Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 15 November 2020
Developing an impregnable sense of self confidence should be the basis for a contented life but however, it is often the first stumbling block. Artists’ falter more than many professions with this, perhaps not so much as comedians, both occupations involve risks but without taking them, we cannot grow. Self-acceptance should never be elusive, it should be something we spend time on encouraging in ourselves as well as honouring in others, never losing the former. Eventually this Covid-cloud we are all living beneath will pass over, but whilst it is still here, its more important than ever to be gentle with our handling of ourselves and with each other. Increased…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 21 April 2019
Earlier this year, I attended the press view of ‘A Fortnight Of Tears’ by and with Tracey Emin, at The White Cube Gallery, London. What has interested me, particularly, since the exhibition are the wide ranging and diverse reviews and critiques of this show. Having spent time speaking with Emin, as well as sharing the exhibition and space with her, I felt closer to this artwork and to her psyche than I ever have before. Many of the reviews were critical, she is an artist who has always attracted harsh critics. Her most infamous work “My Bed” (1988), is in many ways, metaphorically, part of this exhibition. It’s re-inacted as…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 10 March 2019
Why does anything exist at all? I’m an optimistic, don’t worry, but it’s a question which we all spend our lives trying, increasingly strenuously to avoid. Human life, is always held up against the massive fact of nature, impervious and indifferent to man. If we knew our exact end of life date, would we live our lives differently? When humans have brushed up close to death, they do live differently. I know that I do. I was lucky to survive at 24 years old with very serious liver tumours and luck really did play the main part in my survival. Consequently, I have felt on borrowed time ever since, I…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 20 January 2019
This weeks Mobile Photography & Art Showcase subtly traces the invisible choreographed presence within mobile art, floating, almost as an unseen voyeur, flowing and pausing subtly like a mute docent. The resulting film is calming and as always an intriguing investigation into mobile art throughout the globe, at this very moment. Our art literate audience will feel excitement when viewing this showcase, it’s an exemplar of everything mobile art has flirted with over the past ten years, enjoy! Thank you to all the talented artists for submitting your works to our showcase this week, it’s one of true splendor. If you would like your work to be considered for entry in…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 28 October 2018
Life is an enactment, art the outward manifestation of the scenes performed on an inner stage and no greater is this portrayal witnessed than in this weeks Mobile Photography and Art Showcase. Consciously desexed, I am somewhat a phenomenolgist as I curate each week. Infilitrating the discrepancies between reasoning and imagination, demanding the subjectivity of the objectiveness of each work of art, I invite all viewers to experience the anteriority of mobile art; the power, the strength and the hauntingly honesty of this new movement of art. As Emily Dickinson, whom I have been reading this week, knew, the truth that underlies all art is an apocalyptic yearning for ecstasy,…
New Projects – Our New Form of Artistic Installation aka ‘The Quilt’ Is Ready!
We’re delighted to inform our readers that the quilt that so many of you contributed to, has now been completed. For those of you not aware of this project, it involved mobile artists contributing one image and each one was then carefully included within a large quilt to be displayed at the next gallery show or even Mobile Arts Festival. There has been a few obstacles along the way and we have overcome each one. This quilt was sewed together and finalised by none other than mobile artist, Lorenka Campos’ mother in law. We all owe her much gratitude. The quilt is now with Lorenka Campos, so if you would…
Grand Flickr Group Showcase of 2017 – TheAppWhisperer – Mobile Photography and Art
Merry Christmas! This Grand Flickr Group Showcase of 2017 represents our top favourited images from our Flickr Group – Mobile Photography & Imagery. Each week we have produced a showcase and we have selected images from all of those showcases to bring you this epic finale of the year of 2017! I want you all to enjoy this showcase, each one of you, some I know more than others, but all I recognise and am in awe of your talents. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, enjoy this mobile photography and art showcase with untapped emotion and tenderness. We have the chemistry just right, with meaningful dialogue throughout, this is…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 8 October 2017
In a spasm of self-love and need, this weeks Mobile Photography and Art Showcase will keep you transfixed as you are guided through a labyrinth of delicious ambiguity. There’s no plot, strands are left deliberately trailing, you’ll find nothing to grab hold of but you will be left feeling entirely satisfied. Each artist has created work that is not just a triumph of psychological insight but also of social observation and storytelling magic. Some work you may favour over another and there is no reconciliation to this paradox. The ferocity of each work of art and each artists’ character behind their work serves as a view to the emotional and…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 5 August 2017
This weeks Mobile Photography and Art showcase offers a diverse spectrum with a common spirit. Artists this week have portrayed turbulence and power with a life-affirming range. It’s unrequited passion, astute with intelligence and emotional complexity. This is a striking performance, enjoy! If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week: Luis Fernandez, Hanni K, Clint Cline, Y F, Jun Yamaguchi, Lorenka Campos, Jo Sullivan, Andy Alexandre, Susan Blase, Jillian2 – Jill Lian, Jonasz Olszewski, Ger van den Elzen, Shel…
Mobile Photography / Art – Highly Significant Post You May Have Missed @TheAppWhisperer.com This Week W/C 12 June 2017
We have included links and descriptions to many of the articles we have published this week. We understand how hard it is to keep up with our unique content that we generate on a daily basis and we really do not want you to miss a single thing. Please follow the links below to any that may specifically interest you: Streets Ahead Interview – Karen Axelrad – Mobile Street Photography by Cara Gallardo Weil – https://theappwhisperer.com/2017/06/mobile-photography-streets-ahead-interview-karen-axelrad-mobile-street-photography/ Mobile Photography and Art – A Picture’s Worth with Tricia Dewey from Texas, US – https://theappwhisperer.com/2017/06/mobile-photography-art-pictures-worth-tricia-dewey-texas-us/ Mobile Photography and Art – A Picture’s Worth with Rino Rossi from Italy – https://theappwhisperer.com/2017/06/mobile-photography-art-pictures-worth-rino-rossi-italy/ ‘One Day Odyssey’ Mobile Photography &…