Mobile Photography – Portrait of an Artist – New Editors and Fifteenth Video Showcase!
We are delighted to announce two new editors will be joining us here at TheAppWhisperer to assist with our Portrait of an Artist popular mobile portraiture group. Jennifer Bracewell is currently taking a temporary break and we are very pleased to welcome Michelle Robinson and Ile Mont as co-editors. The door is held widely open for Jennifer’s return, whenever that may be and we look forward to her joining this fabulous team! Robinson and Mont are both highly talented mobile portraiture artists themselves and are hugely supportive of this medium.
Our Portrait of an Artist Column will continue along the theme that we have always had, with artists uploading their images to our Flickr group and thus our editors curating, commenting and interviewing mobile artists. Our Facebook group that complements our Column and Flickr Group is for commentary and conversation.
TheAppWhisperer is growing at a phenomenal rate and trying to include as much unique content and variety from the mobile photography world as our readers can possibly digest, you really don’t need to go anywhere else! I will be making some changes to a few of the other groups that we have and announcing those very soon, stayed tuned for that!
Please join us in warmly welcoming Michelle Robinson and Ile Mont to TheAppWhisperer family, welcome to you both! You can read a little more about them below.
Many congratulations also to the following artists featured in our video showcase today:
Damian De Souza, Emma Amar, Davide Zappettini, Jeffrey Simpson, Sukru Mehmet Omur, Lorenka Campos, Eric Raddatz, Bobbi McMurry, Sandra Becker, Eliza Badoiu, Meri Walker – iPhoneArtGirl, Damian De Souza, Hussam Eissa, Kristie, Andrew Lucchesi, Emma Amar, Dominque Torrent, Ade Santora, Angie Lambert, Davide Zappettini, Carolyn Hall Young, Rebecca Lawrence Weaver, Mariette Schrijver, Heather McAlister, Ile Mont, Armineh Hovanesian, Allyson Marie, Jennifer Henriksen, columnsovsleep, Michelle Robinson, Bonobo Stone, Eric Raddatz, Jane Schultz – before.1st.light, Tuba Khoran, Giancarlo Beltrame, Richard Smith, Manuela Basaldella, Peter Gonera, Trish Korous, Jo Sullivan, Connie Gardner Rosenthal, Vanessa Vox, Aylin Argun, Liliana Schwitter, Labarussiat Claude, Montse Abad, Diana Nicholette Jeon, Cindy Buske, Beezzz_, Maddy McCoy, Roger Guetta, Hussam Eissa, Michaela Meerkatz, Candice (CLAY3) Railton.
Michelle Robinson
Michelle Robinson is an Australian visual-artist-of-sorts based in Adelaide, South Australia. Completely self-taught, Michelle has been taking photos for most of her life. With the advent of iOS apps, Michelle has been able to combine her love for photography and art in a comprehensible and affordable manner.
Michelle has earned her reputation for her images reflecting and portraying her own struggles with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the associated symptoms of depression and anxiety. Her work has been recognised in various competitions, published in magazines and internationally exhibited in the USA and Europe. She is a founding artist of The New Era Museum and has been a supporter of TheAppWhisperer as well as the “iPhoneography” movement since its early days.

Ileana Mont
Born in Mexico City, Ileana is a professional in graphic communications and advertising. She studied in San Diego, CA. in the United States and later on she returned to Mexico City where she worked as a copywriter, graphic designer and creative director for several advertising agencies, until she realized she had a more artistic calling and a very strong feeling for painting and photography. She learned about painting techniques with Mexican artist Irma Grizá and engaged in developing and combining her photography and computer graphics skills through her visual expression. She is now an independent visual artist and photographer and has been featured in some important blogs about mobile art and photography. Ileana enjoys looking for the beauty out of ordinary things and the special things of our everyday lives.

Portrait of an Artist Video Showcase
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