Mobile Photography & Art – The Recipe I Can’t Live Without with Jenny Pieters from South Africa
We have a new section at TheAppWhisperer.com and it’s called ‘The Recipe I Can’t Live Without’, within that we are asking highly successful mobile artists to give us their one recipe (tutorial) they can’t live without in relation to editing their images. Kicking us off today, is Jenny Pieters from South Africa. She has created a Surreal/Abstract recipe . To read the others in this new series, please go here. (foreword by Joanne Carter)
Serves: All
Cooks: 1 hour 30 minutes
Difficultly: Intermediate
Genre: Surreal/Abstract Family Classics
Image sources: 2x own images; 2x Freemix

1. Crop both own source images in Snapseed.

2. In SuperimposeX:
– Editor> Transform> Mask >
Both images are treated with the same steps, and as the layers can be edited separately. The mask tool is used for this purpose, to edit away unwanted sections of a layer.
SuperimposeX does not limit the number of layers, but it is probably wise to merge some layers if they are not going to be changed again.
Blending styles can be selected under > Transform. In this case, Multiply was selected. Depending on the image, masking may not be required in some of the other blending modes.
Save as a png image. The two Freemix images were added, and after masking, they were merged and saved with the other two own images.

3. Procreate was used to do final clean up editing, with their extensive range of brushes to season.
4. Finally, Hipstamatic (Mindel, Cine, Apollo) was used to create the mood of the image. Serve.

Hello again…please donate
TheAppWhisperer has always had a dual mission: to promote the most talented mobile artists of the day and to support ambitious, inquisitive viewers the world over. As the years passTheAppWhisperer has gained readers and viewers and found new venues for that exchange.
All this work thrives with the support of our community.
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