iOS App Giveaway – Wall Pics for Facebook
We just love giving away promo codes at TheAppWhisperer.com – it helps all those hard working app developers out there, who we admire so much, gain futher recognition and it keeps our readers sweet and coming back. Well, we have another great giveaway here that will allow you to make updating your Facebook status even more fun. If you would like to receive a promo code for this app, just join our subscribers list and please write something within our brand new Forums section, we really want to get this busy. That’s it and before you know it you’ll find promo code in your in-box. Here’s a bit more information…
Need To Transfer Images From Your Eye-Fi SD Card To Your iPad? There’s A Great App For That
Yes, it’s true, ditch your Apple iPad Camera Connection kit right now, with ShutterSnitch you can send the images from your Eye-Fi card directly to either your iPhone or iPad. This app will bring relief to many, I have been constantly asked whether it is possible to wirelessly transfer images to your iPad from your Eye-Fi card and despite it being quite a challenge, I rose to the occasion and scoured the App Store until I found Shuttersnitch. You’ll need to use a router or MiFi as obviously your iPad cannot create its own Wi-Fi network. Then, once you have captured all of your images to the EyeFi card you…