Streets Ahead – Twenty Eighth Edition
Welcome to the twenty eighth edition of “Streets Ahead,” a weekly column dedicated to women mobile street photographers.
Sorry that we’ve not been on a regular schedule these past few weeks. I take responsibility for this… because now that the holidays are upon us, I’ve found that my time and attention has been pulled in many different directions. However, once the New Year arrives, things should be “back to normal”… and I won’t be holding everyone up again.” I promise.
We’ve had many wonderful images submitted to our Flickr group over the past few weeks. But unfortunately, as a result, I could not select only a few for comments. I also couldn’t comment on all of them. So instead, I focused my energy on the video showcase so that we can enjoy a sampling of all the wonderful work that’s been shared.
If you are a woman street photographer, please join our growing community… I’m sure that you will agree that we are a very enthusiastic and supportive group of women!!
• Flickr Group (for weekly showcase submissions)
• Facebook Group (for information sharing/discussions)
Hope you enjoy this week’s showcase…and wishing you all a wonderful (and peaceful) week!

Flickr Group Showcase
Louise Fryer
Thank you for the inclusion of my photo, love the upbeat vibe of the music!
So many talented artists here, difficult to choose a favorite pic. A lot are simply stunning!!!!
Vicki Oseland
Thank you so very much for including my photo in this week’s showcase! <3
What a wonderfully active group of street shooters we have! So honored to be included.
Michaela Meerkatz
Thank you for choosing also two of my pictures! It’s a pleasure to be part of a group of so many inspiring photographers!
Tracey Renehan
Another excellent selection. Thank you for selecting my images. It’s always such an honour and I am very happy to be part of this group. Congratulations to all selected.
Janine Graf
Wonderful selection JQ! I was glad to see the white suited saxophone player by Lee Atwell. I’ve shot him before; such a sweet man! 🙂