Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Showcase – 21 May 2017
Have you ever written or received a hand written love letter? I grew up writing and reading letters, they were an important part of life. The letters I received were mostly not from other English loves but from elsewhere around the world. Could it be the French, Spanish, Italian, Americans are more romantic? Or could it be that corresponding with people in other counties created greater infatuation? It’s far quicker and easier to breeze through an email but it never feels the same, as receiving a scented handwritten letter. Nostalgia about letter writing is nothing new. Whenever a cultural form starts to die, people start celebrating it, think vinyl records, polaroid photographs, 35 mm film. Scent is a crucially important sense in humans, darkroom smells are omnipresent with me. It’s not a fetish but what is it? What do we all hanker for? It’s love, Erich Fromm expressed “Modern man thinks he loses something – time – when he does not do things quickly. Yet he does not know what to do with the time he gains, except kill it” and it’s true. Whilst ‘saving’ time, give what you gain to your loves, grow your love, develop it and share it. Art, writing, painting, photographing, making love, teaches us to be more than just towards ourselves as we endeavour to make the best of our circumstances. Keep forever in mind the real ingredients of fulfilment, do not lose sight of the value of everything that is to hand. Trust more in your ideas and feelings than objects. Above all, remember to love and to care. Enjoy the beauty of existence. Have courage, to keep loving, you’ll never regret loving and being loved.
If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art flickr group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. If you would like to view our previous Flickr Group Showcases (please go here).
Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week:
Mariette Schrijver, Clint Cline, Jun Yamaguchi, Lorenka Campos, Hotel Midnight – Deborah McMillion, Paul Yan, borisbschulz2009, Isabel Afonso, Giancarlo Beltrame, Shel Serkin, Tania Konnerth, Poetic Medium, Hanni K, Clare Pickett, Marguerite Khoury, Gianluca Ricoveri, Sandra Becker, columnsovsleep, Robin Robertis, Damian De Souza, Ryan Vaarsi, Luis Fernandez, Alegremartin, David DeNagel, Susan Rennie, Kate Zari Roberts, Jillian2 – Jill Lian, Eliza Badoiu, Dominique Torrent, Karen Axelrad, Luc Borell, TheiPhoneArtGirl – Meri Walker, Tricia Dewey, Jeronimo Sanz, Julia Nathanson, Gergely Hando, Armineh Hovaneisan, Brett Chenoweth, before.1st.light – Jane Schultz, Roger Guetta.
Untitled ©Robin Robertis

Flickr Group Showcase
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One Comment
Hanni K.
Beautiful Showcase this week! Thank you for lighting up my evening, Joanne!