Mobile Photography – New Year Resolutions 2015 From Around The World – Part 1 – TheAppWhisperer
At the beginning of the year it’s traditional to make a promise to oneself to improve in some way, this could be to improve finances, improve education, improve mental health, improve physical health and so on.
We decided to speak with mobile photographers to find out what their New Year Resolutions for 2015 are. We have communicated with over 140 people for this article, we would love to include everyone, but we simply can’t, we’d never finish. So please don’t be upset if you’re not in this article, you have not been forgotten, we’re very aware of who you are and will be making a huge effort to include you within our other articles in the near future.
We hope you enjoy this and find it inspiring, we certainly do – this is Part 1, to read Part 2, go here.
Jennifer Sharpe
When I first started using my iPhone to take and edit pictures and video, I never thought of what I made as “mobile photography/video” or “mobile art” or “iphoneography.” Rather, I thought of what I made as art created with yet another digital tool (in addition to “proper” digital cameras and “proper” editing on desktop software). So, this year, after I felt comfortable with what I can make on my iPhone, I started using any and all the digital tools I have to I create – my iPhone, my point and shoot Nikon camera, my iMac, my Canon Vixia, my Wacom tablet (for drawing electronically), my scanner for anything made initially with film (stills or video), or even drawn on paper – really anything that can be scanned and thus digitized. I don’t like segregation of tools or technique in art as a defining thing. To me, the work is what is important, what it was made with is an aside (of interest mainly just to other artists looking for new tools, perhaps collectors, and perhaps art historians when they write about historical trends and movements in art).
In 2015 therefore, I plan to continue on this path. Anything and everything is game in terms of tools and how they are combined. And the most important thing about what I make will be: is it interesting and engaging, does it take the digital medium in new directions, and can the sensibility of analog and digital be combined in a way that works really well. The emphasis is always on what is made, not how it is made. For to me, that is what is lasting in art.
Image – ‘Self Portrait’ – Jennifer Sharpe

Lynette Jackson
After a few days of consideration and too much pineapple upside down cake, I decided on three creative resolutions for 2015.
- Considering I usually travel to explore my favorite genre of architecture, I thought it would be a refreshing and creative challenge to discover architectural gems in my home state. I will do this under my one personal stipulation to not shoot glass high-rise condos.
- As an artist who has benefitted greatly from mobile photography and is excited about its solid foundation as an art form, I have decided to create a vision wall in my studio with artwork purchased from fellow mobile artist.
- And lastly I will continue to cultivate my hands on mixed media art.
2014 was a year of amazing and unforeseen opportunities. I look forward to 2015 and my growth as an artist.
Image – Untitled – Lynette Jackson

Jeanette Serrat
I hope that 2015 will be a highly creative and inspiring year and I’m looking forward to further develop my artistic side in a few various fields of interest, mainly photography (both iPhone and “big” camera) and music. My personal resolution will be to work harder on all things creative.
I will also try to be more critical of my photography and curate it in such a way that what people see online is a more cohesive body of work. When it comes to writing about my pieces, I usually get completely stuck. I find it extremely difficult, so that’s something I have to work on as well.
I’d like to do more nature photography and also a series of self portraits. Perhaps I’ll head out for some early morning shots….um…never mind. I’ll never be an early bird, lol!
As for mobile art, I would like to learn how to really use iColorama…haven’t yet figured that one out. It’s such an interesting app.
Here’s to peace, love, happiness and plenty of art for 2015 to all!
Image – ‘Yawn’ -Jeanette Serrat

Rob DePaolo
2014 has been a year of continual growth for my photography (mobile and otherwise), and I expect to see that evolution continue into the new year. Anyone familiar with my work will know that I have always favored black and white photos with only basic post-processing (no filters or effects). However, I have recently begun to experiment with more apps and techniques in post processing. This approach has rekindled my interest in surrealist imagery and other styles of photography/art. In doing so, I feel as if a huge creative block has been lifted from my shoulders. As of late, I often find my mind swimming with ideas and concepts for new images. Some end up working and some don’t, but I am enjoying the creative process even more now.
Going forward into 2015 (and beyond) I plan to continue to push the limits of my technique so that my art can evolve as it needs to. The beauty of mobile photography is that it makes it so easy to express oneself creatively and go from vision to creation in relatively short order. This photo, “Rebirth…” is an appropriate representation of this new direction/approach in my work.
Image – ‘Rebirth’ – Rob DePaolo

Jeffrey Simpson
I guess you could say that my photography is really about revealing what is raw, true, and real about my subjects. Capturing flickering moments of soul essence. Be it self, others, or whatever it is I see.
My wife is always telling me that it’s not so much about what I want to do or plan; but more about how I want to feel. Kind of like my photography, digging underneath what is obvious. Instead of making resolutions or grand plans for the new year, here’s a list of how I decided I want my life and art to feel. Creative. Inspired. Alive. Love. And focused. (no pun intended).
Image – ‘Unity’ – Jeffrey Simpson

Amy Leibrand
I’m embarrassed to say I failed miserably at achieving my 2014 resolutions. Let 2015 be the year I set AND keep goals! In the coming 12 months, I’d like to begin printing mobile images on instant film using Impossible Project’s Instant Lab, which has collected dust for more than a year in my studio. Once transferred to film, I’d like to play with the emulsion lift technique to stretch the mobile images over backlit glass boxes or objects. Continuing to use mobile images in three-dimensional pieces is a primary goal for 2015. If nothing else, it should be fun! Wishing all mobile photogs a bright and creative New Year!
Image – ‘This is how you come down’ – Amy Leibrand

Emanuel Faria
Every year at its end, promises and resolutions are made. As at midnight of 31 of December there was a gap so huge that we need to stop and made so many changes in our life’s, and with a sparkle the unrelenting time starts a new life.
In reality the gap that changed my life happen wen I was introduced to the iPhone.
Iphoneography as made me changed so much. In a process of continuos personal and intellectual and also artistic increment, with so many transformations introduced into my work, that; 2015 figures as a year of rebirth like 2014 was a year of transition.
The importance of social networks in our work is sometimes over-valorized, the circle is a closed one, and we work for our fellow artists. What I will try to achieve in 2015 is trying to see my work reaching different audiences and breaking the digital barrier into the real and physical world in different shapes and forms.
As my favorite subject street, looking always to find new means and approaches.
Image – ‘Waiting for the Christmas Train’ – Emanuel Faria

Elaine Taylor
My 2015 mobile photography resolutions are simple. I hope to be: more confident in my abilities as a mobile photographer (and in even referring to myself as such); more brave in getting out there and sharing my work; more organised in how I manage and store my images; more adventurous in the range of subject matter I shoot (a spot of street & a dash of landscape and maybe even a smidgen of self portrait).
One last resolution: I am involved with a number of photography groups, which gives me the absolute pleasure of ‘working’ with some truly wonderful people, and the opportunity to discover and feature a vast range of amazing artists and their work. In 2015 I’d like to meet some of those people (especially the good friends I have made through AMPtCommunity).
I wish you all a very happy and very fabulous 2015.
Image – ‘Self Portrait’ – Elaine Taylor

Christine Sobczak
Several days ago, I was sitting in a car traveling through multiple states. Before the road trip began, I told myself, no phone, no iPad, enjoy only the scenery. But, then the fog rolled into the hills of Tennessee. Too beautiful to ignore, Into The Mystic ( thank you Van Morrison ) was photographed ( a little color saturation and App Polaroid Instant Camera ).
In 2015 my mobile art/photography style shall resolve itself. For, not too long ago, I was in the darkroom. I left behind my silver paper, still life, fine art prints. I can become overwhelmed with my choices of Apps and layers.
When Joanne suggested that I contribute to her resolutions of 2015 column ( a huge thank you ), I recalled my post on Facebook the night before. It stated that in this new year I would determine if I was going to be a sheep or become the shepherd. I have been enveloped into a wonderful world of intelligent, creative, clever mobile photography and art people. They feel like home to me. I would like to provide something more than images to that global community. 2015??
And, when I become discouraged by images that are so beautiful that I wonder if I should bother with my own image making…I tell myself, a term I coined long ago, “Has the last book been written? ” You all keep ” Writing those books ” for everyday I will have a moment of giddiness over some mobile image that passes before me.
Image – ‘Into the Mystic’ – Christine Sobczak

Maria Flourou
If 2015 is going to be anything like 2014 was, then I’m in for a treat.
Not only had I had a lifelong dream of becoming an artist, but to have an exhibition this past year was mind blowing . My first exhibition with fellow Mnemonics (a photography grouped formed in 2013) in May 2014 was a success. I would dearly love to do more than 1 exhibition in the new year, I have my heart set on a few already.
Selling more prints in 2015 is a goal, especially after I had sold 5 images at the Head On Festival and
following that I was a finalist in a few prestigious competitions, selling a few more prints.
This year I had a couple of mobile photography shoots with customers wanting commission pieces or I had models that I styled. In the past I had always used either myself or family. In 2015 I would like to do more of that and try different locations to boot. Scouting for new locations in and around my city is something I haven’t done properly and I already have a few spots on my hit list.
Another resolution for 2015 is being able to teach what i’ve learnt and help others achieve works of art using a mobile device. I’m always seeking new apps or techniques for my mobile photography. I either read blogs or share thoughts and ideas with others via various social media sites, it’s the best way to learn. My style is always evolving.
The final one I have is not to be too hard on myself if things don’t go to plan. If they do happen, they were meant to be, but more importantly I want to enjoy the process along the way!! Cheers.
Image – ‘Dreams of a Boy’- Maria Flourou

Sylvia DeVoss
My 2015 !
I have been dedicating more time to mobile photography for about a year now and have decided 2015 will be exclusive mobile (except one wedding I am committed to shoot), including more hipstamatic fun 2015’s goal is to continue becoming authentically me . I am no longer shooting what I ‘think’ others will like.. I am shooting, painting, app’ing what is soul filled. There is a difference in my style when I am not trying to please someone else… and people are loving MY pieces!
I hope we all have a great year of self respect and human kindness! Peace
Image – ‘The Barns’ – Sylvia DeVoss

Miranda Gavin
My New Year mobile photography resolutions for 2015 are simple. I want to continue to use my iPhone to collect images, both still and moving, of the everyday details I find on my daily travels to accompany the live readings and work of an experimental prose writer I have been collaborating with over the last year. I also want to learn to use more sophisticated editing software to stitch the work together. Finally, I want to send in an abstract by 19 January on mobile photography for a conference that is taking place at Tate Modern called Fast Forward: Women in Photography – Then and Now as I believe the mobile photo community should be represented and in particular the innovative and indefatigable work of TheAppWhisperer.
Image – ‘Neon Lights’ Miranda Gavin 2014

Erika Carrillo/Erika Brothers
My desire and resolution for this year is to continue my effort on expanding my abilities to provide more story line art pieces at the same time expand the use of different Apps. As part of the development I would like to continue to inspire fellow smartphone artists with my work and assist them in any way I can on the use of the different Apps and optical eye for a time piece. My whole basis for my artwork is my family, for which I would like to underline to all – do what you love no matter what point in life you may find yourself. The best art pieces come from the heart and emotion one feels at that particular time and place, good or bad. Experimentation, trail and error are an artists best friends.
Image – Erika Brothers

Lisa Waddell
One of my goals for 2014 was to move outside my comfort zone and create images that didn’t include flowers or other bits of flora. I am happy to report I did take a step in that direction, but I don’t think I stepped out far enough. I really want to work on this goal again in 2015. My other goal is to regularly use VSCOcam. It’s an app I using sparingly and I really want to become more acquainted with it. I look forward to all that is in store for 2015 and wish all of you much peace and happiness in the New Year!
Image – ‘Faded Glory’ – Lisa Waddell

Paul Moore
2014 was a very exciting year for me on the photographic front. I took on numerous new projects that are still all ongoing. My hopes for 2015 are that these projects continue to grow from strength to strength.
In 2014 I started to experiment with DSLR photography and I am really enjoying it as it a completely discipline from iPhone photography. For 2015 I want to continue to develop a personal style with my iPhone photography. I plan on heading in a more experimental direction using apps such as Juxtaposer much more. The hope is that I will use the iPhone for creating images and leave the more conventional photography to my DSLR.
I would also hope to have my first solo exhibition in 2015. I have a number of options in the pipeline. It’s just a case of picking the right ones to concentrate on.
Finally I would like to take this opportunity to wish a very Happy New Year to all the members of TheAppWhisperer Community.
Image – Paul Moore

Jaime Glasser
As we look ahead to the next year we are poised in this moment. We have our experiences and emotions of the recent past behind us and the path ahead. We see our choices, our intentions, expectations, hopes and dreams for our year ahead tempered by the knowledge that so much lies out of our control and that the sum of our reality contains so very many delicious unknowns. We stop here poised,and as we are so inclined, try to capture the now, just as it is to us at this moment, the sum of the past and the anticipation of the tomorrow forever in the right this second.
My resolution this year is to better honor the present moment. I will endeavor to capture the now better in my art. Isn’t that what we strive for? To capture that ideal: make the perfect image to capture this moment and try to communicate and share it.
I will strive to honor the now in my relationships with gratitude. I will try to suspend expectation of the future and let go of fear from the past. I will take more shots: recording the now. I will try to appreciate the journey and this moment. I will attempt to say “Thank You” and “I Love You” more. I will connect more.
I am grateful for this opportunity to reflect and share with this global community that inspires and amazes me. Thank you Joanne for the wonderful connections you facilitate, and the community you forge. These connections allow us far and wide, all over this planet, to forge community that supports us individually and keeps us creating. I will endeavor to humbly take time to contribute more.
I wish each and everyone of you Joy and Peace in the New Year, more light and love. I hope we can all capture fantastic images closer and closer to our ideal and make amazing art, stay in this moment and continue to humble and inspire each other.
Image – ‘Between’ – Jaime Glasser

Tina Rice
In 2014 I was expecting a big change in my life. I got the change that literally put a scar on my brain a few days after Easter. Having a stroke really changed my point of view about life. During the healing process, a woman took all the pain I was holding in my body for years. That’s when I started to see things clearly. The other part was going to my niece’s school and volunteering my time to help Vida’s class. Those first graders in Ms. Spitzer’s class taught me how to be a true artist.
What does 2015 hold for me, all I can say is let’s see what happens. Bring it on because I’m ready for the doors to open up. I was never big on New Year’s Resolution because really change happens when the carpet gets pulled under your feet. Not on New Year Day nursing a hang over and watching The Rose Parade.
Image – ‘Thought Explosion’ – Tina Rice

Shirley Drevich
I am hesitant to make New Year’s Resolutions because I usually don’t stick to them. However my positive intentions for 2015 are:
To get out of bed before sunrise and make it to Biscayne Bay and Everglades National Park to see what’s chirping there this winter.
Take mini trips in pursuit of Roseate Spoonbills and to capture the natural beauty that Florida has to offer in the winter.
To work more with Juxtaposer and Blender.
Utilize iPad Air in addition to iPhone 6+.
Take trips outside of Florida during the long hot & humid summer.
To take care of myself so I stay healthy and fit so I may continue my co-creative journey through photography.
Forgive myself when I don’t follow through with my “New Year’s Resolutions”.
Wishing everyone a healthy, creative and prosperous New Year!
Image – ‘Orange Egret’ – Shirley Drevich

Grace Brignolle
There is a famous quote by Thoreau which has a special significance for photographers. “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” My primary resolution for the coming year is to “see” things more clearly, to overcome my limitations, and to be more sensitive and open to the people and things around me, to try to “see” things differently. I believe this will add more depth to my photography and to my life in general. Earlier in the year, I had the pleasure of visiting Paris, a city that is both beautiful and fascinating, and it made me realize the importance of travel and exposure to other people and cultures. I intend to travel more in the new year. But my primary goal as a photographer will always be to continue learning and improving and finding new ways to express myself creatively. I see this as an ongoing process, which is one of the reasons why I love photography.
Image – ‘Leaving You’ – Grace Brignolle

Rob Pearson-Wright
2014 was very good to me and the beginning of 2015 is looking great. However, resolutions have to be made and these are mine for the year ahead. Just three simple things to adhere to.
1) Edit more street photography in colour. I’m not colour blind or limited by the cost of developing film in colour. This is the 21st Century and the world around me is in glorious technicolour. Black and white is wonderful but remember the rainbow of colours!
2) When in a creative lull, turn to the work of your fellow mobile photographers, look at The App Whisperers weekly showcase, read a book, watch a film or visit a gallery. Find someplace to draw inspiration from and maybe try something out of your comfort zone. If you like street photography, try still life. Find yourself taking mostly portraits, have a go at collaging. Try something new!
3) Keep having fun and stay true to your creative vision. Experiment within your favoured genre. Try avenues new and different. Play and dabble but don’t compromise on things you value dear and principles you hold close to your heart.
A happy and creative 2015 to you all!
Image – Untitled – Rob Pearson-Wright

Brett Chenoweth
As 2014 comes to an end, my thoughts in terms of my mobile work include –
Using Lightroom to catalogue my images
Incorporating more drawing and painting into my images, and
Honing my black and white iPhone photography.
I hope everyone a fabulously wonderful and magical 2015 full of peace, love and creativity!
Image – ‘Outsourcing’ – Brett Chenoweth

Cat Morris
One of my resolutions for 2015 is to explore more figurative work. For the past couple years I’ve been focused on exploring abstracts, in particular color studies. I’m hoping to put those ideas into more of my figurative collage work. The more I shoot and app the more my work has moved toward illustration as opposed to straight photography.
The power of my new iPhone 6 and apps like iColorama and Procreate have gotten me really excited to explore new storytelling styles. I’m in uncharted creative waters and I can’t wait to see where they lead me!
Image – “The party was a doozie! Maude’s hangover was proving unwieldy” – Cat Morris

Bobbi McMurry
2015 already. Amazing how quickly time passes, I suppose that fact makes it all the more important to set specific goals for oneself – New Year’s Resolutions are simply that, goals. And mine as they relate to mobile artwork are these: to organize the multitude of images I have accumulated; to be able to accept compliments; to think more before beginning to work, to always be willing to start over; and to devote time to shooting, rather than shooting during the course of my day to day. Thank you all for the continual inspiration – happy creating in 2015!
Image – ‘Genesis’ – Bobbi McMurry

Linda Sbath
Rilke writes “And now let us welcome the new year, full of things that have never been.” I’ll be getting an iPhone 6+ shortly and with it hope to explore the endless possibilities allowed in working with this powerful instrument for creativity. My intention for this time next year is to produce a greater proportion of work using it along with my iPad. Wishing you all love and light in 2015…
Image – ‘Morning’s Tears’ – Linda Sbath

Pamela H Viola
My mobile photography resolution for 2015 is to create more figurative work. I want to photograph more humans in motion. Get more people smiling when they see my images.
Image – ‘Hop Skip’ – Pamela H Viola

Montse Abad
My purposes in mobile photography for 2015 are to continue experimenting and learning in lines that I started work, streetphotography and portraiture, wich I make basically in black and white, and on the other hand, in color, creative photography, with related painting editions.
I’m in a reflexive phase, reading about photography and art in general and observing the photographs and paintings of the great masters who have always fascinated me and discovering new talented people in which take inspiration.
I also intend to follow some training courses to enhance the creative aspects of my mind and, in parallel, to improve my knowledge of English, which for now is very basic (I can read and write something, but not speak), to better communicate with the worldwide community.
So I will take the training courses in English to train my ear while I learn about photography and editing.
I hope in the future I can participate in the international meetings and speak with friends without the language barrier.
Have you all a fabulous and great year 2015.
Image – Montse Abad

Eitan Shavit
2014 has been a challenging year, personally and creatively. Lots of ups and downs…
On a global scale, I would love to be kidnapped by aliens and return back with an ability to disable human greed, or find an enormous secret vault with lots of free time inside and spread some free time for free to those who need it desperately (volunteers, anyone?).
Since this will never happen, I’ll stick to smaller resolutions…in no specific order:
– Focus, Focus, Focus – Playing Catch-as-catch-can will get me nowhere. Getting my photos on every photo social website, app, Facebook group on the planet is not a good idea. I’ll have to choose the best platforms and focus on getting a strong presence. Pinterest and such will have to wait to another life time.
– Install less apps – The number of new apps is increasing each and every year, leaving no room for photos 🙂
Delete all apps that I opened once and thought: oh, that would be useful one day 🙂
– Don’t give in to hype – Join good informative websites (like this one) and read the reviews on new apps/gear etc. Not everything will suit you.
And remember: a good camera does not make good photos. You do!
– Win at least one International competition! – There is an unbelievably large number of amazing mobile photographers out there, and winning a competition is a hard task to accomplish. Yet, one has to try, again and again. There is a big downfall after every competition, and thoughts about quitting and such, but it’s stronger than me, taking photos, so never say never…
– Take photos in at least one country other than my own – I miss Europe so badly, and hope this year will see some EU streets in my camera roll.
– New planned projects – I live in such a visually BORING environment that forces me to plan specific photographic projects, rather than shoot randomly around and about. I have a macro project coming up, documenting my Grandfather’s tools and parts. He was a watchmaker and owned a repair shop in Manchester, UK, in the 40’s. I’d also like to have a project on the elderly, a subject very dear to me, personally. And of course, more street photos, always with some twist…
Here’s to 2015, may it be creative and fruitful and socially engaging!
And never say never 🙂
Image – ‘Seeing. Not Believing’ – Eitan Shavi

Gerry Coe
2015….. What can I do in 2015? get better at my photography I suppose, but where do I go what do I do? I am not one for finding a formulae and then sticking to it so that all my images just look the same. I like to experiment and try to push out in new directions. In my professional photography life I have always been known for my B&W portraits and it is still my preferred medium. But as a committed iPhone photographer I have enjoyed the strong graphic colourful images that can be created using phone and iPad. I have always been a big admirer of the Impressionist painters, to see how their daubs of paint on a canvas can create the most wonderful works of art, that influences me to a great extent in how I will finish an image. I also feel that the use of just one app to create an image is not the way to go but by using and combing different apps I can create a unique look that no one else can do and that is when I as the photographer start to find new and exciting images. I am now looking at using physical layers, collages of different materials on my paper and then overprinting them with images and I am about to experiment with printing on metal. That should keep me off the street corners for a while. I would like to thank Joanne@TheAppWhisperer for all the connections to so many wonderful creative people all over the world who give me in equal measure great inspiration and the realisation of how little I know.
Image – ‘Pink Umbrella’ – Gerry Coe

Maurizio Zanetti
I’ll be 60 years in 2015. My first hope is to not put myself to do budgets: the past is important, there are thousands and thousands of photos that help the memory to remember. But the real life is the present and, without too many illusions, the future. And then my resolution for 2015 is to continue making (possibly better) what I already do: work in the school, keep alive the relationships with friends, look around, take pictures. I am not pretending to have the time to reorder my old store on film B & W and slides, it’s a job that I keep for when, and who knows when, I will retire. I would rather shoot, as from three years, at least one decent photo a day with the faithful iPhone is the most faithful Hipstamatic. I want to continue to participate in contests, put on display and to challenge myself in game. I also want to find more time for the old Canon and photograph with more regularity dance and Theatre: from there I started more than 40 years ago and that kind of picture is still what i do best…
This is what I propose. I can only wish for a good health and serenity, humming even early in the morning and smile to those of a smile needs.
Image – ‘Backstage’ – Maurizio Zanetti

Aldo Pacheco
… First of all I want to thank 2014 for many things, specially in the mobile photography movement, 2014 was a good year for me, full of surprises, good news, and blessings, It was a year to learn, a year to explore, a year of challenges and goals, and even though almost all of them are complete, I feel happy about what I gain over those 365 days…
Now what for 2015?..
“Photography is something you learn by ear” (in the words of one of my favorites childhood comedians). Learning is a never ending process, so I will continue doing it; Let my imagination take me far far away and when I reach there, I will follow the winds even further to express myself with more images and sounds and less words.
Start writing short stories in English instead of Spanish, go back to the studio to work with silver and glass, go back to drawing, read more, continue working in my home studio where I’m starting making music, learn how to play the bass guitar and finish all my unfinished songs, learn more about wood carving…Finish my website and start my photo book
I will have 365 days in front of me, 365 days of opportunities, full of images and moments to capture, to store, to process and to share, 365 days of millions and millions of colored dots and sounds that I would like to ordered them like a puzzle and make the image or video or song I want to express my feelings, my way to see the world. Wow!! 2015 will be a challenge year…
Image – ‘And God created the square And God saw it was good’

Gillian Brodie
Experience has taught me that New Years Resolutions are easy to make but harder to keep, so I try to keep them minimal & achievable these days !
In 2015 I would like to take myself more seriously as an artist, and dedicate more time & energy to following my passion. I would like to participate more consistently in the photographic (and other) communities that I’m a part of.
I want to expand my horizons and experiment more, becoming familiar with a wider range of apps & learning their full potential – allowing me to express myself & my creative visions more completely.
I love the friendships I have formed within the mobile photography community and the encouragement & support I get from them, so in 2015 I hope to continue making creative connections & enjoying the company of fellow creatives.
And conversely, I want to take everything I’ve learned thus far photographing with my phone and start using my camera again too – from time to time !
Well so much for keeping it minimal ! I’m looking forwards to diving head first into a new year & the energy it brings & wish everyone all the best for a fabulous 2015!
Image – ‘Cinderella Dressing’ – Gillian Brodie

Cara Gallardo Weil
I don’t think I managed to do much exploring and discovering of new apps, which was one of my resolutions for last year. The only app that I used a bit more (other than my go to apps, Hipstamatic, Oggl, Snapseed and XnViewFX) was Mextures. I would still like to get to know how to use SlowShutter better – I did experiment a little this year, but not enough. I’m very excited about the new update for Hipstamatic which is currently in beta testing and hasn’t been released yet. I’ve been working with the beta version and I love it – it really suits the way I like to shoot now and the way I app as well – so one of my resolutions for 2015 will be to get to grips with all the new features and really explore the new update.
We have such a great community of talented mobile photographers and it is always fascinating to look at the great work that is out there and learn from other artists. Although I would love to be more arty, more painterly and experiment with collage, it doesn’t seem to be the right direction for me at the moment, so for now I’m content to admire the work of others and continue to hone in on my favourite genre, which is street photography. I would like to think more about the use of light and composition when it comes to street – usually I just shoot fast and without much thought because I want to capture the moment quickly, but I would like to try to be more considered in my approach without losing the spontaneity of the moment.
Thank you again Joanne, for all that you do for the community. I look forward to reading more interesting articles and interviews on the AppWhisperer in 2015. Happy new year everyone!
Image – ‘Birds, St James’ Park, London’ – Cara Gallardo Weil

Marie Matthews
My New Year’s Resolution is to get back into the habit of seeing and sharing through my iPhone. In 2014, my iPhone endeavours took a backseat to workload and travel. in 2015, I want to get back into a daily habit of seeing and shooting. Although I will still do some heavily apped pieces from time to time, I really want to focus on the fundamentals of getting things right in camera. Also, I want to find a new home — most likely Flickr — for posting my work and getting inspiration from others. was always my home, and I have felt a bit adrift since it shut down. I need to settle down and find a place to hang out.
Here’s to a happy New Year for Joanne and the entire iPhoneography community!
Image – ‘Rising from the Ashes of Time’ – Marie Matthews

Mainstream Withexplicitdreams
‘I wish that people realize the power they have in their hands which leads them to transform a mobile phone- an item without a soul – into a means of inspiration,creativity, in other words into a tool of art… I wish health and prosperity for all people…. In particular for the people who work either as amateurs or professionals within mobile photography, I hope that they are motivated by the majestic world of art photography and highly inspired by the hundreds of mobile applications offered in this particular field… All the very best… to all of you..’
Image – “Angels blues” – Ioannis Sidiropoulos

Jaime Ferreyros
2014 was a difficult year in which I almost lost my life. My faith was put to test, yet my faith only grew stronger because God has given us the Holy Spirit, who fills our hearts with his love.
My resolution in 2015 will be to do everything with love; that makes you more like God because God is love.
Image – ‘A Story To Tell’ – Jaime Ferreyros

Meri Walker
I’m entering 2015 with a wildly open mind. So many new doors to open, so many mobile photographers and artists to meet. So many new things to see and conversations to have. I know I’ll be teaching and showing work in some new places – places I’d really like to go. I want so much to make it to Europe this year, so I can meet a dozen mobile artists there whose work I adore. I also intend to watch the lights come on in LOTS more eyes as people all around me wake up to the immense joy of making art with their mobile devices. The process of coming to roost in my own creativity – using my iPhone and iPad – put me “at home” everywhere in 2014. I want 2015 to be chock full of visits with new friends in new parts of everywhere.
Image – ‘Coming to Roost in Myself’ – Meri Walker

Vanessa Vox
“First of all I send a warm hello to all of my artist friends. You are my big family and it is great to share thoughts, visions and pictures with you. And it is always inspiring to face new friends, new directions of artistic styles. As I wrote here last year I intended to explore the new field of mobile movies. And yes, I’ve got it! And I certainly will continue to work on it. But 2014 was more than this. I also discovered other directions like street and macro photography. So it was a year of great experiences and I had a lot of fun.
Furthermore I am very very greatful for all the appreciations, awards and rewards I’ve got last year. It was a huge motivation to enhance the quality of my pictures. Some of them took part of prestigious mobile exhibitions in Canada, USA, Portugal and Italy. And I was also happy that one of my pics was chosen for the „Création (Photographique) Mobile“ in Paris.
My promise for 2015 is to explore the field of Fine Art Prints. I would like to see my pictures in “real“ and it should not be a disappointment. To the contrary I would like to discover new ways to articulate and present my artwork. Again and again people asked me if I would sell my pictures. But my ambition to deliver the best quality ever possible let me wait. So this will be one of my new challenges for the upcoming year.
Now let me address two wishes to the app creators. First of all I would like to have the option of higher output resolutions (maybe also as tiff files). And, concerning the mobile movies, I would like to work more with two or more tracks at once to mix different footages with the option of transparency and masks.
Last but not least I send a big THANK YOU to Joanne Carter who is the driving force and the good soul in our community of mobile photographers. I wish you, dear Joanne, good luck and all the best for your new projects next year”.
Image Untitled – Vanessa Vox
Angelique Manchanda-Peres
2014 has been a wonderful year! Because I’m a relative newbie I went to town on the apps, trying every new one and having a lot of fun with my images. This year I’d like to pick 10 or so favorite apps and explore them thoroughly..I want to see what it feels like to be a master of a few! :).
I have some travel planned for 2015 so another huge goal will be to do plenty street/travel photography in whichever corner of the world I happen to be…this is sure to make my inner anthropologist very happy!
I would also love to meet up with other mobile photographers to do photo walks together and for an exchange of ideas.
Last but not least, I’d love to attend a photo workshop…I haven’t decided where or with whom yet, I’m still researching a few.
2015 will be a great year!!!
Image – ‘Patio of a stranger’s house in Galle Fort, Sri Lanka’

Joanne, I read each and every resolution. What a wonderful post! From the sounds of what these artists have planned it’s going to be a very exciting year for mobile photography. I also like Jennifer Sharpe’s approach to combining tools and focus on the art. Congrats to my friends who were featured here and I’m off to check out those of you who are new to me. Happy 2015.
Brendan Ó Sé
Really enjoyed reading these and getting to know new people’s work.
Jaime Ferreyros
The sensitivity and creativity of my peers is touching and moving. Thank you Joanne for orchestrating this visual symphony.
diana nicholette jeon
Very interesting set of resolutions, many from people I either don’t know at all or simply am aware of them via Flikr. It was fun to get a peek into other people’s minds. Looking forward to seeing the rest of them!
Elaine Taylor (@sunflowerof21)
A great article. I really enjoyed reading it – such a diverse group of people and resolutions. So honoured to be part of it.
Heading to Part 2 now 🙂
Janine Graf
These are so wonderful to read this morning over my second (of many) cups of coffee. 😀
Tania Konnerth
Thanks for the great inspiration and all the best for all of you!
Mark Whitcombe
So much to think about and to act on! Thanks, Joanne — and all of this wonderful community you do so much for!