Mobile Art – AppArt – ‘My Favourite Things’ Challenge
We are delighted to announce a brand new AppArt Challenge! The details are listed below and the selected images will be presented in a showcase shortly after the challenge is closed. We cannot wait to view your entries!!! Photos: minimum of 3 Post the final image on https://www.flickr.com/groups/2801576@N20/ Post both the final image and your 3+ original images on our FB page https://www.facebook.com/groups/1406678516270241/ Apps: minimum of 2 Identify your apps in both Flickr and FB Subject: “My favorite things” Here’s some inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IagRZBvLtw What are YOUR favorite things, the song is just inspiration Number of Entries: Maximum of 3 Post only your best images … up to 3 of them.…
Mobile Art – APPart – Ninth Flickr Group Showcase – TheAppWhisperer
I am delighted to publish our very latest APPart Mobile Art Flickr Group Showcase. Curated and critiqued by our wonderful editor Bobbi McMurry. Over to you Bobbi…(foreword by Joanne Carter). “AppArt is such a unique and special genre within the mobile community and when done well … is something to marvel at. The last few years have seen many improvements in the capabilities of the apps thereby expanding the repertoire of the artists who create this way. It’s my pleasure to present this showcase containing such fine examples of AppArt, thank you all for sharing your explorations! I’ve highlighted a special piece from this showcase created by Lorenka Campos, I…
APPart – Challenge Results – Halloween Theme
We are delighted to publish our wonderful APPart Challenge Halloween Theme Challenge Showcase! Many thanks to our wonderful editor Bobbi McMurry for organising this and of course to all of you incredibly talented artists for creating such stunning art (forword by Joanne Carter). “Amazed at the magic spells our AppArtists cast to create this incredible work for a last minute Halloween theme! This showcase features a rather broad spectrum of ghoulish goodness that you’re sure to enjoy”. Congratulations to featured APPartists: Louise Whiting, Mandolina Moon, Wanphen Sangkamee, Patricia Januszkiewicz, Alexis Rotella, Michelle Robinson, Angie Lambert, Giulia Baita, Brett Chenoweth, Diana Nicholette Jeon, Eliza Badoiu, Claude Panneton, Dominique Torrent, Ed Kriner,…
Mobile Art – APPart – Seventh Flickr Group Showcase – TheAppWhisperer
I am delighted to publish our very latest APPart Mobile Art Flickr Group Showcase. Curated by our editor Bobbi McMurry and produced by myself. Over to Bobbi…(foreword by Joanne Carter). “They say that time flies, and I’m here to tell you it fly’s at supersonic speed! My showcases usually feature twenty works, but given the length of time since our last showcase, narrowing to twenty was absolutely impossible. You’ve all been very busy creating and pushing yourselves to learn and grow as artists. Here I present to you fifty pieces from fifty artists all excellent examples of what AppArt is all about. Enjoy!” Huge congratulations to all of this Showcases…
Mobile Art – APPart Artist Interview with Diana Nicholette Jeon – TheAppWhisperer
As the AppArt editor, I’ve made so many special and talented friends, but I’ve only had the pleasure of meeting a few live and in-person. I very recently had the pleasure of meeting Diana Nicholette Jeon who was vacationing in Phoenix and we became fast friends and one whose artwork I greatly admire. You are no doubt familiar with her distinctive work and vocal commentary on our Facebook page, Diana knows who she is as an artist, and as a person and isn’t shy about revealing herself. Her distinctive work is created with scrupulously interlaced imagery, a clear vision, technical precision and artistry resulting in spellbinding work that always distinctive.…
Mobile Art – AppArt Artist Interview with Claude Panneton
I am delighted to publish our latest AppArt Mobile Artist interview, this time with Claude Panneton. Bobbi McMurry our wonderful editor for this column has put together a very thorough interview. I am sure you will all enjoy this very much. (Foreword by Joanne Carter). “We all look at so very many images each and every day but I actually remember the first time I noticed one of Claude Panneton’s images, which was an entry into our second “Infinite Challenge”. His surreal solutions were unique and painterly, with each telling a separate story all derived from the single image. Since that time I’ve seen Claude’s artistic growth continue to flourish…
Mobile Art – APPart – Sixth Flickr Group Showcase – TheAppWhisperer
This showcase highlights three monochromatic images you’re sure to love. I hope you’ll spend some time exploring these artists’ Flickr feeds to become better acquainted with their work. Huge congratulations to all of this Showcases featured APPartists: Dominique Torrent, Tuba Koran, Chasing Paper Moon, Deborah McMillion, KClay1234, Kate Zari Roberts, Claudia Contreras, Kurt Norlin, SLP, Eliza Badoiu, Brett Chenoweth, Roger Guetta, Patricia JZ, Diana Nicholette Jeon, Michael Trombley, Mandolina Moon, Julie Hollow, Lisa Peters. Here are the links you need to join our APPart groups: • Flickr Group (for weekly showcase submissions) . Flickr APPart Challenge Group • Facebook Group (for information sharing/discussions)
Mobile Art – APPart – Fifth Flickr Group Showcase – TheAppWhisperer
As our group continues to grow, so does the pool of amazing art I must choose from to create our showcase! Thank you all for sharing your vision, we hope you’ll enjoy the show! The pieces we have highlighted all share the common theme of playful and almost childlike, yet so much more. You should definitely spend some time on these artist’s Flickr feeds to become better acquainted with their work. Here are the links you need to join our APPart groups: • Flickr Group (for weekly showcase submissions) . Flickr APPart Challenge Group • Facebook Group (for information sharing/discussions) Huge congratulations to all of this week’s featured APPartists: Carolyn…
Mobile Art App Tutorial – APPart – ‘Glitché’ by Bobbi McMurry
Last week Bobbi (our editor for this APPart column) published a brief overview of Glitché app, if you missed that please go here. She also promised a more in-depth tutorial and today has delivered. Please enjoy this (foreword by Joanne Carter). “If you’ve ever looked at my artwork, you know that I create with extensive layering. While I’m not a fan of “push-button” art, i.e.: apply an effect and your done, I do like “specialty apps” to create images that can be layered into my work. For me, Glitché is just that kind of app. Glitché caught my eye because of it’s ability to create a sort of wireframe overlay…
Mobile Art – APPart – Second Flickr Group Showcase – TheAppWhisperer
Welcome to the second edition of our APPart Showcase section. Every two weeks I as APPart Editor for TheAppWhisperer.com will review and curate work that was submitted to our APPart Flickr Group. In addition to curating a showcase video that Joanne has created and featured a sampling of submitted work, I have also highlighted a few images that caught our attention… offering some thoughtful commentary about technique, composition, and subject matter. If you are not a member of our Facebook group… we highly recommend that you join us! This is our space for sharing newsworthy information and conducting discussions (what, when, where, why and how) about art and mobile art…