Mobile Photography & Art – The Recipe I Can’t Live Without with Margaret Waage from the United States
We have a new section at TheAppWhisperer.com and it’s called ‘The Recipe I Can’t Live Without’, within that we are asking highly successful mobile artists to give us their one recipe (tutorial) they can’t live without in relation to editing their images. Kicking us off today, is Margaret Waage from the United States. She has created an brilliant still life family recipe . To read the others in this new series, please go here. (foreword by Joanne Carter)
DistressedFX+: a surprisingly worthwhile upgrade
Five years ago I wrote a tutorial on DistressedFX, a texture app to go alongside Stackable’s and Mextures in my library of apps. I couldn’t help but compare it to those giants in texture apps, and although I loved the textures, I found the interface clunky without the versatility of Stackable’s or Mextures. In the intervening years DistressedFX has soldiered on, occasionally releasing new texture packs. But we have recently discovered that Stackable’s has ceased updates, and it is only a matter of time before that app crashes and burns. So I have revisited DistressedFX over the last few weeks, buying several packs that I had bypassed earlier. So, having…
Mobile Photography & Art – The Recipe I Can’t Live Without with M. Cecilia Sao Thiago from Brazil
We have a new section at TheAppWhisperer.com and it’s called ‘The Recipe I Can’t Live Without’, within that we are asking highly successful mobile artists to give us their one recipe (tutorial) they can’t live without in relation to editing their images. Kicking us off today, is M. Cecilia Sao Thiago from Brazil. She has created an brilliant family portraiture recipe . To read the others in this new series, please go here. (foreword by Joanne Carter)
Mobile Photography & Art – The Recipe I Can’t Live Without with Kerry Mitchell from the United States
We have a new section at TheAppWhisperer.com and it’s called ‘The Recipe I Can’t Live Without’, within that we are asking highly successful mobile artists to give us their one recipe they can’t live without in relation to editing their images. Kicking us off today, is Kerry Mitchell and she has created a recipe for her image of a camilla flower. To read the others in this new series, please go here. (foreword by Joanne Carter) Serves: All Cooks: In 30 Minutes Difficulty: Not Too Tricky Genre: Super Floral Family Classics
Mobile Photography & Art – My Top Five Apps by Marguerite Khoury from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
We are revitalising our Top Five Apps section to our Photo App Lounge column. This a section within TheAppWhisperer where we ask highly accomplished mobile photographers and artists to list their top five apps and to explain why they have selected them. Kicking us off today is highly regarded and experienced mobile photographer and artist, Marguerite Khoury from Nova Scotia, Canada, take a look! (foreword by Joanne Carter). All images ©Marguerite Khoury Union This is the first place I take my photo. It’s wonderful for choosing a color background of your choice. Blending photos together or masking out what you don’t want and saving the image in PNG format. $1.99/Download…
Mobile Photography & Art My Top Five Apps by Rob Pearson-Wright, London, UK
We are revitalising our Top Five Apps section to our Photo App Lounge column. This a section within TheAppWhisperer where we ask highly accomplished mobile photographers and artists to list their top five apps and to explain why they have selected them. Kicking us off today is accomplished mobile photographer and artist from Rob Pearson-Wright from London, UK. Take a look at his Top Five Apps… (foreword by Joanne Carter) “Apps come and go but some stay in your toolbox and become staples. These are my top five go to apps”. All images©️Rob Pearson-Wright Snapseed Each and every image gets a run through Snapseed. The power under the hood and…
Mobile Photography & Art – My Top Five Apps by Rita Colantonio from Dennis, Massachusetts
We are revitalising our Top Five Apps section to our Photo App Lounge column. This a section within TheAppWhisperer where we ask highly accomplished mobile photographers and artists to list their top five apps and to explain why they have selected them. Kicking us off today is hugely accomplished mobile photographer and artist, Rita Colantonio who originally started out as an artist, teaching art to children for many years. Colantonio discovered digital photography around the time that she retired and relatively recently found that her iPhone has led her to more creative adventures more akin to her love of artistic experimentation. Through the use of iPhone apps Colantonio confesses that “she finds…
Mobile Photography & Art – My Top Five Apps by Angie Lambert from New Jersey, United States
We are revitalising our Top Five Apps section to our Photo App Lounge column. This a section within TheAppWhisperer where we ask highly accomplished mobile photographers and artists to list their top five apps and to explain why they have selected them. Kicking us off today is highly accomplished mobile artist Angie Lambert from Red Bank, New Jersey, United States, enjoy! (foreword by Joanne Carter). To read others from this series, please go here. “I am in my favorite spot, in the house, my corner of the sofa. It fits my body, much like the iPhone fits my hands. We are old friends. And, it’s where I feel safe, creative,…
‘One Day Odyssey’ Mobile Photography & Art Challenge with Liliana Schwitter from Switzerland
On 30th May 2017, we launched a new Challenge, relevant to all genres of mobile photography and art. A Challenge like no other, as our main requirement is for you to spend at least seven hours, taking or creating mobile images. The idea of this is project is that you take yourself on a journey and spend all day taking mobile photographs and/or creating mobile art. Not only does this give each viewer a wonderful series of images to enjoy, it’s against the backdrop of knowledge that you gave this day to yourselves and that fills us with immense joy. Please keep sending them through and we will feature each…
Mobile Photography Interview – A Day in the Life of Kristie Benoit from Culpeper, Virginia, USA
Welcome to our very exciting interview column on theappwhisperer.com. This section entitled “A Day in the Life of…” is where we take a look at some hugely influential, interesting, newcomers as well as accomplished individuals in the mobile photography and art world… people that we think you will love to learn more about. This is our 138th interview of the series. If you have missed our previous interviews, please go here. Today we are featuring a highly accomplished mobile photographer, Kristie Benoit, we have long been admirers of her work. You will love this! If you would like to take part in our A Day in the Life interview series, please send…