Mobile Photography & Art Instagram Showcase – 6 September 2020
Many photographers draw on literary influences on which to base their images. Hannah Starkey used Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s 1832 poem The Lady of Shalott as a reference point for a body of work exhibited at Maureen Paley Gallery in 2010. In the poem, The Lady of Shalott is subject to a curse. She is only able to view the real world refectled through a mirror. Temptation ensues and she sneaks a glimpse at a knight’s shining sword, looks out of the window and dies. This is a very brief gist of the poem but the idea is that if you only view the world through shadows of reality through reflections in a mirror, then life is not worth living. When we look at photographs essentially we are seeing a mirror of reality. Painters were reliant on mirrors to paint self-portraiture but of course we don’t need mirrors to do this now but many photographers do still use reflections and mirrors in their work to demonstrate that our view is a reflection of what was real rather than the real view itself. Including reflections and mirrors offers the viewer a behind the scenes sense of intimacy. My point being, art is connected, we draw on a vast number of art forms to construct images, just as in film. Most mobile photographers are meticulous with including every aspect within the frame for a reason. And this is what elevates their images to a heightened meaning because the viewer knows that they are there intentionally to serve a purpose. Enjoy this weeks Mobile Photography & Art Showcase.
Thank you to all the talented artists for submitting your works to our showcase this week. If you would like your work to be considered for entry in to our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. You can also submit images to our Instagram tag for this section #theappwhisperer.
Ile Mont, @clau_clara, Diane Neubauer, @herr_schrouff, @the_pictoralist, @lusion_street, @bakkerlaila, @setuna, @joannfrechette, @sodium_light22 – Jenny Pieters, Laurence Bouchard, Allyson Marie, Cindy Karp, @dleibo, Jane Schultz, Catherine Caddigan, Jill Lian, Judy Wahlberg, Gianluca Ricoveri, Robin Robertis, Susan Latty, @venkatesulu , Diane Neubauer, @elsienah , Carol Wiebe, @accidental_artist, Linda Hollier, Marian Rubin, Ile Mont, @verbonnet, M. Cecilia Säo Thiago, @kein_grund, @gummymitthai, @millymmills, Marco Prado, Eliza Badoiu, ilovekungfu, Jun Yamaguchi, Laila, Karen Axelrad, Meri Walker, Judy Wahlberg, Paul Yan, Gianluca Ricoveri, Allyson Marie, Vadim Demjianov, Susan Rennie, Susan Detroy, Deborah Field, Jill Lian, zenon zinonos.

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