The Greatest Mobile Photography / Art New Year Resolutions 2023 From Artists Throughout The World
For many 2022 was a blur, we find ourselves here in 2023 almost without realising it. We are all still trying to recover from the pandemic, physically, mentally and financially, there are few among us that it hasn’t taken its toll. Yet, here we are doing what artists do, creating, rejoicing and sharing. Enjoy this long read, it is such a good opportunity to check in on everyone. Thank you to all who have contributed to making this year’s resolutions making this one the biggest ever as always, if I have missed anyone, please know it was not intentional, remind me, send me your content, and I will open the…
Mobile Photography & Art – Happy Thanksgiving Post…
Happy Thanksgiving! We’re reviving and in some cases refreshing our mobile photography and art thanksgiving post of previous years because it’s as relevant today as it was then. Although we do not officially observe Thanksgiving here in the UK, for me personally, it offers another excuse to send love and gratitude to our beautiful community. Without your art, your thoughts and your daily leaps of courageous self-expression, TheAppWhisperer would not exist. In this article mobile artists have expressed their thoughts in words and images representing what mobile photography and art means to them and considered what they’re thankful for in relation to it. Some have mentioned our wonderful community, some…
Mobile Photography / Art New Year Resolutions 2021 From Artists Throughout The World
2020 has been an unstable and blistering year and the idea of making New Year Resolutions for 2021 seems overwhelming. Susan Rennie, an Award Winning Mobile Artist from California, expressed it so well, she wants “to slough off the pandemic carapace of terror, debilitation and devitalisation and recover my pre-pandemic eagerness, energy, enjoyments, explorations in creativity”. And Award Winning artist Lisa Cirenza, who managed to relocate from the UK to France during the pandemic expressed “at one point during my battle with C-Beast, I found I really didn’t think I’d ever have the energy to accept and reflect, to lead a creative life again full of roads unknown“. For Kate…
The Impossible Exhibition – Covid Sessions – A Project by Visionary Andrea Bigiarini Part 2
I am delighted to publish Part 2 of The Impossible Exhibition – Covid Sessions – A Project by Andrea Bigiarini. This is a unique venture whereby mobile artists, throughout the world, who could leave home, were asked to film their streets. Or if they were confined, they filmed from their properties. It makes fascinating viewing as Bigiarini has created a complete video with featured work by the following artists: Semra Duyulmus, Camilla Castiglioni, Jane Schultz, Lorenka Campos, Paolo Sbardella, Mark Daniels, Melissa D.Johnston, Marian Seid Rubin, Peter Wilkin, Eric Raddatz, Nancy McClure, Meri Walker, Sylvie Prevot, Geri Centonze, Alon Goldsmith, Donna Donato, Cara Gallardo Weill, Rob Pearson-Wright, Kim Martino-Diaz, Pati…
The Impossible Exhibition – Covid Sessions – A Project by Visionary Andrea Bigiarini
I am delighted to publish Part 1 of The Impossible Exhibition – Covid Sessions – A Project by Andrea Bigiarini. This is a unique venture whereby mobile artists, throughout the world, who could leave home, were asked to film their streets. Or if they were confined, they filmed from their properties. It makes fascinating viewing as Bigiarini has created a complete video with featured work by the following artists: Aldo Pacheco, Isabel Afonso, Clint Cline, Giulia Baita, Julia Badakhshan, Eliza Badoiu, Catherine Schell Caddigan, Andrea Bigiarini, MaryJane Sarvis, Mehmet Omur, Cecilia Sao Thiago, Dieter Gaebel, Adelino Marques, Frederic Deschenes, Dilshad Corleone, Lanie Heller, Roger Guetta, Linda Hollier, Marco Testoni, Karen…
Mobile Photography / Art New Year Resolutions 2020 From Artists Throughout The World
We are delighted to publish our New Year Resolutions for 2020 from a selection of highly talented mobile photographers and artists throughout the world. As in previous years we have asked mobile photographers and artists for their New Year Resolutions with an accompanying image or video . Thank you to everyone who has contributed, they all make great reading, viewing and are inspiring, we are forever grateful to you all. For TheAppWhisperer, 2020 is going to be a very exhilarating year and new decade. We intend to continue but to an even greater extent promote mobile photography and art, this includes all the current mobile photographers and talented artists already known…
Mobile Photography & Art – We’re Thankful to all of You!
Happy Thanksgiving! We’re reviving and in some cases refreshing our mobile photography and art thanksgiving post of last year because it’s as relevant today as it was then. Although we do not officially observe Thanksgiving here in the UK, for me personally, it gives me another excuse to send love and gratitude to our beautiful community. Without your art, your thoughts and your daily leaps of courageous self-expression, TheAppWhisperer would not exist. This week, I was in a prominent board meeting, seated around a table of five Directors of said company I was invited to. I was discussing your work and TheAppWhisperer. At the end of the meeting, one Director…
Mobile Photography / Art New Year Resolutions 2019 From Artists Throughout The World
We are delighted to publish our New Year Resolutions for 2019 from a selection of highly talented mobile photographers and artists throughout the world. As in previous years we have asked mobile photographers and artists for their New Year Resolutions with an accompanying image or video . Thank you to everyone who has contributed, they all make great reading, viewing and are inspiring, we are forever grateful to you all. One of my New Year Resolutions this year is to accept an invitation to at least one Private View Exhibition each month. Naturally, I do not want to attend these on my own, so I am inviting our readers to contribute…
Mobile Photography & Art – Happy Thanksgiving Post…
Happy Thanksgiving! We’re reviving and in some cases refreshing our mobile photography and art thanksgiving post of last year because it’s as relevant today as it was then. Although we do not officially observe Thanksgiving here in the UK, for me personally, it gives me another excuse to send love and gratitude to our beautiful community. Without your art, your thoughts and your daily leaps of courageous self-expression, TheAppWhisperer would not exist. This week, I was in a prominent board meeting, seated around a table of five Directors of said company I was invited to. I was discussing your work and TheAppWhisperer. At the end of the meeting, one Director…
New Projects – Our New Form of Artistic Installation aka ‘The Quilt’ Is Ready!
We’re delighted to inform our readers that the quilt that so many of you contributed to, has now been completed. For those of you not aware of this project, it involved mobile artists contributing one image and each one was then carefully included within a large quilt to be displayed at the next gallery show or even Mobile Arts Festival. There has been a few obstacles along the way and we have overcome each one. This quilt was sewed together and finalised by none other than mobile artist, Lorenka Campos’ mother in law. We all owe her much gratitude. The quilt is now with Lorenka Campos, so if you would…