Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 15 November 2020
Developing an impregnable sense of self confidence should be the basis for a contented life but however, it is often the first stumbling block. Artists’ falter more than many professions with this, perhaps not so much as comedians, both occupations involve risks but without taking them, we cannot grow. Self-acceptance should never be elusive, it should be something we spend time on encouraging in ourselves as well as honouring in others, never losing the former. Eventually this Covid-cloud we are all living beneath will pass over, but whilst it is still here, its more important than ever to be gentle with our handling of ourselves and with each other. Increased…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 10 November 2019
Many people write to me each week and I love it. Sometimes, I am asked for advice, sometimes I’m asked about me. This week a few times, it was mostly the latter. I was asked, ‘how do you keep coming up with ideas?’, ‘where do they generate from?‘ and then ‘how do you deal with a creative rut?‘. I think the latter was the hardest because the first two I answered with ‘I’m constantly gathering ideas, things that I see each day, people I meet, observations that I make, judgements (I hate to say), but they all encapsulate and become the images and ideas that I’ve been having for the…
Mobile Photography/Art Pic of the Day (1,148) via Instagram
Here’s day one thousand, one hundred and forty eight of our mobile photography/art Pic of the Day section via Instagram. Each day we select one image a day for our Pic of the Day section on Instagram, with this hashtag #theappwhisperer. Today, we congratulate @janacurcio – Jana Curcio with this image entitled ‘Belaya Vorona: The White Crow Series- “Hope and fear cannot occupy the same space. Invite one to stay”- Maya Angelou. To ensure your image receives our attention, please upload it to Instagram with this hashtag #theappwhisperer. To view more of her work, please go here
12th Julia Margaret Cameron Award – Results Announced
The Photography Gala Awards, with the sponsorship of the Biennial of Fine Art & Documentary Photography invited women photographers worldwide to submit images to the Twelfth Edition of The Julia Margaret Cameron Award. This Award is open to women photographers working in all mediums, styles and schools of thought. Traditional, contemporary, avant-garde, creative and experimental works that include old and new processes, mixed techniques, and challenging personal, emotional or political statements are welcomed. In this 12th edition of the Julia Margaret Cameron Award, a total of 760 photographers from 72 countries submitted 5,800 photographs for consideration of the jurors Julia Fullerton-Batten, Andrea Star-Reese and Laura Pannack. Natalie Lennard was selected…
Mobile Photography Awards Seventh Annual Awards – Results!
We’re delighted to reveal that the Mobile Photography Awards (MPA) 2017 Results have now been announced. As always we (I speak as a member of the Jury) were succumbed by the wealth of talent displayed across our screens. We’ve had more entries to this competition than ever before and the quality of submissions has been totally outstanding across all the categories. Personally, it was an honour for me to be asked to be a key member of this jury for the 7th consecutive year by founder of the Mobile Photography Awards, Daniel Berman and also to serve with James Bacchi, Anette Schutz, Giles Clarke, Evgeny Tchebotarev, Brendan O Se, Susannah…