Mobile Photography & Art – Showcase 7 March 2022
This week week have remained in contact with Teresita Alonso Garit, developer of the hugely popular app, iColorama who has been fleeing Ukraine. She is now safe in Poland but naturally exhausted and desperately worried about her family, some of whom are not with her. We continue to pray and hope. So many people have asked me how they can help and I will add a link here to do so, if you wish. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr showcase, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. Alternatively if you’re an Instagram user just tag your images with…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 9 January 2022
I like to create targets for myself, that way, it helps me to keep on schedule and achieve what I intend to do. For so long, I’ve been reading one book a week and by doing so, it allows me to travel, throughout the world, there’s a sense of freedom I experience with each page turned. This week I’ve been reading a novel about economic migrancy, called The Road Home. A subject we’re all aware of but so often ignore. The author Rose Tremain tackles the issues brilliantly. The main character, Lev is 42 and has left his Russian home following the recent death of his beloved wife from leukemia…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 7 March 2021
Reminiscing about touch… can you recall when you last touched someone that does not live with you? I can, it was when the brunette and I were in ‘our’ secretive riverside café eating home-made cakes and drinking freshly brewed cappuccinos. Chocolate cake for the chocoholic and carrot cake for myself. The staff are also the owners of this café and a mutual embrace is the norm for their regulars. It leaves an inner glow that lasts long after the visit is over, usually into the following week for me. But like all ‘non essential’ businesses in this pandemic, it has been closed for a year now. This is resulting in…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 7 February 2021
We are all aware life has changed and we can no longer travel or even linger when exercising however, we always have our imagination and of course Google to help us out. Random Street View allows you to teleport to over ten million miles on earth via working in tandem with Google Street View. You can select a country and randomly view where you have navigated to or just let it select a country for you too to explore. So far this morning, I’ve enjoyed sharing the beach on Hong Kong with a couple of brave sports and then I thought I’d visit the US and found myself at 2469-2481…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 13 January 2019
Sometimes, when reading a book, visually I am often sped far away to artwork that has touched me . Such is the case with an unpredictable tale of passion and pianos set in 1880’s France and Russia that I am currently reading. Love is Blind is the 15th novel by one of my favourite authors, William Boyd. There’s more to this book than an ‘historical travelogue-cum-romance’, not that I have a problem with that. It’s beautufully written, deeply humane, entirely engaging and frequently humorous, what more could I ask? And when reading it, I frequently envision ‘The Lovers’ by Magritte. As you may know, two lovers are pictured trying to…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Showcase – 15 April 2017
“Mercy is radical kindness. Mercy means offering or being offered aid in desperate straits. Mercy is not deserved. It involves forgiving the debt, absolving the unabsolvable. Mercy brings us to the miracle of apology, given and accepted, to unashamed humility when we have erred or forgotten”. This is a quotation from a new book I have been reading this week by Anne Lamott. I have several of her books and enjoy reading them over and over, this one entitled ‘Hallelujah Anyway’, is just perfect for Easter Day and for our Mobile Photography & Art showcase. You see, mobile imagery is created by some of the most wonderful artists, living today,…
Grand Flickr Group Showcase of 2016 – TheAppWhisperer – Mobile Photography and Art
I had intended to publish our 2016 Grand Flickr Group Showcase of Mobile Photography and Art on Christmas Day this year. I had prepared most of it ahead of time and was relatively well organised to go live on 25 December. However, events took a turn for the worse and as I awoke after a thoroughly turbulent night on the morning of 24 December, I picked up my phone and saw a Facebook message coming through from a friend expressing how sorry she was for the loss of Carolyn Hall Young a few hours before. For a few moments, I thought I was still in the midst of the wretched…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 18 December 2016
“Yet in order to do almost anything, you have to act against the gravity of grief. It is heavy, it pulls you down, and you have to make a deliberate effort to overcome it. You have to decide that you won’t fall”. Wise words spoken by Israeli author David Grossman in a recent interview. So many in the world are grieving right now and we have to find ways to cope with this. To creatives, it is through art and this weeks mobile photography and art showcase is filled with brilliant images, a translation of artists emotions, is how I like to understand them. Each image has been created with…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 10 July 2016
I need to tell you this, “your mobile photography and art is a gift, you are all highly intelligent story tellers. Your art posses the charm to embed itself into all who view it, into their psyche“. This is what originally motiviated and attracted me and it continues to do so, your imagery. “We also have a beautiful community, this is hugely motivating and rewarding to all. This weeks showcase of your art, is a symphony of passion, insatiable longing with unquenchable desire to to learn more. A burst of brilliance explosive, sparkling touch, the climax is like no other. Enjoy!“ If you would like your work to be considered for…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 29 May 2016
This weeks mobile photography and art flickr group showcase can be described as ‘a passionate romp through a seductive romance’. As you watch and listen you will notice how it gathers pace and its multi-stranded epic qualities tempt and hook you in. Enjoy, liberties are here for the taking. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art flickr group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. If you would like to view our previous Flickr Group Showcases (please go here). Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week: jillian2, Cristina Rossi, Jun Yamaguchi, Roy Savoy, Hotel…