The Greatest Mobile Photography / Art New Year Resolutions 2023 From Artists Throughout The World
For many 2022 was a blur, we find ourselves here in 2023 almost without realising it. We are all still trying to recover from the pandemic, physically, mentally and financially, there are few among us that it hasn’t taken its toll. Yet, here we are doing what artists do, creating, rejoicing and sharing. Enjoy this long read, it is such a good opportunity to check in on everyone. Thank you to all who have contributed to making this year’s resolutions making this one the biggest ever as always, if I have missed anyone, please know it was not intentional, remind me, send me your content, and I will open the…
Mobile Photography & Art Showcase – 20 June 2021
It has been said (‘Teenagers: A Natural History’: David Bainbridge, 2010) that teenage years are to develop the brain and as such they are the greatest achievement of evolution – the point where all that is special about our species comes into play. For parents of teenagers, it’s our job to look after them while they are incubating their extraordinary craniums. “Adolescence is the reason we live so long, long, long” says Bainbridge. “Human longevity has evolved because we need to bring up our intensely supported, slowly developing offspring.” And that is of course intensely important, being a parent at this stage is a constant negotiation between keeping them safe…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase 16 May 2021
The transformative power of art mingled with love heighten the potential of our quotidian lives, when we consider Mobile Photography and Art, our untapped potential is as defiant as it is understated. We have produced an exquisitely crafted Showcase this week, a beautifully restrained pictorial about love, loneliness and loss is caressed sensitively as we empathetically chronicle not only the characters who grieve for people not only absent from their lives but also for the desires they have by default relinquished. As if in possession of a wonderful secret, new love represents another version of our future, trilogies of desire, reconciled as we expedite our lives. Stay in the present,…
Mobile Photography Awards Winners and Honourable Mentions Announced 2021
We are delighted to announce all of the first place Winners and the entire Honourable Mentions of the 10th Annual Mobile Photography Awards, created by Daniel Berman and supported by TheAppWhisperer among others within the Mobile Art World. This year we have all experienced so much hardship and loss that it makes this years Mobile Photography Awards even more thrilling. We have viewed and studied each image of the awards and the results speak for themselves. It is truly breathtaking and uplifing to view this body of mobile photography work. Congratulations to you all and of course many thanks to the judges, Dimpy Bhalotia, Rodrigo Rivas, Elaine Taylor, Dominka Koszowska,…
Mobile Photography / Art New Year Resolutions 2021 From Artists Throughout The World
2020 has been an unstable and blistering year and the idea of making New Year Resolutions for 2021 seems overwhelming. Susan Rennie, an Award Winning Mobile Artist from California, expressed it so well, she wants “to slough off the pandemic carapace of terror, debilitation and devitalisation and recover my pre-pandemic eagerness, energy, enjoyments, explorations in creativity”. And Award Winning artist Lisa Cirenza, who managed to relocate from the UK to France during the pandemic expressed “at one point during my battle with C-Beast, I found I really didn’t think I’d ever have the energy to accept and reflect, to lead a creative life again full of roads unknown“. For Kate…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 22 November 2020
Portraits and Dreams a rare book by Wendy Ewald has been revised and expanded since it was first published in 1985. Officially described as ‘an American masterpiece‘ and no wonder. I have the newly updated version which has already sold out. The content a completely fascinating account of children living in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains in 1975. Ewald’s photography project enabled the children themselves to take photos of their dreams and in somecases nightmares, as she gave each child their own camera to capture what they saw and what they imagined through the lens. This book demonstrates not only the fantasy but also the reality of these children…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 15 November 2020
Developing an impregnable sense of self confidence should be the basis for a contented life but however, it is often the first stumbling block. Artists’ falter more than many professions with this, perhaps not so much as comedians, both occupations involve risks but without taking them, we cannot grow. Self-acceptance should never be elusive, it should be something we spend time on encouraging in ourselves as well as honouring in others, never losing the former. Eventually this Covid-cloud we are all living beneath will pass over, but whilst it is still here, its more important than ever to be gentle with our handling of ourselves and with each other. Increased…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 18 October 2020
We try to make magic here at TheAppWhisperer.com as often as possible and I am very excited to announce that this week has been no exception… having bonded with Steve and Janet Wozniak (Woz) – Apple co-founder and his wife, four years ago, over our love, care and admiration for Carolyn Hall Young and her works, if you missed that please go here. I felt I should write to Woz once more and this time to share The Quilt Project – arguably considered to be one of the 21st century’s most important poetic pieces and a defining staple of mobile art. Now that we have published the official book for…
Mobile Photography & Art Instagram Showcase – 23 August 2020
Not all self-portraiture includes the photographer, sometimes it is possible to use other people to stand in. I mentioned Sophie Calle‘s work last week and her series ‘Take Care of Yourself 2007-2009), is an example of this. Some photographers use people in a metaphoric sense, I’m thinking of Maria Kapajevea, in ‘A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman, 2012-ongoing’) or some choose not to include anyone in the picture at all (Nigel Shafran, Washing-up 2000). All of these approaches are classified as self-absented portraiture, similar to self-portraiture but none include the photographer in a literal sense. In many ways, physically, I have started to feel that maybe I…
Mobile Photography & Art Instagram Showcase – 16 August 2020
Walk with me.. I’ve been lecturing on Sophie Calle this week. Calle became known for creating emotional artwork from her own personal experiences. She once spontaneously followed and photographed a stranger, a man, all the way to Italy. Another time, she found a lost address book and interviewed and photographed everyone within it about the owner and then published the results in a French newspaper. One time, she chanced a job as a chambermaid in a Venetian hotel, just so she could photograph all the mess and details left behind. Even before my dear friend Tracey Emin portrayed her famous bed, Calle opened up her own bed and invited strangers…