Mobile Photography & Art – We’re Thankful to all of You!
Happy Thanksgiving!
We’re reviving and in some cases refreshing our mobile photography and art thanksgiving post of last year because it’s as relevant today as it was then. Although we do not officially observe Thanksgiving here in the UK, for me personally, it gives me another excuse to send love and gratitude to our beautiful community. Without your art, your thoughts and your daily leaps of courageous self-expression, TheAppWhisperer would not exist. This week, I was in a prominent board meeting, seated around a table of five Directors of said company I was invited to. I was discussing your work and TheAppWhisperer. At the end of the meeting, one Director came up to me, eager to shake my hand and he said ‘Joanne, I feel your passion so much, you are so passionate about what you do’. I was flattered because I was not specifically trying to be passionate, but it profusely flows out of me and he felt motivated and excited. This is what we do, collectively! You are everything!
In this article mobile artists have expressed their thoughts in words and images representing what mobile photography and art means to them and considered what they’re thankful for in relation to it. Some have mentioned our wonderful community, some have mentioned the actual hardware, all have made tremendous contributions and I am personally thankful to everyone who has participated in this ray of light.
Happy Thanksgiving and all my thanks to all who contributed, I am forever grateful to you all.
Jill Lian, Kate Zari Roberts, Robin Cohen, Susan Rennie, Alon Goldsmith, Bobbi McMurry, Amy Ecenbarger, Clint Cline, Catherine Caddigan, Patricia Leeds, Deborah McMillion, Cecily Caceu, Lynette Sheppard, Cathrine Halsor, Gummy Sangkamee, Bonobo Stone, Lisa Waddell, Alexis Rotella, Vicki Cooper, Mariette Schrijver, Jane Schultz, Jennifer Thomas, Cliff Oliver, Clarisse Debout, David Hayes, Sara Augenbraun, Carlos Austin, Laurie Amerson, Gerry Coe, Lorenka Campos, Carol Wiebe, Tuba Korhan, Lisa Mitchell, Oola Cristina, Dina Alfasi, Katie Saxby, Gianluca Ricoveri, Kerry Mitchell, Joyce Harkin, Jeffrey A Thomas, Linda Toki, Beth Sanders, Meri Walker, Lanie Heller, Paul J Toussaint, Cheryl A Townsend, Cecilia Sao Thiago, Edward Santos, Enzo Crispino, Riel Noir, Lrh Arquitecto, Christina Chin, Karen Axelrad, Fleur Schim, Amanda Parker, Geri Centonze, Janis Brandenburg Lee, Lee Atwell.
Jill Lian
While taking this photo this morning, I realized how very thankful I am to be able to look through the lens of my mobile phone. I am able to look into this amazing world that I wouldn’t otherwise know existed. I start every day by going outside to find new photo opportunities. I believe it sets my day in the right direction and I’m so thankful to be able to do that. I’m also most thankful for Joanne at TheAppWhisperer. I am grateful for the part she plays in my mobile photography experience. She has brought me to a level I would not have achieved on my own! Image ©Jill Lian
Kate Zari Roberts
I’m eternally grateful for being able to live in Colorado, one of the most beautiful and inspiring places on Earth. Whenever I’m feeling down, a walk In Nature lifts my spirits, and benefits my physical, mental and emotional life. I’m thankful every day for my life, for my family and for our artistic community. And of course, for you, Joanne, and your belief in us. Image ©Kate Zari Roberts
Robin Cohen
I’m really thankful for the amazing love, support and empathy present in the mobile community and for the continual inspiration here 💗💗 Image ©Robin Cohen
Susan Rennie
What a wonderful invitation. I would love to participate, but truthfully I don’t know how to represent my thankfulness in one image: thankful for being alive, for my loving partner, for strong and loyal friends, for my comfortable home, for the global community I share made possible by you and TheAppWhisperer, for the little woolly creature who is filling a hole in my heart, for my fellow Americans fighting to keep the values that have defined us, for the glories of the natural world. Well, I have so much for which I give thanks. And thank you for helping us articulate and envisage our gratitude.
Lee Atwell
Regardless of how turbulent life may be, being connected to the mobile photography community always feels like coming home. I am grateful for the connections, friendships and seemingly infinite source of inspiration from you all. Much gratitude also for Joanne for bringing us together and her incredible ongoing work and passion for mobile photography.
Karen Axelrad
It’s me double-exposed and double-exposed again, dressed in fallen, wet leaves from my beloved ginkgo tree and an all-American starred sweater, apped in hipstamatic, dianaphoto, iColorama, distressedfx and superimpose with techniques learned from a loving, constructive community willing to share their techniques and their lives with strangers no more.
Image ©Karen Axelrad
Alon Goldsmith
Mobile photography
Rekindled creativity
Human being
Joyous connectivity – Image ©Alon Goldsmith
Fleur Schim
Mobile photography has broadened my horizons: to become part of something larger than myself. My vision of everyday life has expanded to allow me to realize a greater creative potential while sharing such moments with the camaraderie of those with similar pursuits. Now I find myself fully engaged in observing my environment by living in the moment while fully participating in my journey toward full artistic expression. The gift of mobile photography, its ability to engage me fully in really seeing, experiencing, recording and sharing my path, has been and will continue to be a powerful, yet simple, means to my continued personal growth.
Image ©Fleur Schim
Janis Brandenburg Lee
My thankfulness knows no bounds when it’s in regard to photography and mobile art. It is especially true after moving to a new state, and knowing only 2 people here! New surroundings have inspired my photography, especially with nature. So many different subjects than I was used to! Best of all, I was able to bring my mobile art friends with me to my new home, to talk and laugh with, and share my new experiences with. It has made me feel more connected than ever to the mobile art community, and I know that wherever I am in life, my artist friends and community will be right here with me!
Bobbi McMurry
Each day I am thankful for nights that turned into mornings, friends that turned into family, dreams that turned into reality and likes that turned into love.
‘Beginning to Understand’ ©Bobbi McMurry
Amy Ecenbarger
It’s the little things. If I were to really look at why iPhonography has been a game changer for me, those few words would sum it up. Because I always have my phone, and by extension the ability to capture any moment, I’m so much more aware of finding the beauty in small, everyday things… shadows, shapes, color. Scenes both simple and majestic. There’s such a freedom in the spontaneity of the capture, and in the pure joy of the edit. Each app is a new gift, and and a new tool in my creative toy box. Here’s to another year of finding the beauty and creative potential of each new day. Image ©Amy Ecenbarger
Clint Cline
Thank. Full.
At the very moment
you realize that all you have
was never yours
but by the full embrace
of God’s grace,
you have discovered
true thanksgiving.
Creative expression
bears its own benediction,
filling the soul
in resonance with ideas
and larger than ourselves.
But it is the friends
and fellow travelers for which
I’m also grateful;
creative companions
inspiring and challenging and
encouraging along the way.
While all I have
I hold loosely,
I cherish tightly and
give thanks for
those whom God has
steered into my path.
Happy, this thanksgiving.
Image ©Clint Cline
Geri Centonze
Without the support of the mobile art community and the almost daily practice of editing photos it would have been even more difficult to have gone through treatment for cancer this past year. Photographing myself through this experience helped me to embrace the changes that were happening to my body. I am so thankful for this artistic outlet. (Instagram @gericentonze)
Image ©Geri Centonze
Catherine Caddigan
I am so greatful to have become part of a generous and loving group of artists. There is a community here that is infused with support and sharing. The AppWhisperer is like a well where we all draw creativity and inspiration. Joanne’s features give us a chance to see into each other and our medium. I am so happy to participate in this process.
This piece is called “Welcome Dear Redeemer” and is a tribute to my mother who I taught me about love and sharing.
Image ©Catherine Caddigan
Amanda Parker
I am so thankful for the opportunity to express myself through mobile art. This medium has allowed me to be creative and at the same time be in a social network which is a wonderful advantage. Showing my art to others instantly has been a special experience and one that I am quite thankful for!
Image ©Amanda Parker
Patricia Leeds
I had to laugh when Joanne asked me to write about the health benefits and well-being that mobile photography has brought to my life.
Most of my work is done on the iPad late at night, which probably doesn’t help my physical well-being. I get so carried away with editing that I forget to go to sleep at a decent hour. So that can’t be too healthy.
With that said, I don’t know what my life would be like without this community of creative inspiring folks. Every day I am astounded by the incredible imagery from the mobile art community. I have been so lucky to have met some of the people in this group and to say you are all awesome is an understatement.
For the past eight years, I have jumped around from IG to FB to IPA and back again to IG. I love seeing all of the variety of ideas and creative work that everyone has been doing and the growth throughout these years.
Since the beginning of this year, I have been in a turmoil of emotions, as many of us have. Being able to create imagery that reflects my internal dialog helps me describe what I am feeling. It is a creative form of therapy, and so much of the time I am surprised by what surfaces. With Thanksgiving close by, I want to thank you all for sharing your ideas, your work, your comments, and your talents.
Author and lecturer Ellen Dissanayake states that, “The power of an Art Hive can be traced back to the first people gathering to make something together. Whether it was preparing food or arranging rocks to point others in a particular direction, joining together in a creative process to problem solve and strengthen inner and outer resources is human behavior”.
It is this strengthening of inner and outer resources that promotes improved mental health for individuals and the community.
I am truly grateful to Joanne for her tireless enthusiasm, her creative vision, and her talent in bringing this community together.
Thank you, Joanne. Image ©Patricia Leeds
Deborah McMillion
Before joining my first Mobile Digital art group there was another traditional group of artists in a cooperative galley I “belonged” to because I’m a hard working professional. Respect for the art there was not: it’s too humorous, too whimsical, it’s Not Serious! But as varied as the art is in the mobile, digital, iArt, iPad, community not varied has been the consistent friendship and support. After a long career in traditional art it is this community, beloved strangers across the world, I finally was able to completely open my art to. Feeling free to paint what I want has come from the community of artists that support us here. Your belief is the validation that kept that well of creativity alive.
With love..
‘The Bibliophile Thanksgiveable Congregation’ ©Deborah McMillion
Cecily Caceu
Thank you for inviting me to participate in this project. Since I have been involved in the Mobile Photography movement I have overcome my shyness of sharing my art. I have relished the fact that what I create can be shared with others around the world within seconds. It has given me a sense of community and that contributes immensely to my wellbeing. The friends I have made through the mobile art platforms bring me a sense of community and a renewed hope for the world.
‘Luck is coming your way’ ©Cecily Caceu
Lynette Sheppard
Here is my image and a few lines about it – what a lovely idea. I enjoyed thinking about how much mobile art gives me and how thankful I am to be part of such a wonderful community.
Photography has been a healing modality for me as far back as my divorce from my first marriage. (30 years ago.) Mobile art is limitless in its possibilities and I believe that art activism can heal not only the personal but the universal. I am filled with gratitude for the new horizons I see each day not only through my own art but that of the many mobile artists I follow. This image symbolizes to me the power of metamorphosis, the quenching of artistic thirst, and light seeping through the cracked places. Blue is a very spiritual color to me, so that completes the piece. Thanks again, Joanne, for all that you do!
Image ©Lynette Sheppard
Cathrine Halsor
The way I look at things is the most powerful force in shaping my life. The iPhone is always with me; to capture and see the beauty in my everyday life. I love the idea of creating small visual stories for the viewer to enter, just for a little while. The way I started my mobile artist path, made a huge impact in my life. My health was, at that point, very poor, so the fact that the phone was accessible and always with me, gave me the inspiration I needed. I could shoot or edit og do something related to my art every day. I created my own little world, where I saw the precious things in my daily life.
In my life I see no difference between creating an image, cooking or growing a garden. They are all so related. But there is a need for me to create images. It is so gratifying and I get so much joy from it, and it gives me many answers in my life. I think we need to find what brings out our inner light and inspiration. It makes a big difference to our everyday life and the people around us is affected by this joy too.
The discovery of, and the sharing with, other artist in the mobile community was amazing, and still is inspiring to this day. I’m so grateful for my family, my girls and my boyfriend, and for every one that I have ’met’ in the mobile community. You’ve all been a wonderful part of the shaping of my new life.
Image ©Cathrine Halsor
Gummy Sangkamee
This is my work “don’t think just shoot, then combine them in my way” – Image ©Gummy Sangkamee
Bonobo Stone
When it comes to gratitude, my mom tops the list. She taught me never to judge a person based on the colour of their skin, their religion or sexual orientation. I grew up near the border, in Windsor Ontario, across the river from Detroit and as a consequence, I was exposed to the racial divisions that existed in the Motorcity and too often defines the failure of American politics. So,in honour of the U.S. Thanksgiving I wanted to create something that speaks to moms, liberty and honour. So, here is ‘Read My Mind’ a tribute to people who stand (and in the case of NFL football players kneel down) for justice and equality. That freedom to voice opposition with the status quo is the greatest gift of all and something we should all be thankful for. Image ©Bonobo Stone
Lisa Waddell
It is not an exaggeration to say that mobile photography has been, for me, life changing. The creative process itself is fun and challenging and educational but, at the same time, it also keeps me grounded and relaxes me. It has also opened up a number of opportunities for me to share my photographic art with others and the friendships I have made along the way are priceless. Life changing, indeed!
Image ©Lisa Waddell
Alexis Rotella
Giving Thanks is Giving Back
Any time we express gratitude, we give ourselves an endorphin boost. Endorphins are those feel-good hormones we all want and need. John Diamond, MD, author of Life Energy and other books, uses the phrase “cantillation” to describe how when we find our one true artistic outlet, we feel in tune with the Great Mother of All Creation. When we feel we have to play the violin or create a piece of art or poem for an audience, when we have to work to show the world how talented we are or how many awards we have under our belt, stress sets in and we no longer cantillate. In other words, we don’t touch the heart of another even though our creations might have been executed in a stellar way.
Cantillation is when we can doodle away for the sheer enjoyment of doodling or in the case of a mobile artist such as myself, we can
experiment on our devices and be amazed at what manifests on the screen. I’m a firm believer in the Muse or that Universal Energy that
works through us, whether or not we recognize or acknowledge where the inspiration comes from.
I am grateful for the field of mobile art, feel extreme gratitude for app developers and those who stretch us to explore and experiment with the tools at hand. I can’t help but think of our colleague, Barbara Nebel, who recently had to evacuate her home in Napa due to encroaching fires. She mentioned, while in the process of negotiating her ordeal and leaving her house behind how
grateful she was/is for her mobile phone and her apps. And how can any of us ever forget our beloved late Carolyn Hall Young who lived with cancer for many years who played away on her iPad, who every moment of her life, gave thanks for the wonderful tool in her hands, who painted our portraits and gifted them to us on our birthdays when perhaps even our closest relatives and friends did not put much thought into our special day.
To enjoy the world we live in boosts endorphins and our health in general. Dr. Diamond discovered in his career as a psychiatrist that those individuals who found their true cantillation were able to manage serious illnesses and get the most out of life. When we give thanks to the Creator Energy, we are giving back to that which gave and continues to give us life, energy and infinite creativity.
Image ©Alexis Rotella
Victoria Cooper
In this season of Thanksgiving I’m especially grateful for my family, friends, and my ability to use mobile art to express my view of the world around me. While my ability to get out in the greater world is limited, mobile art and the mobile art community have strengthened and broadened my ability to continue to experience and express life in a fullness I would otherwise be missing. Thank you, Joanne and all my lovely friends far and wide. Blessings to all, Vicki Cooper
Image ©Victoria Cooper
Mariette Schrijver
Happy thanksgiving
Here in the Netherlands we know the phenomenon of thanksgiving by name alone; we do not celebrate it.
We do have our harvest- and thank you days, but not in the way the world knows it as on the 4th Thursday in November.
Nevertheless, I wish everyone a happy thanksgiving with a heart full of peace, creativity, love and especially health.I’m not that much on social media these days, because of that health. I’m pretty sick and it takes a lot longer than I thought to find a new balance and recover a bit. Often the energy is lacking in responding to social media (the reason I have already stopped Instagram).
Making Mobile Art, however, is.. a thing … lying in my bed, I’m still full of surrender and pleasure making it. I can not stop it yet. It has to be. However, I notice that as I get more ill, I needed more ‘depth’ in my work. So my work is still developing and it does not become an easy self-esteem.
‘At the end of the world is only peace’ ©Mariette Schrijver
Jane Schultz
I am thankful for the beauty that’s inside of you. You share it here in our community, giving us all warmth and shelter, inspiration for our creativity , and so much support.
Image ©Jane Schultz
Jennifer Thomas
This past year has been very difficult and I am thankful for the wonderful support and friendship of my “mobile photography” friends, who have now lost that distinction and are now just my beloved buddies. The connection and camaraderie of people across the globe has been facilitated by the sharing of images using the medium of the smart phone. I hope it continues to transform and develop into new ways that enhance the “cross fertilisation” of ideas. Thankyou Joanne for your continued support in promoting this exciting medium.
‘The Gull, the Woman, The Fog’ ©Jennifer Thomas
Cliff Oliver
One of the areas of mobile photography that I am most grateful for is the opportunity to capture pictures of unknown people enjoying nature, sunsets and each other and then being able to immediately share the images with them. They are so very appreciative to have a beautiful remembrance of their special moment.
Clarisse Debout
“Art is the shortest way from man to man ” André Malraux. The mobile art is the most modern incarnation! For his sharing, his creativity, his inspiration and his incredible ability to bring people together. Happy Thanksgiving everyone ✨
Image ©Clarisse Debout
David Hayes
I cut my teeth on film. You know…the smell of fixer in the morning. Something magical about seeing your image appear whilst in the developer. Yet, despite the magic, processing film was a pain. Digital promised ease and more control. Until you met the beast called Photoshop. Then came iphoneography and I was saved! Opened whole new worlds to me. Grab a snap, open an app, and the magic was there!! And the communities that became…all around this magic. Each of us sharing what we did and what we learned. Now that’s magic. So on this Thanksgiving Day I am so grateful for this gift of magic…to create wonderful images and feel the support of the members of the iphoneography community. Thank you all!!
Image ©David Hayes
Sara Augenbraun
I am a cancer survivor of many years and I try to make each day count, but this coming February I will turn 65 and really feel the years rolling past fast. So, I resolve to find more time to bring ever more creativity into each precious day and feel less self-conscious about sharing what results with others. Happy, healthy New Year dear Joanne and the same to all my fellow mobile artists!!
Image ©Sara Augenbraun
Carlos Austin
Photography has always been my happy place! My wife gave me an iPad 3 four years ago on my birthday. I hadn’t asked for it and did not have on my wish list, but it was a game changer. From that day on, I have never let that iPad out of my sight. I have gone through three iPads since then, but continue to use it every single day. It is as necessary to me as breathing!
The experience of having one has allowed me to meet so many people in all walks of life – from a cobbler to homeless to artists. I share the portraits I create on the spot with them when I can; the iPad, Apps, mobile photography and broadcasting combined with social media has erased borders, language difficulties and many restrictions we would otherwise face.
Joanne Carter’s TheAppWhisperer has been a major player in connecting me to artists all over the world. It is incredible to see their visions and experiences come to life through her site in images and video. Thankful for having this platform to share ideas with the entire world.
‘Rebecca’ ©Carlos Austin
Laurie Amerson
Thankfulness is plentiful when it comes to my photography, as well as the community that surrounds this medium. The image I selected was created when my father passed – and at the same time I found out other devastating personal health news with another family member. It’s very clear who I am when I create my images. I can always look at what I have done and see the therapeutic healing during my process. As I look at what others create, I get a glimpse into who they are as well – somehow I can feel their experiences. So, for me, this art and this community is always a sacred soul space … mine, yours, and ours. For that, I am eternally grateful….
Image ©Laurie Amerson
Gerry Coe
What has mobile photography made me thankful for? Lots of things really. Firstly, I no longer have to carry a big heavy camera and lenses around, I now have one “big” camera a Lumix GX8 and one lens an Olympus 12-100mm and with that I can cover any portrait sittings I do as well as bringing it on holiday with me and it is attached to my belt so no camera straps.
My mobile equipment is still an iPhone6S+, I may upgrade in the future but for the moment I am happy with it. But mobile photography has given me the ability to explore new areas. I can do more on my iPhone or iPad than I could ever do with Photoshop. I can release the inner frustrated artist in me by using many of the available apps, I can create new images in many different styles, and as I don’t have any one particular style it is always a voyage of discovery.
One thing I really like is the community of artists I have met online, their work inspires me to try new ideas and I am always amazed at the sheer brilliance of a lot of the people I have met. Joanne at TheAppWhisperer has been a beacon for many of us and she has pulled together so many talented people who give tutorials or just show their work. So that is a small part of what I am thankful for.
The image supplied is of a Cuban car, it has gone through many different versions and then been revisited, this is the latest and probably the last version.
Image ©Gerry Coe
Lorenka Campos
We share our passion for art, but more than that, we share our lives. I am so thankful for all the love, support and inspiration.
Image ©Lorenka Campos
Carol Wiebe
The Miracle of Mobile Photography
I grew up with cameras where you had to wind the film in, take a few precious photos, and send a canister off for a few weeks to be developed—with no guarantees. A few decades later, I can take a hundred pics an hour, if I want to, and have complete control over them. I can layer my images, intermix elements, manipulate color and opacity, run my results through a panoply of filters. And I haven’t even begun to mention the myriad of printing choices!
So here I am, in my sixth decade, more productive, artistically, than I have ever been thanks to this amazing banquet of artistic tools that renders me breathless every time I dig into it. And new “dishes” (such as app-etizers) are being added constantly. I would actually go so far as to say that mobile photography and all it entails still makes me blink and consider what a miracle of creativity it enables. I am old enough to appreciate that, and young enough to be hungry for more!
Thanks, Joanne, for giving me this opportunity to express my gratitude, and for making so much information about mobile photography available.
‘Balanced on the edge
She contemplates being seen
Maybe even missed’ ©Carol Wiebe
Tuba Korhan
“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” M.Proust
Sometimes I fail to put my feelings and toughts in to words so I prefer to tell my story with the image I create. Thanks to The Appwhisperer I get the chance to know many likeminded people in this community who inspires me everyday. It is an excellent opportunity to exchange views and share personal experiences about mobile photography.
As Eisenstaedt said “It is more important to click with people than to click the shutter”
Image ©Tuba Korhan
Lisa Mitchell
I am very thankful to have discovered mobile photography some years ago. Having my camera with me at all times means that I never need to miss a shot., and I can edit whilst on the go.
Mobile photography has opened so many doors for me , and given me a new lease of life….and long may that be the case! Happy Thanksgiving all.
Image ©Lisa Mitchell
Oola Cristina
“When I was in my late 20s, my health took a downward turn and my life changed significantly. Since that time, creativity has been primary to my well-being. I’ve dabbled in various arts and crafts over the years, but mobile photography and mobile art have now become my main creative outlets. I feel uplifted when taking photos and manipulating images. It gives me something interesting and beautiful to focus on. Time and the worries of daily life often fall away and I feel connected to a greater flow, which helps me feel more connected to who I am and the world around me. Having chronic illness forces a person to change. If you’re lucky, it leads you to go more deeply into life and teaches you what’s important and how to care for yourself. Mobile photography and mobile art have become foundational to my self-care. There are times of ebb and flow when it comes to being able to “do” but, being part of the mobile art community, whether as an observer or a participant, helps to keep me connected to creativity, to others and to myself. For all these things, I am very grateful.”
Image ©Oola Cristina
Dina Alfasi
When I think about what the world of photography has contributed to my life, I am filled with thanksgiving. Photography enriched my creative possibilities and enriched my social connections. There is no doubt that doing this is a kind of therapy for my soul, and for that I am grateful. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Image ©Dina Alfasi
Katie Saxby
I’m thankful for my awakening. Without the mobile art community I wouldn’t be exploring new frontiers.
Image ©Katie Saxby
Gianluca Ricoveri
I have been retired for a few years and photography in general and iphoneography in particular has become my main concern, keeping in touch with a creative community that stimulates me and makes my days more interesting.
Image ©Gianluca Ricoveri
Kerry Mitchell
Mobile photography enhances not only my physical well being, but my mental and spiritual well being. Taking photographs and then enhancing them keeps me always thinking in new ways, pushing new boundaries. I put my body in new contortions to get that certain shot. Then I do the same with my mind to get that shot to look just so. To get that edit to work just right. To mix elements together. Will they come together this time? When they finally do, my spirit soars! All this, that mobile photography gives me, it keeps me constantly moving and alive.
Image ©Kerry Mitchell
Joyce Harkin
I am thankful every single day for the encouragement and support I have gotten from the mobile art community. When I look back on some of the work I posted when I began editing a couple of years ago, I am appalled! A lot of it was pretty bad (it really was)! But people liked it anyway and I carried on and I have certainly become more skilled. I have become better by looking at other wonderful posts and being inspired. I’m convinced that the more you look at good art, the better you can look at your own art and see where you want to go and continue to strive towards that. Being involved in the supportive mobile art community has changed my life without a doubt. I have made friends and connections and I create something almost every day, which keeps me sane! That’s got to be a good thing surely!!! I have chosen this edit, because it demonstrated to me how the community shares and supports one another with a shared passion.
Image ©Joyce Harkin
Jeffrey A Thomas
I’ve always enjoyed riding bike, walking, or hiking. But would sometimes. let it go due to the cumbersome weight, and awkward carrying method, that a camera with accessories would bring. Since the advent of the iPhone I have shed the DSLR with its requisite lens, and weight, in favor of the lighter, more accessible, included camera. This, together with an iPad is the basis of my art: a mobile studio that allows me to practice wherever I am, indoor or out, enjoy the editing process and, not have the worry of gathering bags around me like a mother hen…
Image ©Jeffrey A Thomas
Linda Toki
Mobile photography and photography in general has kept me moving forward. The motivation to create and capture moments in time benefits both my mental and physical well being. I’m always thinking about or planning the next adventure. It takes my mind off “what ails me.” I’m thankful for the mobile art community that has much to offer in the way of friendships and learning experiences.
Image ©Linda Toki
Beth Sanders
Here is my image. The idea has to do with mental health and healing. Letting go of the ties I have with my mother that have steered me into unhealthy relationships modeled after the one I had with her. The red dress is hers and the wings on her represent we are all angels for one another. The fetus body is my attachment to her and my freedom from her.
Image ©Beth Sanders
Meri Walker
Life is so big. Love is even bigger. It’s an enormous privilege to experience them in the flesh. And it is often overwhelming, too. I have trained in ways to communicate my feeling experience all my life – using words and pictures and sound and movement – to help me navigate the overwhelm. But the day I discovered mobile photography/art, I was carried into a whole new way to communicate with others fully, authentically, and creatively. Many of us call the new things we make with our mobile devices and share with others “mobile photographs/art.” I’m content to call them that because I don’t have anything better to call them yet. But I do think what we are doing – knitting pieces of perception together and exchanging them with others using mobile devices – is a much more complex activity than those words convey. And I am certain that the process of making and sharing these things has nourished my health and well-being in ways I never experienced doing traditional writing, photography or art-making. Having the social opportunity to capture my perceptions with words and pictures and sound and movement – all in the same place – and then use the capture device to create and share the sense I’m making of my experience with a global community of people doing the same thing has granted me access to authentic mental health. Participating in this daily dance of creative human exchange has also turned out to be the most powerful support I’ve ever encountered for fully enjoying Life and Love – navigating the endless ‘slings and arrows of outrageous fortune’ – with chronic pain. This Thanksgiving season I am unutterably grateful to and for all of you who do this dance together.
‘Gennie: Taking Flight’ ©Meri Walker
Lanie Heller
On Mother’s Day of this year, on my way to work, I got into a head-on collision. A truck, coming down the street was on the wrong side of the road speeding downhill & crashed into me. I’m now six months into a TBI: Traumatic Brain Injury resulting from that crash. I’ve had to learn how to adjust life with my injured brain. I’ve not been able to work bebause of it. My family life was affected because of this injured me. After all that being said & done I’m still thankful each & every day that I wake up to see the sunrise & live another day to see th sun set. In our world right now so many are in pain, struggling…the news (which I can’t watch because of this injury especially) is filled with sad stories. My news feed on social media is also filled with sadness. This is a week of thanks in America, we do not traditionally celebrate by the way. One reason is because my husband is indigenous First Nations. It’s a pretty hurtful holiday for the indigenous peoples of North America. Instead we celebrate by being thankful each and every day for what we do have & focus on the positive in our lives!! We teach & spread kindness this holiday & every day by simple acts of kindness. This year I stareted volunteering for Day One in Providence, RI. We work as advocates for victims of sexual assault & domestic violence. It’s been very eye opening as well as rewarding to be able to help a victim at a time of need. I encourage you to get involved in your community by volunteering. The reward is two fold: to be able to help as well as a humbling experience & there’s such a great need for volunteering in all communities.
As a very large, artistic, passionate online community I think we have the opportunity to band together & spread peace & love to all…..after all love always wins!
Image ©Lanie Heller
Paul J Toussaint
The request was for me to think/focus on the health and well being iPhoneography has had an effect on me. For me, when I first started mobile Photography it open the flood gates of my creative juices, along with introducing me to whole new community of Artist who shared the same passion. I loved the challenges it brought before me. For example we would all take the same image and App it using only three apps, it wasn’t about who did it better it was about how different the end results would be. My new found passion soon turned into a healthy addiction. For once I finally creating beautiful artwork and images. When the days I were depressed, I would create an image and upload it to the internet. Those mobile art sites worked sort of my therapy sessions. The feed back ended up to be more important and would change my depressed thoughts into something more upbeat and positive. I would find myself spending hours and hours lost in my own creative world running images through the applications of my iPhone. This was like meditation for me, it was my “alone” time. I was happy- I was content. And that’s my story.
Image ©Paul J Toussaint
Cheryl A Townsend
I must admit, I’m obsessed with Barbie portraiture. Ripping open that plastic bag hoping for one face that I don’t already have and finding her is just such a delight. I’ve been buying houses, cars, clothing, and accessories for my collection to begin a more elaborate setting for future pictures. I’ve probably spent more money on bags of Goodwill Barbies than I have on clothes for myself this year. I have a warped sense of humor, so there will be some snarky spoofing in the making. That’s my goal for next year… to create ridiculous scenarios for this little American icon and incorporate some fun apps into the fold to see what absurdities they can assist me in. Maybe a book’s worth. Tell a story or recreate a classic novel, all in Barbiesque quirk. (That is, after I research any copyright infringements.)
Image ©Cheryl A Townsend
Cecilia Sao Thiago
Thinking about how the benefits to my health and well being, mobile photography and art has brought to me, my thoughts, went directly to an article that inspired me to make a new series of photographs. The health of which I am going to speak here, is the psychological health.
Reading years ago about a revolutionary new synthesis, of how life experiences could directly affect your genes and not only your own life experiences, but those of your mother’s, grandmother’s and beyond, plus, how Art is a powerful tool we can use to uncover and reveal parts of ourselves hidden by our rational mind, and seeing old photographs of family weddings, I was recently inspired to create this new series.
Here, I address the family issues, the pains and sufferings that we carry through life and the social values that are still imposed today on women’s lives.
The same woman that has a relation with the Nature much more rich and intense than the man, to the point of being the instigater of destinies through the maternity.
A dialogue between dead leaves / flowers and women has a very strong message about the passing of time that bothers us so much. The Flower that dies, the images of the transience of beauty and the loss of earthly things.
The beauty that disappears.
The life that goes away.
©“Magico is an album recorded in June 1979 at the Talent Studio in Oslo, by the bassist Charlie Haden, saxophonist Jan Garbarek and guitarist Egberto Gismonti in 1979 and released in 1980 on the ECM label.”
Edward Santos
Mobile Photography/Art has been my saving grace. It has allowed me to cope with the traumas of war having served two tours in Afghanistan in a way that medication prescribed to me by the doctors at the Veterans hospitals could never have. It has completely changed my life for the better and I give Thanks everyday for having discovered it and for the amazing family it’s has introduced me too. My New Years resolution, as in every year since I began this journey has been and will Be, to continue to help introduce more Veterans to seek the Arts as their own form of therapy. Below is a photo of me tossing my euro into Trevi Fountain in Beautiful Roma hoping that I can forever continue this mission
Image ©Edward Santos
Enzo Crispino
Photography has given me so much in it I found myself, I found myself in a different vision my eyes with the help of photography capture particular situations and that before were unknown to me. Learn to have a sensitivity that makes you linger and interrogate you about what’s around you then feel the need to interpret to do just yours the one who caught your attention many define this as artistic work I think instead that it is only the desire to see and improve the perception had about the world around you I call myself a devotee to photography I feel thank you this magnificent and great passion which is appropriate of me. For the New Year I do not pose no particular goal I am amply satisfied I would like to live 2018 like the year that is coming to an end.
Image ©Enzo Crispino
Riel Noir
This year Mobile Photography offered a door that, should I enter, I would experience a dreamlike existence for five wonderful weeks.
A few months ago I received a phone call whilst on a bus in Glasgow. This call was a result of my mobile Art having been viewed online,… the call was an invite to travel to India, where I would work with five Artists, and develop their mobile photography skills.
Once I had accepted this invitation, things moved quickly, and I found myself in another world, to that which I was accustomed to,… I felt as though I were navigating my way within a dream,… The photos I have made whilst living there are still to be edited,… but, first I require time to digest this experience, and find a visual expression by which to express this wonderful journey that arose through my mobile Art.
To date the primary app employed was Hipstamatic, with a few tweaks being made in Snapseed, ArtStudio, and perhaps iColorama,… but, no major changes as the experience itself has been so surreal.
Image ©Riel Noir
Lrh Arquitecto
I never imagined what mobile photography would mean to me. It has changed my life, and it has hanged my perception of the world. It has become a passion, a part of me, a part of my life. Part of my happiness I owe it to mobile photography. I have an everyday job that I truly hate. It´s nothing but routine, it lacks creativity. It even depresses me sometimes. But fortunately, I also have mobile photography in my life. It enriches me, it makes me happy, it heals me from the non creative job. I simple love mobile photography.
Image ©Lrh Arquitecto
Christina Chin
I’m always so grateful to you for your dedication, time and effort towards promoting photography and art. I’m honoured to be invited to participate. We have photography and art to thank for its amazing benefits because it makes people excited and enthusiastic with a wide range of subjects which help them remain engrossed and creative, no matter who they are it includes the physically and mentally challenged.
“A few dropped
feathers won’t stop
a bird’s flight
nor will a traveller’s loss
hamper his whole journey”
– ©Christina Chin
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We wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t necessary for the future of TheAppWhisperer.com… More people than ever are reading TheAppWhisperer.com and we could not be more excited about that. We specialise in mobile photography and mobile art and we value all of our readers, writers, contributors and viewers but we do have costs and we do need to ask for your help. We at TheAppWhisperer spend many hours each day, each week and each month to bring you this high quality level of journalism. We do it because we are passionate about it and because we want others to be as passionate too.
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