Mobile Art and Photography That Has Influenced Me – Interview with Sukru Mehmet Omur
We are delighted to bring a new series of interviews to #TheAppWhisperer. Within this series, we contact well established and highly regarded mobile photographers and artists and ask them a series of questions. Each one relates to mobile art and photography that has influenced and continues to influence them, by other mobile artists throughout the world. Our first interview is with Sukru Mehmet Omur from Turkey, enjoy!
In this interview, Omur cites work by Clint Cline, Carolyn Hall Young, Teresa Lunt, Jane Schultz and Aylin Argun.
The image that is currently in the forefront of my mind.
“A composite image with a letter, portrait of a woman, some flowers and clouds. The title will be “Dedicated to the one I love”.
The image that changed my life.
This image by Clint Cline, I love his art.
‘Reimagine: Escape’ ©Clint Cline

Artwork that has influenced my art.
I can say that Carolyn Hall Young’s approach to art and almost all of her works has left a lasting impression on me.
Images ©Carolyn Hall Young

The image that is most underrated
I love this beautiful flower picture by Jane Schultz. I think this picture deserves to be known and sold all over the world. It is in TheAppWhisperer Gallery, here.
‘Death Will Not Conquer’ ©Jane Schultz

The image that changed my mind
Untitled ©Aylin Argun

After seeing Aylin Argun’s image I have totally changed my mind and I began creating images using collages like this one.
Untitled ©Sukru Mehmet Omur

The most recent image that made me cry
‘Freedom (pinned)’ ©Jane Schultz

The most recent image that made me laugh
Untitled ©Teresa Lunt

My comfort images
Untitled ©Sukru Mehmet Omur

Untitled ©Sukru Mehmet Omur

The image I would most like to give as a gift
Untitled ©Sukru Mehmet Omur

My earliest artistic memory
I remember myself building up trains using laces at age 4.
Contact Details for Sukru Mehmet Omur
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