Mobile Photography & Art – Happy Thanksgiving Post…
Happy Thanksgiving! We’re reviving and in some cases refreshing our mobile photography and art thanksgiving post of previous years because it’s as relevant today as it was then. Although we do not officially observe Thanksgiving here in the UK, for me personally, it offers another excuse to send love and gratitude to our beautiful community. Without your art, your thoughts and your daily leaps of courageous self-expression, TheAppWhisperer would not exist. In this article mobile artists have expressed their thoughts in words and images representing what mobile photography and art means to them and considered what they’re thankful for in relation to it. Some have mentioned our wonderful community, some…
Mobile Photography & Art – We’re Thankful to all of You!
Happy Thanksgiving! We’re reviving and in some cases refreshing our mobile photography and art thanksgiving post of last year because it’s as relevant today as it was then. Although we do not officially observe Thanksgiving here in the UK, for me personally, it gives me another excuse to send love and gratitude to our beautiful community. Without your art, your thoughts and your daily leaps of courageous self-expression, TheAppWhisperer would not exist. This week, I was in a prominent board meeting, seated around a table of five Directors of said company I was invited to. I was discussing your work and TheAppWhisperer. At the end of the meeting, one Director…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 24 March 2019
As a journalist of many decades, I’ve always been attuned to what is communicated to me and mostly I commit it to memory. I store up conversations and it is a treat for me to unwrap them at will. I may be in the bath, and recall a glorious conversation that made me laugh many moons ago and will laugh out loud, much to the amusement of my family. I may wake in the night and remember somber stories I have been told or witnessed and thus shed tears. But now there’s a new phenomenon too, to gather stories. Since the implementation of the mobile phone, people appear to have…
Mobile Photography & Art – Happy Thanksgiving Post…
Happy Thanksgiving! We’re reviving and in some cases refreshing our mobile photography and art thanksgiving post of last year because it’s as relevant today as it was then. Although we do not officially observe Thanksgiving here in the UK, for me personally, it gives me another excuse to send love and gratitude to our beautiful community. Without your art, your thoughts and your daily leaps of courageous self-expression, TheAppWhisperer would not exist. This week, I was in a prominent board meeting, seated around a table of five Directors of said company I was invited to. I was discussing your work and TheAppWhisperer. At the end of the meeting, one Director…
Grand Flickr Group Showcase of 2017 – TheAppWhisperer – Mobile Photography and Art
Merry Christmas! This Grand Flickr Group Showcase of 2017 represents our top favourited images from our Flickr Group – Mobile Photography & Imagery. Each week we have produced a showcase and we have selected images from all of those showcases to bring you this epic finale of the year of 2017! I want you all to enjoy this showcase, each one of you, some I know more than others, but all I recognise and am in awe of your talents. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, enjoy this mobile photography and art showcase with untapped emotion and tenderness. We have the chemistry just right, with meaningful dialogue throughout, this is…
Mobile Photography & Art – Happy Thanksgiving Post…
Happy Thanksgiving! This is our first year of asking mobile photographers and artists to contribute a Thanksgiving image, representing their thoughts, along with a few sentences expressing what mobile photography and art means to them and considering what they’re thankful for in relation to it. Some have mentioned our wonderful community, some have mentioned the actual hardware, all have made tremendous contributions and I am personally thankful to everyone who has participated in this ray of light. Please do note that I have been working on this article for over one month and round the clock the past few days, to try to ensure it was published today. If I…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 22 October 2017
“Be wild, that is how to clear the river. The river does not flow in polluted, we manage that. The river does not dry up, we block it. If we want to allow it its freedom, we have to allow our ideational lives to be let loose, to stream, letting anything come, initially censoring nothing. That is creative life.” This is a passage from a wonderful book, that you may have already read, it’s not new. It’s entitled “Women who run with the Wolves: Contacting the Power of the Wild Woman”, written and thoroughly researched by Dr Clarissa Pinkola Estes. This book was recommend to me by an incredibly talented Vogue photographer that I have…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 8 October 2017
In a spasm of self-love and need, this weeks Mobile Photography and Art Showcase will keep you transfixed as you are guided through a labyrinth of delicious ambiguity. There’s no plot, strands are left deliberately trailing, you’ll find nothing to grab hold of but you will be left feeling entirely satisfied. Each artist has created work that is not just a triumph of psychological insight but also of social observation and storytelling magic. Some work you may favour over another and there is no reconciliation to this paradox. The ferocity of each work of art and each artists’ character behind their work serves as a view to the emotional and…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 17 September 2017
This weeks Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group Showcase is a powerful, intricate, body of work: inflected throughout with the skill of some of the worlds best mobile photographers and artists. Drawing into its voracious embrace a panorama of impressively truthful and humane dexterity. Enjoy! If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week: Susan Blase, Vadim Demjianov, Robi Gallardo, Poetic Medium, Susan Maxwell Schmidt, Dadi Gylfason, BlemishedEye – David Booker, Lorenka Campos, Clint Cline, pineider, Isabel Afonso, Debara Splendorio,…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 3 September 2017
“Individuals often withhold help because they are uncertain about whether beneficiaries will appreciate their assistance. Expressions of gratitude can signify that a beneficiary values, needs, and accepts one’s assistance. Previous research has shown that grateful feelings enable people to savour positive experiences, cope with stress, and strengthen social relationships. A disposition toward gratitude is also associated with higher levels of subjective well-being, demonstrating that counting one’s blessings can increase positive emotions and health”, Francis Flynn, Professor of Organisational Behaviour at Stanford. Appreciation is one of life’s great motivators, when we take the time to let people know that we value them, it naturally inspires them to continue doing even more.…