Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 28 August 2016
With compassionate urgency, this weeks mobile photography and flickr group showcase, will help to feed your insatiable appetite for art, allowing your knowledge to grow, to become more informed, as well as your capacity for love – the most important element of communication, every single day.
Please enjoy this weeks mobile photography and flickr group showcase!
If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art flickr group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. If you would like to view our previous Flickr Group Showcases (please go here).
Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week:
Angie Lambert, Hotel Midnight – Deborah McMillion, Sukru Mehmet Omur, Jun Yamaguchi, Trish Korous, David DeNagel, kCe7, Lorenka Campos, Thomas Toft, I Rome, Carolyn Hall Young, Shel Serkin, Patricia Leeds, Isabel Afonso, Vadim Demjianov, rorofot, Damian De Souza, Marguerite Khoury, Yvonne Ladage, Kate Zari Roberts, Kristie Benoit, Marco Lamberto, kCe7, Lawrence Lazare, Rayhan Arko, Trish Korous, Andy, Juta Jazz, – RK, Sandra Becker, Gianluca Ricoveri, Poetic Medium, Jill Lian – jillian2, woltarise, Donna Donato, Candice Railton, Karen Axelrad, Albion Harrison-Naish, Maurizio Zanetti, TheiPhoneArtGirl – Meri Walker, Susan Rennie, Roger Guetta, Heather McAlister, p.a. hamel
‘Blind Shot’ – Candice Railton

Flickr Video Showcase
Donating = Loving =
Bringing you (ad-free) takes hundreds of hours each month and hundreds of pounds to sustain. If you find any joy and stimulation here, please consider becoming a Supporting Member with a recurring monthly donation of your choosing, or possibly making a one-time donation. This is a not for profit website and one that can only grow with your support.
Jennifer Herbig
Joanne – It’s so inspiring to view and hear the amazing artists that you so lovingly curate! You Rock!
Thank you Thank you!
Jen Herbig
IG: jenniferherbig1
P.S. your host below showed my url as invalid ? so I posted in the note here. smiles!
Ian Wood
Joanne you have used my photo with asking and in breach of the copywright please remove it i do not or wish for exposure.
Ian Wood
Joanne Carter
Thank you Ian, I will remove it, remake the video without it, remove your name and link back from this page. Please note, that all images that are uploaded to our Flickr group, as this was, are ‘at risk’ of being discovered and entered into our flickr group showcase – as the rules clearly state in the group. I am sorry you find this to be a negative experience. We will respect your request and ensure your images are not selected in the future.