One Minute Mobile Photography Miracles Webinar with Rad Drew and Jack Davis
One Minute Mobile Photography Miracles Webinar with Rad Drew and Jack Davis We are delighted to announce that one of our fabulous contributors, Rad Drew, has teamed up with Jack Davis, one of the most knowledgeable photographers in the business, to create this incredible ‘One Minute Mobile Photography Miracles’ Webinar to help with all the changes that occurred to the iPhone and the iOS in a short period. In this webinar, they cover new things, things that are hidden, and confusing things. Like the Lightroom Mobile webinar we mentioned yesterday, this one, too, is designed to be a reference tool. The cost is only $29.95 for everything and it is…
Lightroom Mobile: Unmasking the Magic of the Latest and Greatest Features Webinar with Rad Drew and Jack Davis
Lightroom Mobile: Unmasking the Magic of the Latest and Greatest Features Webinar with Rad Drew and Jack Davis We are delighted to announce that one of our fabulous contributors, Rad Drew, has teamed up with Jack Davis, one of the most knowledgeable photographers in the business, to create this incredible webinar that unmasks the magic of the latest and greatest features of Adobe Lightroom Mobile, an app that is essential to so many of our mobile photography community, for good reason! This webinar includes: 1. Webinar Recording (2:48 minutes). 2. Bonus Q&A movie (48 minutes). 3. Davis Lightroom Optimizing Tango (52 minutes). 4. Index Document with Time Codes for each…
How I Did It!™- Creating with Your iPhone; Masking, Composites, & Textures with Rad Drew
We are delighted to announce that our highly accomplished Columnist and Award Winning Mobile Photographer and Artist Rad Drew is hosting a webinar for this ‘How I Did It!’ Series this Friday – 5th March 2021 all about masking, composites and texture creation with your iPhone. This webinar will be presented on Zoom between 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm EST. The fee to attend is $19.99 but we have a discount code giving 20% off of this price. Just enter the code ‘THEAPPWHISPERER’ when you register at this link and the discount will be automatically applied. The webinar will be recorded for repeated viewing. It is targeted to iPhone users, but many…
Carol Wiebe Joins TheAppWhisperer as New Columnist for ‘Draw the Line – Mobile Art as an Expression’ A Brand New Column
We are delighted to announce today, talented mobile photographer and artist, Carol Wiebe is joining us as New Columnist and Editor for our brand new Column entitled ‘Draw the Line – Mobile Art as an Expression’. Wiebe explains what this group is all about; “this group is about mobile photos with the added touch of applied line. If you are a mobile artist who is in love with line, this group is for you! You might apply line work in the form of drawing, adding patterns, lines, and marks. Perhaps your lines are stitched, or glued, with thread or string. Lines can be a major element, placing drawn components into…
Sheldon Serkin Joins TheAppWhisperer as a New Columnist for StreetWise
We are delighted to welcome Sheldon Serkin as a new Columnist to TheAppWhisperer. We have long been admirers of Serkin’s photography and he is regualrly featured in our weekly Flickr Group Showcases. Sheldon is heading up our brand new mobile street photography column entitled StreetWise. As our regular readers will know, we have a very popular women’s mobile street photography group entitled, StreetsAhead. This is uber popular and is edited by Cara Gallardo Weil and Gina Costa. We wanted to launch StreetWise as an open group for all mobile street photographers, whatever their gender. Serkin has been a mobile street photographer in New York City since 2010. In 2014, he…
APPart – Bobbi McMurry New Columnist – Joins The Team – TheAppWhisperer
We are delighted to welcome Bobbi McMurry as a new Columnist to Bobbi will head up the APPart Column, previously run by the brilliant Mel Harrison. Mel paved the way in creating a sensational column in APPart, with How To’s/Tips and wonderful thought provoking articles, sadly (to us) due to personal reasons she can no longer commit the time that is needed to continue its development. We are extremely pleased that Bobbi McMurry has accepted our invitation to run this column, we have admired her art for a long time. She is hugely talented and has some great ideas and we will incorporate those and bring you fabulous mobile…
StreetVIEW – ‘A Small Drinking Town with an Art Problem’ by Laura Peischl
We’re truly delighted to publish this wonderful article by our Columnist Laura Peischl who’s travelling the US right now with her fabulous companion Adria Ellis. As well as writing the text, Laura sent us some beautiful mobile images from her trip. We have put these together into a video showcase with the music of her choice, ‘Smoke a little Smoke’ by Eric Church (link), don’t miss this. Postcards from Marfa Image ©Laura Peischl “The moment I heard about Marfa I was intrigued and couldn’t help myself but google it immediately. What I found out about this small town puzzled me and made me want to know more, better, drive there…
MaryJane Sarvis & Jennifer Bracewell Join TheAppWhisperer As New Columnists
We’re really delighted to welcome MaryJane Sarvis as a new Columnist to, Jennifer Bracewell is already a wonderful Columnist and heads up the Portrayal Column. Jennifer is joining forces with MaryJane to create a brand new Column in addition and this will be called ‘Fly On The Wall’. Both MaryJane and Jennifer are hugely talented artists, we have published tutorials, interviews and many articles by and with them throughout the site and featured their outstanding images many times within our Flickr Group Showcase, which represents the very best mobile photography from around the web each and every week. They are a huge credit to our team. The new monthly…
Jerry Jobe Joins The App Whisperer As A New Columnist
We’re really delighted to welcome Jerry Jobe as a new Columnist to We have been impressed with Jerry’s technical video tutorials and we have published those here, incase you’ve missed them. Jerry will be working alongside our Head of Technical Tutorials David Hayes, this will allow us to increase our quantity of stunning technical photo app tutorials that we know you all so value and hold in such high esteem. In Jerry’s own words: “Never content with just scratching the surface of what an app can do, Jerry Jobe decided to pass on what he learned about imaging apps to others. He’s constantly trying to figure out just what…
Technical Tutorial – ProCam: Night Mode
Recent updates to ProCam added its “ISO Boost” feature which when activated, will up the iPhone5’s maximum ISO from 800 to 3200. This is really helpful when shooting in low light environments. A real bonus with this app is its “Night Mode”! This allows you to reduce the shutter speed…and so more light is captured by your iPhone 5’s camera sensor. Using this with the “ISO Boost” gives you a lot more possibilities!! We have recently published some excellent technical tutorials to help you get the most from ProCam, to read those, go here. ProCam retails for $0.99/£0.69 and you can download it here. Let’s take a look…