KitCam – Updated With New Film Noir Pack
KitCam by the developers of Photoforge, GhostBird Software has recently been updated with a new film noir pack. This includes three black and white films, a film grain lens and four unique frames. This is a free update, if you have previously downloaded this app. If not, you can download it here. It retails for $1.99/£1.49/download.
KitCam – Updated
KitCam has just been updated with some great new features, including perhaps the most notable, speed improvements, you can check out all the new changes below: KitCam retails for $0.99/£0.69, if you haven’t picked it up yet, you can do so by going here. Changes Speed improvements, top requested features added and loads of bugs fixed! Lots more cool stuff coming very soon. If you love KitCam please leave us a review or if youre having any problems at all email us at [email protected], we usually get back to you within 24 hours. Join the newsletter or tweet about KitCam to unlock 2 secret films. And dont forget…
A Day In The Life Of Jay Desind – A Hugely Talented Mobile Street Travel Photographer
Welcome to our very exciting column on theappwhisperer.com. This section entitled ‘A day in the life of …’ and this is where we take a look at some hugely influential, interesting and accomplished individuals in the mobile photography world. People that we think you will love to learn more about. This is our seventieth second installment of the series, if you have missed our previous interviews please go here. Jay Desind is a writer and photographer currently in his second year of traveling to many parts of the world. Mobile photography has created an entirely new synthesis of expression for him… he now does all his photography and writing on…
KitCam – Updated With New Lenses, New Films and More…
KitCam from the developers of Photoforge has really hit the ground running and has been snapped up by many, it orginially knocked Camera+ from it’s top stop in the US Photography app store but it’s not sitting very comfortably at second place. KitCam has received a great new update with tons of stuff for Christmas. You’ll find two new lenses (Accent & Kurt). The Accent lens is a more subtle alternative to the other two vignette lenses. The vignette itself is soft even at its most intense and adds a subtle soft light accent to the centre. As with the other vignettes, pinch the screen to control its intensity. The…
KitCam – Our Daily App Giveaway
Welcome once again to our Daily App Giveaway section of theappwhisperer. We value our readers so much and that’s why we want to share our love of apps with you. Each day we give away free apps, better make us your home page 😉 Today, we’re giving away KitCam apps, each worth $1.99/£1.49. KitCam is a new app from the developers of Photoforge and it is currently the number 1 best selling photography app in the US app store, knocking Camera+ from its seemingly ‘permanent’ position. KitCam is a virtual camera kit that contains an amazing assortment of lenses, films, and frames, which can be used to create incredible effects…
KitCam – Updated
Just four days old and KitCam has received its first update. They are mainly bug fixes which have now been resolved, these include a problem with low light boost setttings, Flickr uploader tags keyboard now has a comma – making it easier to add tags and there are a few other minor graphical issues. KitCam has been built by the developers of Photoforge and is currently sporting the number 1 spot in the US Photo App Charts over at the Apple App Store. KitCam is a virtual camera kit that contains an amazing assortment of lenses, films, and frames, which can be used to create incredible effects and turn your…
KitCam – New App From The Developers Of Photoforge
This is a brand new app to hit the Apple app store from the creators of PhotoForge. It has a great design and is packed with powerful features. We’ll be publishing a review of this app shortly. We mentioned it in our earlier Photoforge2 update as it links right into it. This app retails for $1.99/£1.49 and you can download it here. Features Stunning live filters & FX Edit your photo even before taking it. A vast selection of live-preview lenses, films, and frames allow you to transform your photos and full HD videos into incredible works of art right before your eyes. Incredible camera modes…