, long,” says Bainbridge. “Human longevity has evolved because we need to bring up our intensely supported, slowly developing offspring.” And that’s of course intensely important, being a parent at this stage is a constant negotiation between keeping them safe and…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 11 February 2018
I am not one to read lonely hearts ad’s per se, however I do love history and found myself pre Valentine’s wondering when the first lonely hearts ad may have been written. I think I found it, in 1695 a ‘gentleman about 30 years of age’ placed at least one of the first recorded lonely hearts ad’s and he was seeking ‘some good young gentlewoman that has a Fortune of 3000 l. or thereabout’. £3k is equal to around £260k ($340k) today. This chap had his eyes set on more than love it’s plain to see, no second guessing needed with this guy… I turn again and again to ‘The…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 28 January 2018
Luminous throughout, this weeks Mobile Photography and Art Showcase is essential to your weekend viewing, smacking of indulgence but then as artists, viewing art, can never been seen as overindulgence, it’s the intensity of these pleasures that raise not only our emotional temperature but our physical temperature too. There’s plenty of heat in this showcase of desire, a hybrid of art, music and cinematic crowning climax. The presentation is elegant and dynamic enough as a form of expressive choreography, high voltage moments blended with reflective contemplation, suggesting there’s much at stake, enjoy! Thank you to all artists for submitting your works. If you would like your work to be considered…