Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 11 October 2020
Forty two years ago, in 1978, the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) delivered a press release for a photographic exhibition presenting major shifts in photography over the previous twenty years. John Szarkowski was head of the photography department at MOMA at the time and he believed that these changes were repositioning photography as an artform in America, calculating a new cutting edge structure to the medium. “The two creative motives that have been contrasted here are not discrete. Ultimately each of the pictures in this book is part of a single, complex, plastic tradition. Since the early days of that tradition, an interior debate has contested issues parallel to those…
Mobile Art – Draw The Line #TAWidentity Challenge
Huge thanks to our curators and editors of our Draw the Line Column, Carol Wiebe and Peter Wilkin for selecting these wining images to our latest challenge and also for creating the wonderful accompanying video showcase. “With over 200 tagged images entered in our latest challenge ‘Identity’, selecting just nine of them for our showcase was predictably difficult yet simultaneously extremely enjoyable. The standard of your art, as it always is, was incredible. The vast majority of images focused on people & portraits: some of them were self-portraits whilst some featured other people. After hours of deliberation I finally settled on the nine pieces below, although I could easily have…
Mobile Photography & Art Flickr and Instagram Showcase – 4 October 2020
“However long your stay on this small planet lasts, and whatever happens during it, the most important thing is that-from time to time-you feel life’s sweet caress.” Words to live by as told by William Boyd in his sixteenth novel, Sweet Caress. This week you’ll notice a audacious, sweeping, rich layer cake of a showcase, a gasping hall of mirrors of lives, well lived. Enjoy! Thank you to all the talented artists for submitting your works to ourshowcasethis week. If you would like your work to be considered for entry in to our weekly Mobile Photography and ArtFlickr Group, please submit it to our dedicated group,here. You can also submit…
Mobile Photography & Art Instagram Showcase – 27 September 2020
Double Life a book-length photographic project by Kelli Connell has kept me entranced this week. At first, the viewer will imagine that the images are of shared moments in the life of two women, who possibly appear to be a couple. Then as each page is turned, we begin to realise that it’s not two women, it’s one, the same woman and the mystery begins. The images are documentary style and not dissimilar to the autobiographical work of Nan Goldin, albeit without the edgy undertones. Connell describes this project as “intimate moments experienced personally, witnessed in public, or watched on television“. This body of work is regarded as self-portraiture but…
Mobile Photography & Art Instagram Showcase – 20 September 2020
As photographers it can be difficult to know when not to take a photograph. Sometimes these moments are out of our control, perhaps based on ethical, moral or religious grounds. When I look back at the times I chose not to take a photograph one moment stands apart from the others. It was early morning and I was on a train enroute to my job at a paparazzi photo agency. I had a window seat, which was unusual and I noticed her immediately. It was the billowing blue floral dress that caught my eye, it was so summery, so joyous and yet the weather was bleak, cold, dark and it…
Mobile Photography/Art Pic of the Day (1,332) via Instagram
Here’s day one thousand, three hundred and thirty two of our mobile photography/art Pic of the Day section via Instagram. Each day we select one image a day for our Pic of the Day section on Instagram, with this hashtag #theappwhisperer. Today, we congratulate @janisbrandenburg with this image entitled “walking into the future”. To view her instagram profile please go here.
Mobile Photography & Art Instagram Showcase – 23 August 2020
Not all self-portraiture includes the photographer, sometimes it is possible to use other people to stand in. I mentioned Sophie Calle‘s work last week and her series ‘Take Care of Yourself 2007-2009), is an example of this. Some photographers use people in a metaphoric sense, I’m thinking of Maria Kapajevea, in ‘A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman, 2012-ongoing’) or some choose not to include anyone in the picture at all (Nigel Shafran, Washing-up 2000). All of these approaches are classified as self-absented portraiture, similar to self-portraiture but none include the photographer in a literal sense. In many ways, physically, I have started to feel that maybe I…
Mobile Photography/Art Pic of the Day (1,315) via Instagram
Here’s day one thousand, three hundred and fifteen of our mobile photography/art Pic of the Day section via Instagram. Each day we select one image a day for our Pic of the Day section on Instagram, with this hashtag #theappwhisperer. Today, we congratulate @tankaqueen – Alexis Rotella with this image untitled. To view her instagram profile please go here.
Mobile Photography/Art Pic of the Day (1,314) via Instagram
Here’s day one thousand, three hundred and fourteen of our mobile photography/art Pic of the Day section via Instagram. Each day we select one image a day for our Pic of the Day section on Instagram, with this hashtag #theappwhisperer. Today, we congratulate @janisbrandenburg – Janis Brandenburg Lee with this image entitled ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones…but words hurt all the more’. To view her instagram profile please go here.
Mobile Photography & Art – Portrait of an Artist – Second Video of Works – with Maria Cecilia de São Thiago @klimtt
We are delighted to publish our second video showcase from our Portrait of an Artist group by our highly qualified editor, Maria Cecilia de São Thiago. She has selected the very best images from our dedicated Flickr Group as well as our Instagram Group and explains, “as the moment calls I have chosen strong images that have in them an indication of the anxiety that I have been feeling and that I think is inherent in everyone these days”. Please take a look at this video and the high level of work that continues to astound us. If you would like to be featured, in the future, please ensure you’re contributing your images…