Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 4 October 2020
“However long your stay on this small planet lasts, and whatever happens during it, the most important thing is that-from time to time-you feel life’s sweet caress.” Words to live by as told by William Boyd in his sixteenth novel, Sweet Caress. This week you’ll notice a audacious, sweeping, rich layer cake of a showcase, a gasping hall of mirrors of lives, well lived. Enjoy!
Thank you to all the talented artists for submitting your works to ourshowcasethis week. If you would like your work to be considered for entry in to our weekly Mobile Photography and ArtFlickr Group, please submit it to our dedicated group,here. You can also submit images to our Instagram tag for this section#theappwhisperer.
M. Cecilia Säo Thiago – @klimtt, Susan Latty, @patragraphy, Janis Brandenburg Lee, Roberta Mitchell, @withflowersinherphone, p.a.hamel, Sarah Bichachi, @winter__lines, Julia Nathanson, @carlosrpaz, @berleyart, @trishg61, Esra Tanoren, Rodolfo Alcaraz, Jennifer Graham, Jenny Pieters, Ile Mont, @mitrydate, Carol Wiebe, @rklika, Violet Martins, @marshadraws, Jun Yamaguchi, Lorenka Campos, Md.Nahidul Islam, Greg McMillan, Star Greathouse, Gianluca Ricoveri, Rita Colantonio, Sherrianne100, Jane Schultz, Susan Rennie, Meri Walker, Jill Lian.

Video Showcase
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