Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 17 July 2016
Art and health are in-explicitly linked, we know the obvious health benefits and therapeutic advantages of creating physical art with paintings and photography but also it’s linked with literature and medicine. Many will notice ‘the ‘language barrier’ when visiting a doctor. Sometimes your doctor may not understand your condition because you cannot describe it lucidly enough and in turn, your doctor cannot describe the proposed treatment because he cannot explain it squarely to you. Language is integral to medicine, as an art, this means language is integral to our health. Chekhov famously quipped: “Medicine is my lawful wife and literature my mistress; when I get tired of one, I spend the night with the other.”
The translation I have created in this weeks mobile photography and art showcase, will enable all to understand our art as both a metaphor and reality. Medicine contributes to literature, art contributes to our health, we are one. Enjoy!
If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art flickr group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. If you would like to view our previous Flickr Group Showcases (please go here).
Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week:
Yasuo Furue, Luison, Alex, Verdi 707, Cristina Rossi, Eliza Badoiu, Stephanie Roberts, Sara Tune, Trish G, Sandra Becker, Manuela Basaldella – Headattacks, Goha Radziszweska, Elodie Hunting, karma o – Christine O’Sobczak, Amanda Parker, Lorenka Campos, Cindy Buske, Nick Kenrick, woltarise, kCe7, TheiPhoneArtGirl – Meri Walker, Paul Yan, Tracey, Candice Railton, Hotel Midnight – Deborah McMillion, Isabel Afonso, Nicolas Xanthos, Robin Robertis, Gianluca Ricoveri, Louise Whiting, Kristie Benoit, David DeNagel, Roger Guetta, jillian2, Rayhan Arko, Juta Jazz, Liliana Schwitter, Karen Axelrad
‘Anomaly’ – Juta Jazz

Flickr Group Showcase
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Carolyn Hall Young
So, so wonderful! This work shines so brightly. Bravo, my friends!!
cristina rossi
thank so very much for including my work!!! I’m so honoured!!! this really makes me want to try harder!!! also congrats to all the other artists for their wonderful images!!!
Tyrone Leverone
Simply delighted to have two of my videos featured in Mobile Movies Showcase – Week 37 by Donna Donato.