Mobile Photography – Portrait of an Artist – Twentieth Video Showcase – TheAppWhisperer
Welcome to our twentieth Portrait of an Artist Showcase! This Showcase complements our Portrait of an Artist Column edited by Ile Mont. Every two weeks Mont will review and curate work that has been submitted to our dedicated Flickr group. In addition, we will create a showcase video which features a sampling of submitted work, we will also highlight a few images that have caught our attention… offering some thoughtful commentary about technique, composition and subject matter.
If you are not a member of our Facebook group… we highly recommend that you join us! This is our space for sharing newsworthy information and conducting discussions (what, when, where, why and how) regarding mobile portraiture and portraiture in general.
Please join our Facebook group for information sharing/discussions (link here)
We hope you enjoy this weeks’ showcase. Many congratulations to all the artists featured this week, links to their images can be found below:
Patricia Januszkiewicz, Riel Noir, Louise Whiting, Damian De Souza, Pat Brown, Carolyn Hall Young, Jeffrey Simpson, Aylin Argun, Cindy Buske, Alex Paton, Stephanie Roberts, Sandra Becker, Kristie Benoit, Gillian Brodie, Lorenka Campos, Bobbi McMurry, Ginger Lucero, El viajero del Faro, Manuela Basaldella, TheiPhoneArtGirl – Meri Walker, Jo Sullivan, Armineh Hovaneisan, Isabel Afonso, Susan Rennie, Patricia Leeds.
‘Merge’ – Riel Noir
I just love how powerful this image by Riel Noir is in composition, style and color. It’s seductiveness and refinement, the predominance of the gold and the graphic elements as well as the somewhat antique and very seductive look of the model, inevitably evoke the works of Gustav Klimt, where the female body is the main character, and sexuality and erotism are the theme that surround it.

‘Yield’ – Patricia Januszkiewicz
Quite an intriguing character that Patricia Januszkiewicz presents us in this image: An ambivalent presence or maybe two different characters, apparently trapped between the real and the ethereal, bounded together though by an imminent artefact made out of mingled time and emotions where the title of this piece dwells.

Video Showcase
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