Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Showcase – 11 June 2017
“The only people who can still strike us as normal are those we don’t yet know very well. The best cure for love is to get to know them better“, speaks Alain de Botton in his book ‘The Course of Love’, that I have been reading this week and highly recommend. There’s true warmth and wit in this book. “Infatuations aren’t delusions. That way they have of holding their head may truly indicate someone confident, wry, and sensitive; they really may have the humor and intelligence implied by their eyes and the tenderness suggested by their mouth. The error of the infatuation is more subtle: a failure to keep in mind the central truth of human nature: that everyone — not merely our current partners, in whose multiple failings we are such experts — but everyone will have something substantially and maddeningly wrong with them when we spend more time around them, something so wrong as to make a mockery of those initially rapturous feelings“. Personally, I have fallen in love so many times, literally so many times but none have meant as much as the one I have always loved and love. Love drives me, it is my weakness and also my strength. When we are loved, so deeply, it’s rooting, it is so rich and rewarding, when we give love, the tension between frustration and satisfaction vitalises romance. One of the many not so obvious things that I love, is mobile art and photography. I think when you view this weeks Showcase, you will be gripped, it’s full of unexpected twists and turns and it’s completely honest and delicious, enjoy!
If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art flickr group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. If you would like to view our previous Flickr Group Showcases (please go here).
Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week:
Brendan O Se, Hotel Midnight – Deborah McMillion, TheiPhoneArtGirl – Meri Walker, Karen Axelrad, Francesco Sambati, Clare Pickett, Sarah Kuhn, Ashvik Himu, Beate Goralczyk, Shel Serkin, Dina Alfasi, Poetic Medium, Linda Hollier, Andrea Koerner, Luison, Robi Gallardo, Donna Donato, Kate Zari Roberts, Sara Tune, Cristina Rossi, Aylin Argun, woltarise, Clare Pickett, Giancarlo Beltrame, Gianluca Ricoveri, Clint Cline, Angie Lambert, Ade Santora, Patricia Januszkiewicz, Vadim Demjianov, Gina Costa, Susan Rennie, Doc simsim, Roger Guetta, Barbara Nebel, Jane Schultz, Sandra Becker, Ile Mont, Dominique Torrent, borisbschulz2009, Y F, Alla Crashenkova, Lorenka Campos, Cecilia Sao Thiago
Music this week is ‘The Catchers of Time’ – The Shakespeares
Untitled – ©Francesco Sambati
Flickr Group Showcase
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