Mobile Videography – App of the Day – LumaFusion (and giveaway worth $19.99 each)!
We curate mobile videography, photography and art apps here at TheAppWhisperer as we do images, only highlightlighting ones that are worthy of your time and experience and will allow you to work at a more rewarding level.
Today, our App of the Day is LumaFusion it is one of the most powerful multi-track video editors ever created for mobile devices. Used by mobile journalists, filmmakers and professional video producers to tell compelling video stories, LumaFusion gives you all of the power and flexibility to create your video story.
LumaFusion retails for $19.99 in the iOS App Store and today we are offering the opportunity for you to win a free code. If you would like to try, please join our Twitter followers here, like us on Facebook here and Instagram here then post a comment to this post (on our website – so we can obtain your email address), perhaps you’d like to give us some feedback, tell us how we’re doing, what you’d like to see and hopefully, we will then be able to send you a code. All winners are selected at random.

While You’re Here…
We have a small favour to ask. More people than ever are reading TheAppWhisperer.com and we could not be more excited about that. We bring you ad-free journalism every day, so you don’t have to close windows and be distracted with advertisements. We specialise in mobile photography and mobile art and we value all of our readers, writers, contributors and viewers but we do have costs and we do need to ask for your help. We at TheAppWhisperer spend many hours each day, each week and each month to bring you this high quality level of journalism. We do it because we are passionate about it and because we want others to be as passionate too.
If everyone who reads our website, who likes it, helps to support it, our future would be so much more secure. Please help us by offering a contribution or supporting us with a monthly donation of your choosing.

Himanshu Roy
I love to try… seems Good…
This is a great giveaway. Thanks Johanne.
Would love to try this. I work in the creative and comms industry so The App whisperer has been great for projects etc. Can’t recomment them enough