Mobile Photography & Art – The Quilt Project at The Kemp Center for the Arts in Texas, United States
Yesterday, our community mobile photography and art travelling quilt was fixed for display, for the first time, at The Kemp Center for the Arts in Texas, United States. In this photograph (below) you can see mobile artist, Lorenka Campos standing next to this hand sewn gorgeous project. Each square represents artwork from one artist and there are 234 squares. I am particularly proud of ‘my’ square, as I share it with our dear friend and huge supporter of mobile art, Carolyn Hall Young. Sadly, she had already passed when this project got underway, but as she meant so much to all of us, I felt if I submitted one (of the many) portraits she had hand and digitally painted of myself, then we would both be included, together. Each artist has their own story behind each square, each one fascinating. Together, we make up one complete joyous representation of our art community as we share ten years of mobile photography/art and our hopes and dreams.
Lorenka Campos’ artwork itself is being exhibited at this venue, entitled ‘Remixing Dreams’. The opening ceremony is 16 November from 6 pm – 8 pm. The exhibition runs from November 16, 2018 until January 27, 2019.
Huge thanks to Lorenka Campos, for making this possible.
In addition, if you are able and you would like to make a donation to help with past and future expenses of our travelling quilt, please send a PayPal payment using Lorenka’s PayPal address – [email protected].
Following this exhibition our quilt will be travelling to Denver, Colorado, US where it has been booked for the months of March and April 2019 by Kate Zari Roberts.