Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 8 October 2017
In a spasm of self-love and need, this weeks Mobile Photography and Art Showcase will keep you transfixed as you are guided through a labyrinth of delicious ambiguity. There’s no plot, strands are left deliberately trailing, you’ll find nothing to grab hold of but you will be left feeling entirely satisfied. Each artist has created work that is not just a triumph of psychological insight but also of social observation and storytelling magic. Some work you may favour over another and there is no reconciliation to this paradox. The ferocity of each work of art and each artists’ character behind their work serves as a view to the emotional and…
Mobile Photography – MIRA Mobile Prize – Winner and Shortlist Results 2017 – Black & White Street Photography
I am so excited to publish the results of the Black and White Street Photography MIRA Mobile Prize competition 2017. Manuela Matos Monteiro, the host invited mobile photographers throughout the world to capture the true character and essence of a street environment including people, traffic, gardens and public places. This year the Jury comprised of Alfredo Cunha, Armineh Hovanesian, Brendan O Se, Edward Santos, Nadine Benichou and Tracy J Thomas and you will see from the quality of images selected, the high calibre of this years jury. An exhibition and book will be created including the winning images and the fifty runners up. The exhibition will be held at the…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 1 October 2017
Shallow sleep dreams are the sources of many of my best ideas, when my pillow starts to vibrate, I set the long snooze function, hovering between consciousness. Once I have an idea, I scrutinise, explore and practice it. I then reshape that idea into other forms of art, dance, music, stage, I keep it turning for more and more possibilities. I develop a script and then I deliberately lose it, an idea is only a map, to find the treasure I have to walk it, experience and develop it. Development then takes on another form, it cannot be produced from a place of safety, that’s just dull. Locations have emotional…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase – 17 September 2017
This weeks Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group Showcase is a powerful, intricate, body of work: inflected throughout with the skill of some of the worlds best mobile photographers and artists. Drawing into its voracious embrace a panorama of impressively truthful and humane dexterity. Enjoy! If you would like your work to be considered for entry into our weekly Mobile Photography and Art Flickr Group, please submit it to our dedicated group, here. Many congratulations to the following artists for being featured this week: Susan Blase, Vadim Demjianov, Robi Gallardo, Poetic Medium, Susan Maxwell Schmidt, Dadi Gylfason, BlemishedEye – David Booker, Lorenka Campos, Clint Cline, pineider, Isabel Afonso, Debara Splendorio,…
Mobile Photography StreetWise March 2017 Showcase
“Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.” Dorothea Lange Hello everyone! Thank you all for submitting your images to our StreetWise Flickr group during the month of March. All we can say is “wow!” What incredible images submitted to our group from around the world. It is such an honor to share the showcases with you. Once again, our difficult challenge was to choose such few images for the showcase from all those that were submitted and we want you to know we appreciate each and every post. As a reminder, we choose images for the showcase that are in keeping with our group’s…
Mobile Photography – StreetWise – Tenth Challenge – ‘Lines in the Street’
“Line is a rich metaphor for the artists…” Lance Epslund Hello Everyone! Welcome to our Tenth StreetWise Challenge Showcase ‘Lines in the Street.’ We are thrilled to share it with you! Thank you so much for participating and sharing your wonderful photographs. Lee and I were delighted by all the beautiful submissions to this fun challenge. Lines denote so many things in photography, boundary, edge, or contour — it is the agent for energy and movement and it was wonderful to see the many ways in which people incorporated lines in their photographs As always, Lee and I hope you enjoy the showcase as much as we enjoyed putting it…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr Group Showcase 19 February 2017
Wow! What a week for mobile photography and art imagery! You’ve all kept me very busy this morning/afternoon, selecting your images and placing them, carefully into this showcase. So much so, that my mind has almost gone blank with what to say. Usually, on a Sunday, after I have worked on our showcase, I assimilate some words and thoughts, things I have been thinking over during the week, perhaps. Of course, this week took in Valentines Day, which to many of us means love. So, of course, that got me thinking, of the Valentines week that I spent with my love and also, I thought of, perhaps in view of…
Mobile Photography Awards Sixth Annual Awards – Results!
We’re delighted to reveal that the Mobile Photography Awards (MPA) 2016 Results have now been announced. As always we (I speak as a member of the Jury) were succumbed by the wealth of talent displayed across our screens. We’ve had more entries to this competition than ever before and the quality of submissions has been totally outstanding across all the categories. Personally, it was an honour for me to be asked to be a key member of this jury for the 5th consecutive year by founder of the Mobile Photography Awards, Daniel Berman and also to serve with James Bacchi, Annette Schutz, Evgeny Tchebotarev, Jen Pollack Bianco, Brendan O Se,…
Mobile Photography StreetWise Eighth Challenge Results ‘People Working on the Street’
“The magic of the street is the mingling of the errand and the epiphany” Rebecca Solnit Hello Everyone! Welcome to our Eighth StreetWise Challenge ‘People Working in the Street.’ We are thrilled to share it with you! Thank you so much for participating and sharing your wonderful photographs. Lee and I were delighted by all the beautiful submissions to this fun challenge. It was particularly fascinating for us to see how people work in the streets in neighbourhoods from around the world and our showcase beautifully reflects a global coming together. As always, Lee and I hope you enjoy the showcase as much as we enjoyed putting it together. A…
Grand Flickr Group Showcase of 2016 – TheAppWhisperer – Mobile Photography and Art
I had intended to publish our 2016 Grand Flickr Group Showcase of Mobile Photography and Art on Christmas Day this year. I had prepared most of it ahead of time and was relatively well organised to go live on 25 December. However, events took a turn for the worse and as I awoke after a thoroughly turbulent night on the morning of 24 December, I picked up my phone and saw a Facebook message coming through from a friend expressing how sorry she was for the loss of Carolyn Hall Young a few hours before. For a few moments, I thought I was still in the midst of the wretched…