Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 27 May 2018
This whole showcase is theatre. We open with ‘Red Heart (peel)’ by highly accomplished mobile artist, Poetic Medium who describes her inspiration of her work (in our interview in full here), as ‘the poetry of modern living’. It is an expression of the beliefs of the majority, I would say. Poetic Medium, understands that art should be experienced by both body and mind, by hands, touch as well as eyes and sight. This showcase expresses this view, my curation is not always to create something wholly new but to draw attention to what is already there. As you penetrate this body of art, you’ll become aware of its fluidity and this has something to do with the generosity and openness that we share and embrace within our community of mobile artists. Enjoy!
Thank you to all artists for submitting your works. If you would like your work to be considered for entry in to our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here.
Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week:
Anastasia Potekhina, Linda Hollier, Luison – Lrh , David Hayes, borisbshulz2009, Tomaso Belloni, Jun Yamaguchi, jillian2 – Jill Lian, Candice Railton, Poetic Medium, p.a. hamel, Lorenka Campos, Gianluca Ricoveri, Ginaluca Ricoveri, Gina Costa, Andrzej Libiszewski, Susan Rennie, Jenneke Tesselaar, Barbara Nebel, Kate Zari Roberts, G. Billon, TheiPhoneArtGirl – Meri Walker, Hanni K, Tuba, Nick Kenrick, Catherine Caddigan, Clint Cline, Van Nhan Nguyen, Yuki Fujiwara, Maddy McCoy.
‘Red Heart (peel) 12863’ ©Poetic Medium

Flickr Group Showcase
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