Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr/Instagram Group Showcase – 24 October 2021
This weeks Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group Showcase is an absolute triumph of atmosphere, with a meditation on the tenacity and fragility of the human spirit. it has an almost hallucinatory quality as it unfolds in a powerfully poetic distillation. For the few minutes that its plays, we are privileged to live in it. Thank you to all artists for submitting your works. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art…
Grand Flickr Group Showcase of 2016 – TheAppWhisperer – Mobile Photography and Art
I had intended to publish our 2016 Grand Flickr Group Showcase of Mobile Photography and Art on Christmas Day this year. I had prepared most of it ahead of time and was relatively well organised to go live on 25 December. However, events took a turn for the worse and as I awoke after a thoroughly turbulent night on the morning of 24 December, I picked up my phone and saw a Facebook message coming through from a friend expressing how sorry she was for the loss of Carolyn Hall Young a few hours before. For a few moments, I thought I was still in the midst of the wretched…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 25 September 2016
When I was a young girl, one of my great pleasures was creating plays with my best girlfriend. When I say ‘plays’, perhaps they would be better described as audio recordings, on cassette tape, like a radio show. Rachel and I would spend hours on the scripts and each take on multiple roles within the same recording. It was not just due to economic necessity that we each played multiple parts, it was also hugely fun. These plays were complex and sophisticated and allowed us to express all the emotions we had building inside us, from outside sources. With today’s technology, it’s so much easier to turn turn narration into…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 18 September 2016
A supremely confident mobile photography and art flickr Group Showcase greets you this week. Progressively, as we move through each interchanging image, from all around the world, the soul full voice of Xenia Dunford soothes us with a hauntingly lovely score. There’s a yearning in this showcase, choreographed and smoothed into a tender and transcendent playfulness. Enjoy! If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art flickr group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. If you would like to view our previous Flickr Group Showcases (please go here). Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week:…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 24 April 2016
As I crashed spectacularly to the ground from my mountain bike early this morning, I was reminded of a dear friend talking to me about resilience. Not that I need reminding, I have met with enough adversity in my life to know that this is a psychological trait buried deeply into my psyche. There was nothing to do, I picked myself back up, swung my leg over the cross-bar, dropped a few gears and I pushed myself up the climb, I stood over my bike and I powered up that hill. The word ‘resilience’ derives from the Latin for ‘to jump again’. Mobile Photography and Art requires resilience, there is…
Mobile Photography and Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 17 May 2015 – TheAppWhisperer
Wow, this weeks mobile photography and art video showcase is another beautifully created and curated collection of works from all around the world. Each artist that has been featured, has worked tremenously well, their images sing, embrace and rejoice us. I am sure you will all enjoy this as much as I do. If you would like to be considered for our weekly Flickr Group Showcase, please upload your images to our dedicated Flickr group, for this section, here Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week: hanakai2001, Aylin Argun, Alain Paris, Hanni K, Jun Yamaguchi, Maddy McCoy, Tomaso Belloni, Michael Kistler, Roger Guetta, Frederic Mahy, Sara…
Mobile Photography – Flickr Group Showcase – 15 February 2015 – TheAppWhisperer
Yes! Oh Yes, Oooooh Yes! This weeks Flickr Group Showcase is incredible! The strength of mobile photography and art excites me, so much and I am quite sure it will delight and energise all of our readers too. If you would like to be considered for our weekly Flickr Group Showcase, please upload your images to our dedicated Flickr group, for this section, here With many thanks to our Flickr Group Showcase Sponsors – Olloclip.com Music this week is by Barrett Yeretsian ‘Destiny’ _fireandrain_, Gusbano, Trish G, David DeNagel, Jun Yamaguchi, Anne Highfield, Roger Guetta, Mary Fennell, Bobbi McMurry, Shel Serkin, hanakai2001, Ade Santora, Kathy Carey, Ginger Lucero, Elaine, Lee…
Mobile Photography – Flickr Group Showcase – 25 January 2015 – TheAppWhisperer
Oh wow! We have just completed this weeks mobile photography and art Flickr Group Showcase and it is absolutely bursting with creativity and talent. I hope you all enjoy this showcase as much as I do. If you would like to be considered for our weekly Flickr Group Showcase, please upload your images to our dedicated Flickr group, for this section, here With many thanks to our Flickr Group Showcase Sponsors – Olloclip.com Music this week is by Jasmine Ash ‘Fall’ Each image can be viewed on Flickr by clicking on the relevant artist below: Cedric Blanchon, Morganistik, Ayllin Argun, Nick Kenrick, Alan Kastner, Mike Bowers, Roger Guetta, Cathrine Halsor,…
Mobile Photography – Flickr Group Showcase – 28 December 2014- TheAppWhisperer
Wow! This is totally stunning! This weeks mobile photography Flickr Group Showcase is bursting with creativity and incredibly strong photography. It’s a huge pleasure to curate this group, the artists work is totally remarkable. I hope you all enjoy this showcase as much as I do. If you would like to be considered for our weekly Flickr Group Showcase, please upload your images to our dedicated Flickr group, for this section, here With many thanks to our Flickr Group Showcase Sponsors – Olloclip.com Each image can be viewed on Flickr by clicking on the relevant artist below: Jane Schultz, Jack Barnosky, Michael Trombley, Gianluca Ricoveri, Martinawoll iPhoneography, Louise Whiting, Waldemar…
Flickr Group Showcase – TheAppWhisperer (TAW) – 7 September 2014
Oh yes! We have just curated, produced and published this weeks Flickr Group Showcase, representing the very best of mobile photography and art from around the world! This is stunning, you’re going to love it! If you would like to be considered for our weekly Flickr Group Showcase, please upload your images to our dedicated Flickr group, for this section, here. With many thanks to our Flickr Group Showcase Sponsors – Olloclip.com Each image can be viewed on Flickr by clicking on the relevant artist below: Tomaso Belloni, Yannick Brice, Anne Highfield, Roger Guetta, dr pajchiwo, Poetic Medium, Giancarlo Beltrame, karma o, Michelle Robinson, John Fullard, Roy Moore, Cedric Blanchon,…