Mobile Photography – Streets Ahead – Fiftieth Edition – Women’s Street Photography Collective
Welcome to our fiftieth edition of “StreetsAhead,” a weekly column dedicated to women mobile street photographers. Each week we review and curate work that was submitted to our Flickr Group. In addition to creating a showcase video which features a sampling of submitted work, we also highlight a few images that caught our attention… offering some thoughtful commentary about technique, composition, and subject matter.If you are not a member of our Facebook group… we highly recommend that you join us! This is our space for sharing newsworthy information and conducting discussions (what, when, where, why and how) about Women Photographers/Artists and Street Photography, in general.
So, if you are a woman street photographer, please join our growing community… I’m sure that you will agree that we are a very enthusiastic and supportive group of women!!
• Flickr Group (for weekly showcase submissions)
• Facebook Group (for information sharing/discussions)
“I am completely enthralled by the atmosphere in this collection of hand-picked images as well as the articulate and expressive commentary by Gina Costa. Cara Gallardo Weil has put together such an intense video, almost unknowingly reinvigorating mobile street photography as we know it! We owe so much to our wonderful editors, thank you both so much” (text: Joanne Carter).
Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week including:
Dina Alfasi, Basak Aytek, Eliza Badoiu, Rosanna Cappiello, Donna Donato, Louise Whiting, Gillian Brodie, Gina Costa, Isabel Afonso, Laura Peischl, Ile Mont, Laetitia HC, Kate Zari Roberts, Julia Longiotti, Liz Traynor, Julia Nathanson, Susan Rennie, Dominique Torrent, Shayna Schulman, Ilana Akoundi, Jo Sullivan, Karen Axelrad, Michaela Meerkatz, Kathy Clay, Natali Prosvetova, Magda DJM, Goha Radziszewka, Lee Atwell, Connie Gardener Rosenthal, Trish Korous, Allyson Marie and Paula Betlem.
‘Free Spririt’ – Dina Alfasi
Dina has captured the essence of this young boy on his scooter, as he carefully navigates the terrain of the skate park. The choice of black and white instead of color adds to the power of the image, highlighting the shadows as essential to the story. The point of view, and slight tilt of the picture surface adds a dramatic tension that further adds to the success of the photo. Great job Dina.
‘Sand and Toes’ – Rosanna Cappiello
The point of view Rosanna has chosen to capture this photo lifts what could have been an ordinary and charming photo, into one that tells a beautiful story of people at the beach. Rosanna, from the nicely textured shadow in the immediate foreground just below the shoes, to the figures in the back ground, and sky dramatically shifting above, you have created a wonderful sense of deep receding perspective, and a photo that immediately captures our imagination! Brava Rosanna.
‘Dans La Rue’ – Donna Donato
A camera in the hands of Donna Donato is sure to yield remarkable images, over and over again. This photo is magical, as the figures “on the street” seem to emerge from the fog, as if by quiet accident. Yet, upon closer inspection, the viewer is lifted from her reverie, and sees to the left police with firearms and one immediately realizes the fog is teargas. The magical photo is immediately transformed into one of tension and dismay. This transformation takes a moment for the viewer to be aware of. Donna, this is a great record of time and place. Le Monde should ask you for rights to it. Brava, Donna.
‘Untitled’ – Isabel Afonso
This beautiful image struck me immediately for several reasons. The clarity and precison of the compositional arrangement; the use of strong colour areas to create dramatic perspective; and the deft use of shadow to articulate the stark, reductive environment. These all combine to make this photo one that works so well in so many ways. Isabel, great eye and perfect arrangement of all the formal elements. This image is great.
‘A Commuter’ – Goha Radziszewska
Doha,this is a wonderful slice of a moment in time, perfectly captured, leaving the viewer to wonder if the woman on the bus is related to the man looking up at the window she is seated next to. Is she sad to leave him? Does he search for her? Are they unrelated and their glances are coincidental to the photo? This visual tension keeps the viewer guessing! Great job Goha.
StreetsAhead 50th Showcase!
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