TrueView Interview – Mobile Photography and Art – “Tell Us and Show Us Your Mobile Photography / Art Workflow” with Brett Chenoweth from the USA
We have another new question within our TrueView Interview section (please continue to answer any outstanding ones too), this time we asked mobile photographers and artists to tell us and show us their workflow. From the initial thought steps, to creation, editing and post processing. First to kick off this new question is none other than Brett Chenoweth. Thank you so much Brett! I think you’re all going to find this incredibly intuitive.
This is a new section to TheAppWhisperer, we are so proud of all the wonderful artists who are contributing to our new section, ‘TrueView Interviews‘. This is such an exciting area, so many of you are working on more videos right now, we all want to see and hear you, what a joy and privilege it is. Thank you so much.
If you would like to view our previous TrueView Interviews, please go here.
Brett Chenoweth

TrueView Interview
Earlier TrueView Interviews
Susan Rennie (second interview)
Manuela Basaldella (Headattacks Crealitys) – second interview
Mariette Schrijver (second interview)
Edward Santos (second interview)
Dani Salvadori (second interview)
Violet Martins (second interview)
Diana Nicholette Jeon (second interview)
Eliza Badoiu (second interview)
Brett Chenoweth – second interview
Joanne Carter (a tribute to Lorenka Campos)
One Comment
Carolyn Hall Young
What a great and generous video! Brett, you rock my socks! Bravo!! Of course you know I respect your work completely! I also am impressed at how clearly you express your approach, here.
THIS video is a valuable resource, for me, and I am grateful that you made it.
I also approach digital work with a painter’s mind. What you said is in harmony with the way I think. I do love the masking by erasing, rather than using masking tools in Procreate, and love the layering and painting, there. I go back-and-forth between iColorama and Procreate, and find virtually everything that I need, by combining the two.
Thanks to Joanne Carter, for hosting and presenting Brett’s videos. THIS is exactly why I come back to this website, time and time again.