Mobile Photography / Art New Year Resolutions 2019 From Artists Throughout The World
We are delighted to publish our New Year Resolutions for 2019 from a selection of highly talented mobile photographers and artists throughout the world. As in previous years we have asked mobile photographers and artists for their New Year Resolutions with an accompanying image or video . Thank you to everyone who has contributed, they all make great reading, viewing and are inspiring, we are forever grateful to you all. One of my New Year Resolutions this year is to accept an invitation to at least one Private View Exhibition each month. Naturally, I do not want to attend these on my own, so I am inviting our readers to contribute…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 13 January 2019
Sometimes, when reading a book, visually I am often sped far away to artwork that has touched me . Such is the case with an unpredictable tale of passion and pianos set in 1880’s France and Russia that I am currently reading. Love is Blind is the 15th novel by one of my favourite authors, William Boyd. There’s more to this book than an ‘historical travelogue-cum-romance’, not that I have a problem with that. It’s beautufully written, deeply humane, entirely engaging and frequently humorous, what more could I ask? And when reading it, I frequently envision ‘The Lovers’ by Magritte. As you may know, two lovers are pictured trying to…
Mobile Art and Photography That Has Influenced Me – Interview with Kerry Mitchell from Seattle, Washington, United States
We are delighted to bring you the eighteenth in our brand new Mobile Art and Photography that has Influenced Me series of interviews at TheAppWhisperer. Within this series, we contact well established and highly regarded mobile photographers and artists and ask them a sequence of questions. Each one relates to mobile art and photography that has inveigled and continues to impact them, by other mobile artists throughout the world. Our eighteenth interview is with Kerry Mitchell from Seattle, Washington, United States, enjoy! In this interview, Mitchell cites work by: Tricia Dewey, Nicki Fitzgerald, Bridget Robertson, Jane Schultz, Joyce Harkin, Lorenka Campos, Elena Lunardi, Teresa Lunt, Batia Lapidus Radlow and Cargon Brown.…
Mobile Art and Photography That Has Influenced Me – Interview with Jean Hutter from the United States
We are delighted to bring you the tenth in our brand new “Mobile Art and Photography that has Influenced Me” series of interviews at TheAppWhisperer. Within this series, we contact well established and highly regarded mobile photographers and artists and ask them a sequence of questions. Each one relates to mobile art and photography that has inveigled and continues to impact them, by other mobile artists throughout the world. Our tenth interview is with Jean Hutter from New Jersey, United States enjoy! In this interview, Hutter cites work by Roger Guetta, Sarah Jarrett, Bobbi McMurry, Jaya Suberg, Tricia Dewey, Eliza Badoiu, Lorenka Campos, Joyce Harkin, Jim Laskowicz and Nicki Fitzgerald. To read…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 21 October 2018
One late night this week, on the tube homeward bound, I was accosted by a couple. One sat purposefully too close to me, physical and personal boundaries abandoned, and the other, opposite, knocking knees. The woman, her head leaning on my shoulder, was stonned I would say and the man somewhat addled, suffering a huge headache, I was stone cold sober. Once they penetrated my wired vigilance I got chatting. Apparently, they had mistaken me for Rosemary Bennett, The Times, Social Affairs Correspondent but they couldn’t quite marry up my constrained chronological age and hers. Admiring my skin, my clothes, my rings, my voice, I felt owned and whilst living…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 30 September 2018
“A husband hits his wife to silence her. A date rapist or acquaintance rapist refuses to let the “no” of his victim mean what it should, that she alone has jurisdiction over her body. Rape culture asserts that women’s testimony is worthless, untrustworthy. Anti-abortion activists also seek to silence the self-determination of women. A murderer silences forever. These are assertions that the victim has no rights, no value – is not an equal“, an extract from Rebecca Solnit’s book ‘The Mother of All Questions’ and it’s highly appropriate today. No, I will not be silenced. No, I will not allow my FB page to go black. Right now, we are…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 16 September 2018
I love literature almost as much as I love visual art and this week I’ve been indulging in ‘The Letters of Sylvia Plath: Volume II, 1956-1963, edited by Peter K Steinberg and Karen Kukil. The relationship between Ted Huges and Sylvia Plath as we know, was astonishing in its intensity and Plath’s letters, deeply private. The tragedy of their lives is no more acute when you consider what could have been, two immensely gifted poets, who found each other and then literally tore each other apart. Hughes who cheated not only physically but emotionally published poems which Plath discovered, each one a passionate love poem to his lover, ‘describing their…
New Projects – Our New Form of Artistic Installation aka ‘The Quilt’ Is Ready!
We’re delighted to inform our readers that the quilt that so many of you contributed to, has now been completed. For those of you not aware of this project, it involved mobile artists contributing one image and each one was then carefully included within a large quilt to be displayed at the next gallery show or even Mobile Arts Festival. There has been a few obstacles along the way and we have overcome each one. This quilt was sewed together and finalised by none other than mobile artist, Lorenka Campos’ mother in law. We all owe her much gratitude. The quilt is now with Lorenka Campos, so if you would…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 10 June 2018
“Happily ever after is a very relative thing. I’m grateful that I get to be alive”, this is one of the many excerpts from the deepest conversations I had for many years, with our mutual friend, dear Carolyn Hall Young. I miss her immensely, everyday and everyone I’ve ever spoken to, who has known her, has the same feelings. Why is it that some people make such an impact on our lives, out of the thousands and thousands that we know now or will know, what is it, that pushes them into our hearts and keeps them there? There are many answers to this complex question and I would say…
Mobile Photography & Art – Flickr Group Showcase – 15 April 2018
Urgently contemporary, this weeks mobile photography and art flickr group showcase is a huge thrill and I know all about thrills. This week I chatted with a friend, one I’ve not seen for such a long time. The most charming man, the most fragrant and also the most generous. Slipping back into rambling conversations about, art, photography and sex, we absorbed and absolved one another as we nudged the English language to its limits. Art as in life, is about desire and the mobile photographers and artists that we have featured in this weeks showcase, have satiated mine. There’s real humanity in this showcase, with insights into love and longing…