Mobile Photography/Art Pic of the Day (1,189) via Instagram
Here’s day one thousand, one hundred and eighty nine of our mobile photography/art Pic of the Day section via Instagram. Each day we select one image a day for our Pic of the Day section on Instagram, with this hashtag #theappwhisperer. Today, we congratulate @remintrusions – Damian De Souza – with this image, untitled. Follow his Instagram account here
Mobile Photography/Art Pic of the Day (1,188) via Instagram
Here’s day one thousand, one hundred and eighty eight of our mobile photography/art Pic of the Day section via Instagram. Each day we select one image a day for our Pic of the Day section on Instagram, with this hashtag #theappwhisperer. Today, we congratulate @paperm00n – Allyson Marie with this image entitled ‘beautiful ~ decay • My aging white tulips…. I love them straight til the end ❤️’. Follow her Instagram account here
Mobile Photography / Art New Year Resolutions 2020 From Artists Throughout The World
We are delighted to publish our New Year Resolutions for 2020 from a selection of highly talented mobile photographers and artists throughout the world. As in previous years we have asked mobile photographers and artists for their New Year Resolutions with an accompanying image or video . Thank you to everyone who has contributed, they all make great reading, viewing and are inspiring, we are forever grateful to you all. For TheAppWhisperer, 2020 is going to be a very exhilarating year and new decade. We intend to continue but to an even greater extent promote mobile photography and art, this includes all the current mobile photographers and talented artists already known…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 10 November 2019
Many people write to me each week and I love it. Sometimes, I am asked for advice, sometimes I’m asked about me. This week a few times, it was mostly the latter. I was asked, ‘how do you keep coming up with ideas?’, ‘where do they generate from?‘ and then ‘how do you deal with a creative rut?‘. I think the latter was the hardest because the first two I answered with ‘I’m constantly gathering ideas, things that I see each day, people I meet, observations that I make, judgements (I hate to say), but they all encapsulate and become the images and ideas that I’ve been having for the…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 11 August 2019
This weeks climactic mobile photography and art showcase is an irresistible blend of portraiture, street, still life, landscape and more, guaranteeing a sugar rush of delirious enjoyment. Thank you to all the talented artists for submitting your works to our showcase this week. If you would like your work to be considered for entry in to our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. You can also submit images to our Instagram tag for this section #theappwhisperer. sunflowerof21_365 – Elaine Taylor, Lydia Cassatt, Eliza Badoiu, @elisrealize – Elis, @bonobostonecreations – Bonobo Stone, @after.1st.illumination – Jane Schultz, Anca Balaj, @vadqcooper – Vicki Cooper,…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 19 May 2019
“Few travelled in these days, for, thanks to the advance of science, the earth was exactly alike all over. Rapid intercourse, from which the previous civilization had hoped so much, had ended by defeating itself. What was the good of going to Peking when it was just like Shrewsbury? Why return to Shrewsbury when it would all be like Peking? Men seldom moved their bodies; all unrest was concentrated in the soul.” ―E.M. Forster, The Machine Stops and the first book that I immediately reread thrice, when I was thirteen. It was the first book that interrupted my thought processes enough to relieve me of outside pressures. It was transient,…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 5 May 2019
“Whenever the world throws rose petals at you, which thrill and seduce the ego, beware” Anne Lamott. I was told a similar thing, not quite so poetically, when I was promoted and became the technical editor of a print camera magazine, many years ago… it’s long gone. “Many congratulations Joanne, but keep those feet on the ground“, cautioned the main editor of the title. Sound advice, but doesn’t it get a little boring sometimes? For years now, I’ve noticed that I have become more and more sensible and it’s getting frustrating. I’m organised, at least in my mind, it might not show physically in my office. I keep my children’s…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 10 March 2019
Why does anything exist at all? I’m an optimistic, don’t worry, but it’s a question which we all spend our lives trying, increasingly strenuously to avoid. Human life, is always held up against the massive fact of nature, impervious and indifferent to man. If we knew our exact end of life date, would we live our lives differently? When humans have brushed up close to death, they do live differently. I know that I do. I was lucky to survive at 24 years old with very serious liver tumours and luck really did play the main part in my survival. Consequently, I have felt on borrowed time ever since, I…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 27 January 2019
This weeks mobile photography and art showcase is fully persuasive, it’s a work of imposing scale. This ensemble presents an avant-garde approach to mobile art, that will awe the most stoic critic. The narrative maintains and enhances the credibility of each of each talented artist. This is an ambitious, inspiring, beautiful and empthatic interpretation of mobile art today. The rhythms of this showcase and the intensity of the art are peerless. Enjoy! Thank you to all the talented artists for submitting your works to our showcase this week, it’s one of true splendor. If you would like your work to be considered for entry in to our weekly Mobile Photography…
Mobile Photography / Art New Year Resolutions 2019 From Artists Throughout The World
We are delighted to publish our New Year Resolutions for 2019 from a selection of highly talented mobile photographers and artists throughout the world. As in previous years we have asked mobile photographers and artists for their New Year Resolutions with an accompanying image or video . Thank you to everyone who has contributed, they all make great reading, viewing and are inspiring, we are forever grateful to you all. One of my New Year Resolutions this year is to accept an invitation to at least one Private View Exhibition each month. Naturally, I do not want to attend these on my own, so I am inviting our readers to contribute…