
The Greatest Mobile Photography / Art New Year Resolutions 2023 From Artists Throughout The World

For many 2022 was a blur, we find ourselves here in 2023 almost without realising it. We are all still trying to recover from the pandemic, physically, mentally and financially, there are few among us that it hasn’t taken its toll. Yet, here we are doing what artists do, creating, rejoicing and sharing. Enjoy this long read, it is such a good opportunity to check in on everyone.

Thank you to all who have contributed to making this year’s resolutions making this one the biggest ever as always, if I have missed anyone, please know it was not intentional, remind me, send me your content,  and I will open the post and add you right away. Also, if you’ve not sent me yours and you would like to be included, then please do and I will add you. Please share this post widely!

… as 2023 begins, we have a small favour to ask. A new year means new opportunities, and we’re hoping this year gives rise to some much-needed stability and progress. Whatever happens, theappwhisperer will be there. Times are tough, and we know not everyone is in a position to pay for unique content. But as we’re reader-funded, we rely on the ongoing generosity of those who can afford it.

Robin Robertis

When Joanne asked me to write a few words about New Years’ resolutions, I was, am,  at a loss.

I haven’t really thought about it till today when I sit having my coffee across from strangers almost 6,000 miles away from my home where it is the New Year here today.
It can be the most lonely or exciting place to be. I will quietly and discretely take out my box of crayons…( my iPhone ) revisit the past, and make some future moments to come.
Since my image skills and my Chinese are better than my English writing skills in communication  ( I am an American ) I will leave you with an image by me and words by― Neil Gaiman

“May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful and don’t forget to make some art — write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.”

I’m hoping to do the same. Peace be with us all in 2023

Paul Allender

In 2023, I and Michèle Polak will continue to develop our creative partnership in the spirit of hope for a better future and we will focus on the Climate Emergency as an urgent task for humankind. Our joint images will seek to reflect the need to address this with honesty, resolution and commitment. For a better world.
Love and Peace,
Paul Allender @pauliepaul55 and Michèle Polak @debergenseboekenkast

M. Cecilia de São Thiago

I’ve been writing on TheAppWhisperer for a few years now about my plans for the new year. There were several projects dreamed of, created and realized. Like creating my website, editing and printing my first Photobook, doing my first solo exhibition and so on. But now, at the end of 2022, after everything I’ve done, as recently the exhibition at the Paraty Photography Festival, “Paraty em Foco” created by the great Giancarlo Mecarelli, , I know I’m sad and discouraged for 2023. 
It is difficult to continue with a blind dedication and having to pay without any sponsorship, to print another photobook, have another exhibition and participate in festivals, after all, these values ​​were very high.
The only thing I take for granted is the collaboration with the incredible “Laboratório de Pesquisa em Psicologia da Fotografia”. with master Guilherme Ghisoni who has repaid me a lot with the same intensity of my dedication.
I am also planning 2023 to return to teaching photography classes, individually and via Zoom, as the demand has been high.
So, by all indications, this year will be more focused on self-knowledge and a certain interiorization, in terms of photography. In addition to the commitment to the new project of creating and making jewellery with my eldest daughter, Catharina Florence, as you may see at
Attached is an image I made for the Philosophy of Photography Laboratory. 
A big Brazilian hug to everyone and my eternal thanks to Joanne Carter, for the great work and everything she does for the mobile community.

Ileana Montaño

I decided to create and publish my first book last year: L’Ego Meurtri. Hommage à Gilbert Garcin. It was not an easy process. Things seemed to be stuck at every phase. But I held so tight to my dream, and in the end, it happened!  I am thrilled and anxious now about these boxes filled with books that started with just a little idea. My biggest challenge for 2023 is finding a welcoming photo library or home for each one of them. I’m still trying to find ways to do this. At times it feels a little overwhelming, to be honest, but I have resolved to keep forward in the road I chose and, must of all, to keep accepting and overcoming with grace and gratitude all that this endeavor and this life bring my way.

Wishing you all many dreams come true!



Kathleen Magner

In this post- covid, kids all off to university, newly minted orphan life of mine, I find myself asking what the next chapter will look like.

What is it that makes ME tick? What do I want from life?  All through my own lens, not via what is expected of me.

I must listen closer and harder to hear my own voice. Then, I hope to have something worthy to share; then I hope to approach my artwork with fresh eyes, opened anew.




Frédéric Deschênes

The years go by

Like imaginary ghosts

We go through hardships

We live happy experiences

We are growing

I wish you enjoy every moment you live!


‘Behind our Curtains’ ©Frédéric Deschênes


Greg McMillan

I don’t often make New Year’s Resolutions, but recently I attended a workshop on Intentional Camera Movement. This workshop, put on by a local photographer, has ignited a creative spark in me to try ICM a little more often. I’ve never really considered myself to be an artistic photographer but ICM, as it turns out, is fun to explore and I am producing images that I never thought I would.
2023 is a new year and I plan to explore new ways to use my iPhone’s camera to create new types of art.

Lanie Heller

Hello everyone, Happy New Year!  Thank you Joanne for putting so much care into bringing our year-end reflections together.
2022 was filled with a lot of ups and downs, but I prefer to focus on the positives!  Going into the new year I will continue to surround myself with uplifting energy as well as people & things that feed my soul rather than deplete it.  I recently saw a post with tons of words close together like a seek-a-word.  At the top, it stated the 4 words you saw first would be your mantra for 2023….Mine were:
I can get behind these!  I truly hope I have more time to create again this year as well.  I’m forever grateful to our community even if I’m not as visible as I used to be & hope everyone has a wonderful year ahead!

Jill Lian

As an eternal optimist, I plan on searching out the good in all things for 2023. I will continue to search for the tiny things in nature that stop me in my tracks. My wish is for everyone a happy and healthy 2023! Thank You Joanne for always being so supportive of mobile photographers!

Bonobo Stone

Wow, 2023 already! Although I am not normally a resolutions person, I do want to create more digital landscapes on my iPhone and iPad mini over the next 12 months. Hoping the year of the rabbit is filled with peace and harmony and the world becomes a gentler place. All the best to everyone. Love rules!



Rosalie Heller

Thank you for inviting me to participate in resolutions 2023 Joanne and for this beautiful platform. I love being a part of our generous community! This year I turn 80 – not sure I believe it. So here’s to 2023:
I will continue to feed my insatiable appetite to create. I will continue to be inspired and encouraged by the tremendous talent in this family of artists.
A book is whispering in my ear. I will tiptoe out of my comfort zone to promote my work. I am determined to get back to my yoga routine, take walks, drink lots of lemon water, eat plant-based and practice daily gratitude. On the hardest days being grateful feels so good!
Happy New Year!!

Joel Anderson

The past year was one of personal losses, but also renewals. I look forward to 2023 as an opportunity to explore some new directions. The simplest but perhaps most ambitious will be de-cluttering the house. The most rewarding, I hope, will be crossing a travel item or two off my bucket list.





Sylvie Prévot

Kindness is the nobility of intelligence” J. Weber My resolutions for this year, are gentleness, sharing, benevolence… Taking care of others and making time for me. And then create, take pictures, look at pictures, admire, congratulate, rejoice to be part of this beautiful community and thank Joanne for all she does for us. Love Vive la Vie !



Valeria Cammareri

I’ve been always escaping shooting on bad weather days, especially if it’s raining. My resolutions for this 2023 are to try something out of my comfort zone and develop a project rather than shooting always according to my daily mood, and collect images as a visual diary. For the moment, I’ll start with the most difficult thing: shooting under an umbrella in a very awkward position, but I trust the rest too. Happy New Year to all of you!



Oola Cristina

My wish for the coming year is to live in a way that’s more aligned with the process by which I create: pay attention; discern between what is conditioned and conventional and what is organic and authentic; trust the process; be willing to change; let the pieces come together to reveal what’s true. My wish for all of us as citizens of this planet is to be more conscious and aware of our impact and to be willing to see ourselves more clearly, so we can see each other more clearly.

Thank you so much, Joanne, for all the opportunities to share what we love with each other and to learn!

Wishing everyone clear-sightedness, a peaceful heart, and love, inside and out. 🌎🌍🌏🕊❤️


‘2023’ ©Oola Cristina

Tomaso Belloni

The past few years have taught us that really anything can happen. This is mostly out of our control, but we should concentrate on what we can do ourselves. For the new year that has just started I have quite a few resolutions, but if I had to join them into one it would be: I plan changes. The world around me changes, I need to take some things into my hands and avoid being simply carried by the flow.



Cintia Malhotra

Included in my resolution 2023 contribution, am presenting “Escape From Hell.” Have become a quiet observer these days, choosing to focus on my creative life and health. As an arts educator, am very concerned for my students (past and present) – many conversations on how AI will impact their future. In regards to my own work, the goal is to indulge in a more conventional approach to art making for a while. Looking forward to it.



Yoni Mayeri

When I think about all the many resolutions I’ve made over the years, it occurs to me that they were often focused on internal musings. So to start this year off, I thought about what I needed to focus on and what would benefit my physical and mental health. I knew I needed to simplify my space to make my vision more efficient, my daily routines easier, and my workflow smoother. I had to address something I’ve been procrastinating about for the entire pandemic. That being to clean out my studio, bedroom, and closets, and to get rid of excess stuff. My workload tripled during Covid, as did the amount of travel I did, and my focus on keeping things organised and flowing at home suffered. I knew from organising binges in my past, that minimising belongings, organising my personal and work environments, clearing out stuff, and reducing possessions to the minimum all aided in clearing out the clutter in my mind. Freeing up physical spaces put my aesthetic self at peace: determining what I don’t want or need, and clarifying what I do want and need. So that’s what I plan to do – get to work on cleaning out the spaces, donate, recycle, and discard to enable organised zen living. “Organising takes time but also makes time.” Peace to you in 2023.



Linda Toki

This year I’m going through a shift in priorities. This involves making my way back to right-brained activities and my creativity. Although I retired in 2020, my life seemed to fill right back up with many new directions. So I guess since then, I’ve felt overwhelmed and diverted. My first “gift” in life was art. I majored in art and art education and was a graphic designer for my whole career. So I need to honour that gift and “refocus!” Ultimately I feel like 2023 needs to be a return to self. The word I have chosen for this year for inspiration is “savour.”



Vanessa Vox

Despite some signs of relief, the world has not really gotten a better place after the pandemic. A lot of new issues are intriguing the world. And we are all involved in a certain way. I have chosen for this New Year‘s Resolutions Post the photo of a beautiful old olive tree as a symbol of peace, wisdom, prosperity, vitality, and persistence. The picture is mirrored downwards as if the tree is growing into a deeper layer of life.

Well, my smartphone camera will remain my constant companion throughout everyday life also in 2023, helping me to stay in the flow of creativity. Working with photos and short films let me interact with the world and communicate with you, the onlookers. In this flow, I feel free and happy.

This is how I will continue in 2023, creating photos and films, and editing and sharing them. I like to

live in a creative world. And I look forward to discovering the creative work of others.



Ulla Hauer

New Year’s Greetings from Copenhagen, Denmark.

My wishes for the coming year, 2023, centre on the further development of my artistic work. In 2022 I joined an artistic community, named Spektrum, here in Denmark. In Spektrum, I have been guided by professionally skilled teachers (weekly Internet-based dialogue) and discussions, meetings, and exhibitions together with fellow artists.

Technically, I still use my mobile phone as one of my main tools, but I have expanded my end results to include paintings on canvas (acrylic and oil). Thus, I have two artistic product lines: A graphic line (high-quality prints directly from my iPhone onto heavy artist’s paper) and a supplementary line where I manually paint copies (or rather translations!) of the digital photographs produced on my mobile phone.

My favourite photo app is presently Vector Q. It transforms the photo’s pixels into a vector-based image – i.e. into areas of colour instead of “dots” or rasters. Small, digital image processing programs (such as Artbox and Vector Q) preserve my ability to play and “paint” further on the digital photograph. I avoid large and heavy image processing programs such as Photoshop, in order to work more intuitively. There is thus a constant movement between new and old technology, from digital pixels to the physical canvas.

I wish you all the best in the coming year. – And Joanne, thanks for providing this platform, so useful for exchange and inspiration.



Melissa D Johnston

2022 was a year in which much of my creativity was focused on my “day job” as a Pilates instructor and studio owner. The change in focus had been welcomed as I was a bit burned out artistically from 2021. But sliding into the last quarter of the year I found myself feeling unmoored from the things that meant the most to me artistically. Not having a consistent art practice contributed, but what I think was decisive was not making time/space for dreaming, for serendipitous inspiration, or for connection to what I didn’t even know I loved until I chanced upon it. I believe Julia Cameron calls it “filling the well.” I ended 2022 with a wonderful trip to France, visiting and travelling with my son who is finding his legs as a writer. The trip is my touchstone for 2023. In 2023 I will have a consistent art practice. But more importantly, I will make sure the practice has nourishment on a regular basis. No need to travel to France, just a little space and time every week to open myself in wonder to the world.


‘Nursing the Past’ ©Melissa D Johnston

Meri Walker

I can still kind of remember a time when I thought I could make some specific changes to my life by resolving to behave differently when a new year rolled through. But after driving 11,000 miles around the US last year, I can’t remember how to think that way anymore. 

The great thing is, I don’t seem to have much of any capacity to enjoy the present moment right where I find myself standing or sitting or lying down right now. In fact, without using my limited life force trying to plan an uncontrollable future (based on memories from the past) I find myself, most of the time, living with a sense of equanimity I never used to experience. 

Certainly, AI, the climate crisis, the deliberate desecration of life-supporting ecosystems, and the ongoing radicalization of political life in almost every country on Earth pose greater challenges to the human race and all living beings on this planet than at any previous time of my life. 

It is my prayer that all of us in the mobile photography and art community use the year ahead to slip out of the crazy race for more attention and more stuff. The world needs visual artists who can and will devote our precious human attention to actual (not machine-simulated) Life on planet Earth. That’s what I hope to keep doing with a heart full of Love. 


‘Things ain’t what they used to be’ ©Meri Walker


Let’s all in this world let go of our past emotions, stress, pandemic and memories and begin the New Year 2023 by giving ourselves a break. We all carry big loads of stress but we must rebuild our minds and focus on positive things to come. Create, create & create! Cherish the New Year 2023 and smile. Love Mayte

Cindy Karp

Thank you firstly, Joanne and theappwhisperer for allowing so much inspiration, virtual encounters and such creative positivity.
As another year comes to a close, and the candle of Life continues to burn, it’s a time for reflection. Being the eternal optimist, I think we all yearn for world peace, though at times it seems so discouraging and unattainable.  The hope for health,  despite opening the obituaries and finding so many names of friends and acquaintances makes taking care of ourselves even more poignant. Memories continue and Life continues. I will try to commit to a healthier sleep routine and less phone time. I am grateful for friends and family far away who continue to be a beacon of hope. ( but please don’t call at 4 AM because you can’t sleep!)
Keep trying to make a difference regardless of how small, and stay optimistic, focused and driven to your passions.
Challenges bring opportunities and discovery of new hope, and camaraderie with delightful and inspiring friends and artists as my virtual family grows. My hope is to convey thought-provoking images in my art, and serve as inspiration while challenging myself with new ideas and imagery. Keep exploring the world and my potential to be kinder, and gentler, and learn to take some quiet time too.
Wishing all of you a healthy, happy prosperous new year filled with creativity of passion and joy.

Rita Colantonio

Happy New Year Joanne, following is my contribution to your New Year resolution article. Thank you for inviting me.
I feel at the Dawn of this new year that the world is slowly gathering equilibrium and a sense of normalcy.

But there is still unfortunately much heartbreak and I feel there always will be. So for me, I look inside myself for a kind of resolution, a personal way to find solace, through my art. My art has been evolving recently to include more collage work and more painterly editing. This year I will experiment with including geli prints and natural elements in my images. I will forge ahead with abstraction. I will use my natural surroundings to inspire me. And I will go confidently with my instincts. This is my plan.

2022 has gifted me with a gallery to show my work and I am grateful for this. There are opportunities in the coming year for more exhibitions. But in the end, what will make me most fulfilled is the fruitful evolution of my personal vision.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to express my thoughts! Thank you Joanne for all you do. I wish you and our art community a Fruitful and Happy New Year!




Lisa Cirenza

January 1st 2023, is a unique opportunity to reflect on fresh starts, and baggage to leave behind. Actually, I disagree. Every day, every morning, and every sunrise that we are fortunate enough to experience gifts us with this opportunity. However, we get weighted down with life’s everyday to-do list, illnesses, worries, projects, and transitions…and we forget how to seize the opportunities embedded in so many moments, as they pass us by.

Instead of a resolution to do something, that will soon be on the list of shoulda, woulda, could’ve—I like to choose a guiding word that will help me navigate the year ahead. Grace has been my word for decades. With this word to guide me, I’ve learned to apply grace to all kinds of situations: be it the temptation to overeat, beating myself up for not painting, working with french contractors, or looking at current situations throughout the world that might otherwise defeat my will to breathe, and to find joy.

I’m hoping 2023’s words will enhance these efforts and fill my life and artworks with their essence. My word is « lightness ». I’ve been transitioning my work in this direction over the past year. I see it embodied in the sunflowers I planted in my new french garden, which grow from tiny seeds to stalwart followers of the light, gifting their seeds to the wildlife that surrounds them. I see it embodied in the courage of the Ukrainian people, whose continued hope and courage can be an example to us, all to stand tall and follow the light.


« Stand Tall and Follow the Light » Mixed Media (including digital) on 108 x 108cm brushed aluminium


Cecily Caceu

For 2023 I again (!) want to try to concentrate on incorporating my mixed media work with the old photos I have been collecting. I’m also experimenting with embroidery and photography- so many ideas!
 I would also love to reconnect with all the amazing iPhone photographers- the past 2 years have been very isolating and I am looking forward to seeing people in person more.
I wish everyone a very healthy and happy 2023!

Katya Rosenzweig

Thank you dear Joanne for your message to all of us. Sending you my image and best wishes! Speed recovery and Happy New Year!

My most important expectation is Peace in Ukraine! I am not sure that the new year will be much different, hope the economy will improve. My next step in my digital Art and photography is to feel more competent with AI, and make it more friendly. There are so many new opportunities in our digital world!
I wish all my friends in 2023  Good health, ❤️ Love and Artistic success !! Thank you to everyone who supported me, and sent me kind words and wishes! Without you, I could not grow up as an Artist.
Peace on our planet! Love and Compassions in the New Year!

James Bacchi

James Bacchi


Feel better!

All the best,




Susan Latty

Again, I begin this year feeling so very grateful for my creative life. It always helps me maintain a happy balance and healthy perspective even through significant challenges of the past year.

My creative practice has expanded in the last six months to include botanical printing on fabric. For me, this is a natural and wonderful extension of my love of plants. This complements my photographic-based mobile digital art and ephemeral collages using plant material as well as my passion for making gardens. These forms of expression heighten my awareness of my surroundings and of the beauty at my fingertips.

I want 2023 to be characterised by courage, to push my comfort zone as I learn new techniques, respond to challenges and discover more about myself. I’m beginning the year with an online course through Fibre Arts Take-Two called “Essence of Identity” with Donna Watson. I have plans to participate in a botanical printing workshop in France mid-year. And as always, record and respond to the beauty around me photographically with my mobile phone. This practice of observation and response forms the core of my art practice and I love it.

Happy 2023 dear Joanne and all my wonderful friends. Thank you as always for your generous spirit.


Paul-André Hamel

After a half-hearted year, I hope to replenish my energy, stay curious to learn, experiment and have a different view of the world.

All the best to you, Joanne, and to all my friends in the mobile art community.


Kerry Mitchell

Thanks for including me, Joanne. My thoughts for 2023 are many. I have hope and I have deep sorrow. I have been battling with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) for four years. It has slowly eroded all areas of my life. It has taken away my ability to be creative. It has ripped away my ability to be me. It overtakes my life about 70% of the time. On days when I am ok, I rush around and try to cram in my life and art. I try to find creativity, joy and contentment in a few hours. I’m hoping that 2023 will be better.



Anastasia Potekhina

Hello Joanne! Happy New Year!
Thank you for inviting me to this project.
Here are a few words about New Year!
Dear friends, everyone always expects better times from the new year. But now it is especially important, like in John Lennon’s song “I want you to make love, not war….” I wish that everyone will make love, and create art and love around you and their loved ones. Thanks to Joanne for bringing us all together to show our art. Happy New Year!

Juta Jazz

Hello everyone, hello dear Joanne. Touched by the invitation to share my thoughts in this great community once again.
As I was reading for 2021 resolutions, got strange feelings…Everybody was hoping for a better upcoming year after we had the Covid pandemic. Definitely, we’ve got only the worst 2022, when the war in Ukraine started…Looks like humanity needs to reach that bottom, so as to rise for better things. I really hoped, that 2022 was that bottom…I was totally displaced in all my feelings, thoughts and seeing things around me. My art didn’t find the place, when the images of reality were speaking more strongly, than ever…

Even my geopolitical choice of place to live showed me a wrong decision, because the place I was born and grew up has a totally different situation and point of view in this war, together with my personal too…
All I need is peace and balance…and I think I’m not the only one to ask for when so much pain and tragedy happens just next to my door…All my hopes and praying for 2023 are to get out of this dark circle period for all humanity. And hope it will happen, really hope so.



‘until then…’ ©Juta Jazz

George Koutsouvelis

As the new year dawns, it is a time to reflect on the past and look ahead to the future. As we bid farewell to the old and embrace the new, let us take a moment to set our intentions for the coming year. May this be a time of growth, healing, and joy for all of us. May we find the strength and courage to overcome any challenges that come our way and emerge even stronger. May we find the wisdom to make choices that are in alignment with our values and bring us closer to our goals. Above all, may we find the grace to be kind to ourselves and others, to show compassion and understanding, and to make a positive impact on the world around us. Here’s to a wonderful new year full of endless possibilities and endless love.



Michèle Polak

HOPE FOR A BETTER FUTURE, My wish for 2023 is hope and peace for our world. Love Peace and Happiness for all. Thank you, Joanne, I wish you a very happy New Year 2023
‘There’s no place before…’ ©Michele Polak

Jen Walsh

2022 was a challenging year and came to a close with a milestone birthday.
Resolutions have always been a part of my birthday given what day it falls on. I turned 50 this past New Year’s Eve but instead of resolutions, I’ve decided to set intentions this time around.
I have a list of smaller, bite-size, hopefully, achievable goals that will be beneficial both physically and mentally, but the theme of this year’s most significant intention comes from the word, INSPIRE.
I am almost comfortable calling myself an artist, but while I plan to work on that idea this year, I intend to let go of phrases such as, “I can’t”, “I don’t know how” and “I have to”. I intend to keep learning, to find new ways to find my lane artistically and most of all, to be open to all people, places and things that inspire me. My hope going forward, I will be able to inspire others.
Thank you Joanne for your continued support of mobile artistry and Happy New Year everyone! May we all find inspiration in all that we do personally and creatively in 2023.

Kerryn Benbow

After a tough few years, I want to fall back in love with life this year! How? I want to count my blessings each day, no matter how big or small and focus on gratitude. I want to work on my boundaries to make life simpler, more enjoyable and more aligned with my personal goals. I want to nurture my emotional resilience, even if it takes all year. I want to face the tough things with confidence and know they won’t break me. I want to make someone happy each and every day by acknowledging their gifts and special place in this world in a real and meaningful way. I want to be more authentic to them and to myself. I want to work at surrounding myself with supportive and positive people and work at being a more supportive and positive friend. I want to create an intentional lifestyle, and take my healthier lifestyle to a new level, doing one thing each day that will take me closer to my dreams. I want to work towards pushing the negative things in my life down and changing my mindset to a more healthy, happy, positive one, where I’m creating every day. I want to wish every single one of you the same thing and lots of self-love. X

Peter Wilkin

No New Year’s resolutions this year … I’d rather attempt to stay in the here and now as much as possible and respond to whatever I encounter. That also applies to my art: wait until the inspiration touches me ~ a poem, a song, an epiphany ~ & then follow the feelings, using a photograph I’ve taken as my starting point.
Much of last year’s artistic inspiration came courtesy of swans, which we have here in abundance along the canals and waterways that surround our village.
But ‘Why the Swan?’ asks Andrew Lambeth in a poem that carries that very title: “Because the swan floats up close …” he explains, and “ …
Because the air shushes sirens 
because the canal divulges silence because the curves have been stolen 
from what’s left of the swan, which is its song, of course –
 the long stretch between locks.”
Lambeth’s Swan carries with it a sense of confinement and aimless searching as it glides back and forth along the same “long stretch between locks.”
In her poem ‘The Swan’, Mary Oliver’s Swan appears as a symbol of beauty: “ … rising into the silvery air – An armful of white blossoms, A perfect commotion of silk and linen.”
Inspired by these and other Swan-themed poems, together with their constant presence along every local towpath, swans may well continue to dominate my images for much of this New Year.
Warmest wishes to you Joanne & to everyone who belongs to this amazing community of mobile artists.
‘The Black Swan: in search of Sorrow’s secret centre’ ©Peter Wilkin

Joel Aversing

I hate the start of a new year. Maybe it’s because of resolutions unfulfilled or being reminded that as the world gets older I do too. Self-contracts and one’s own mortality make for great seasonal depression.
This year I will be the optimist and offer the hope that in 2023 I will progress, and that we all progress. Let’s stop this and start over. Let’s go out. Let’s keep going.


Carlos Austin

Wakening Dreams – oh my…another year has vanished.
Lucky for me I have many pix and videos to remember both the good and bad.
Two nights ago I was on a virtual reality social platform called VRChat for New Year’s Eve. You celebrate with people from around the world as each time zone hits midnight. As I passed some folks talking, I heard somebody refer to 2022 as 2020 version 3. But for me, even with the ups and downs of life, I am happy to be part of this year. I have made more friends and contacts around the world and I continue to look for the magic that life can offer through my craft as a photographer/videographer.
Every day is full of gratitude for the things I have, and the people that care for me and my health.
This image is from one of my long-time bucket lists, go to Burning Man in Nevada. Harsh environment but tons of magic to be had by all the art in the desert. This is a couple I photographed as we arrived on the “Playa” in a dust storm. Many blessings to all of you. Cheers. Carlos Austin

Craig Satterlee

I hope 2023 will allow me to get out from the Covid shadow and allow the creative graceful moments to find themselves again….this is all I’m asking.
“Romance the Ordinary”
The only other thing I want to see this coming year is where or how “AI” is going to be recognized in the creative world….
Happy New Year!


Fleur Schim

Thank you for inviting me to participate in New Year’s resolutions 2023. I love being a member of an inclusive, amazingly talented and generous mobile photography community. I am grateful for the feeling of fellowship, as a result of sharing and mentoring, from both personal and virtual teachers.
My art helps keep me present and enhances my life. 
I am looking towards more travel with my husband, Jack. We are a creative team. We both enjoy the new experiences and different scenery. 
I wish everyone a healthy and happy New Year!


‘Reminiscent’ ©Fleur Schim


The past 3 years have taught me many new things in many different ways. Most importantly I have learned the value of time with loved ones doing what comforts me. Being creative in many different ways is what I love, so that will be my goal for 2023. Your invitation message was a great trigger for me, dear Joanne, I’ll be doing more mobile art this year. And I would like to thank Joanne Carter for the inspiration and creativity that made this wonderful community.




Laurence Brugerie

My resolutions for 2023 is that all people find inspiration in what they love and Like the most and walk along their … way and not the others tell us to do..!!!



Kally Klonaris-Smythe

I would like to say how honored I am to have the opportunity to share an image of mine with a few words about my hopes for the New Year. Thank you Joanne Carter and TheAppWhisperer.

As I reflect back on 2022, I realize that with no exception, every year brings both joy and sorrow. I try not to sum up a year as either a “good” one or “bad” one. Last year was the beginning of an ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, the continuation of Covid, the wedding of my sister, and the birthdays of my loved ones to name a few. My wish for the New Year, is to have the strength to push through the hard moments, and to absorb and embrace the great moments that occur. Wishing everyone a wonderful year ahead in 2023!





Welcome 2023! As in every self-respecting new year, the dreams and desires that we hope for are a need for survival. Expectations are always very high, but then the conditions that determine them are not always optimal. In the world we live in, there are ‘there is less and less light, hope and love for what one has. And less and less one is satisfied with what much one has, if only the strength to open one’s eyes and witness a new dawn. This shot has in the darkness that predominates, a point of light on the man who is at the center of a universe, where the red that crosses, is the gaze on love, passion, humanity’s center of gravity. This is what I would like for my 2023!




Stine Loe

2022 has been a tumultuous year both for me personally, for the world and for Europe, with the aftermath of a pandemic, declining economy and war. A year full of anxiety, illness and worries, but also an artistic and creative journey. As we enter the new year, I wish for unity between people, respect for each other, new optimism, focus on art as a tool to bring people together and heal. Cooperation, togetherness and friendliness. Love and peace for all. I pray that for the new year. Wishing everyone the best; Happy New 2023!


‘The River Runs in Me’ ©Stine Loe
The river of my life. Fight against the current. Fight against whatever life throws at me. Orienting myself in a constantly changing landscape, in a river current loud and scary. Will there be peace at last…?


Like many, I don’t usually make resolutions, but I do have a couple of hopes for the new year. I would like to continue my efforts to fully appreciate each day, especially as I’m getting older. On a larger scale, I keep thinking humankind will improve and I suppose it is, albeit much more slowly than it could and should. Specifically, I am so tired of the wars in Ukraine and other places, with the brutality and misery that comes with them. My hope, naive as it is, is that the bloodshed will stop soon.


‘Stop the Bloodshed’

Rosie Karel

Thank you Joanne for this opportunity and honor to be included in your 2022 Resolution Project.

As I reflect on 2022 and look to 2023 I feel a deep sense of gratitude. Gratitude for my health, a gift of new life in my family, and the deepening of old and igniting of new friendships, all of which I hope to strengthen and build on this new year.

The one wish for myself and all creatives, is to make the time to take the in-breath, to allow inspiration and creativity to have the space to grow so that it can feed our souls. My goal is that my images will also give my viewer a place to stop and feel the in-breath as well.

Thank you again Joanne for all that you do to support the mobile photography and visual art community.

May we all have a year filled with Light, Love and Inspiration!


‘•The sweet space between the breaths•’ ©Rosie Karel


Piotr Bene

As a photographer, my New Year’s resolutions and wishes for 2023 are to continue to push the boundaries of my craft and to create meaningful and impactful images that resonate with people. I want to explore new techniques and styles, and to challenge myself to create something unique and special that stands out in an increasingly crowded field. I also want to continue to learn and grow as a photographer, and to take on more challenging projects that push me out of my comfort zone and help me develop my skills even further.

One of my main wishes for 2023 is to be able to share my work with a wider audience and to have the opportunity to collaborate with other photographers and creatives. I believe that collaboration and sharing ideas can lead to some of the most exciting and innovative work, and I hope to be able to connect with other like-minded individuals who share my passion for photography.

I also hope to be able to travel more in the coming year and to capture the beauty of the world around me. There are so many incredible places on this planet, and I want to be able to document them and share them with others through my photographs. Finally, I want to continue to inspire others to pursue their own creative dreams and to never give up on their passions. I believe that everyone has the ability to create something special and unique, and I hope to be able to help others tap into that potential through my work. So, these are my New Year’s resolutions and wishes for 2023, and I can’t wait to see what the coming year has in store!




Debra Vitt

I’ve tried to live a life of authenticity, to live closely with personal truths, to discard peripheral noise. My work has always led me, found me, informed me. As a self portrait artist, the camera both excites and taunts me. No matter how I’ve tried otherwise, the camera is always in control. I am its servant.



Judy Lurie Wahlberg

Thank you Joanne for this wonderful year of amazing art that touches my heart. I look forward to the next year with more strength and resolve. I am dedicated to self growth and art is the vehicle where it is often is expressed.



Roy Himanshu

Happy New Year 2023 to all photographer’s around the world.

I would like to thank you Joanne Carter and her team to giving this wonderful opportunity to photographers to share their thoughts regarding new year resolution 2023.

My new year resolution will be to help and support to people. Manage my self to keep healthy and wealthy. I will trying take amazing photos for my book. Hopefully, my book “Face of Hindustan” will launch in end of this year.

Be creative and more passionate myself in photography.

Thank you all for such a wonderful love and boost my passion.




Leonie McCouat

Thank you so much for this opportunity.

“As a result of things that have happened in the past 3 year but particularly this year I have realised a number of things. We can hope for world peace, we can hope for health and good will to all; but at the end of the day – we have very little control over these things. I have learnt this year to be inspired by those who struggle to stay with us, to make a difference in a child’s life, to be strong no matter what, to inspire everyone they are close to to replicate their strength and to make sure we appreciate each and every moment of every day – no matter what the future holds”.




Lynda Lively Johnson

Happiest of the new year to you! Thank you so much for inviting me to be a part of your New Year’s Resolutions post. It means so much to be included.

“New Year’s resolutions are difficult because most times they set us up for failure so therefore my wish for 2023 is simply peace …. in anyway we can find it whether it’s personal or worldly. In the little things and those that are vast. I want that for my children, my grandchildren, loved ones, friends, and strangers near or far.

Thank you, Joanne, for allowing us to share our work virtually. I wish you and this wonderful community a happy and blessed new year.”




Ted Silveria

One year blends so easily into the next, I have trouble telling them apart, especially with history’s tropes endlessly repeating themselves. In 2022, especially in the last half of the year, I often found myself short of both inspiration and motivation. These always come and go, but recently they’ve been traveling more and checking in less. Walks in nature usually help, but in 2023, I want more interior walks to go with the exterior ones. We can let imagination stir things up and make things with our fingerprints all over them.




Jean (Annie) Sierra-Hernandez

My 2023 resolution? I don’t have one, instead I have new hopes & goals. Before Instagram I was recovering from a stroke, an (ICA) cerebral aneurysm, that is located behind my right eye. Several brain surgeries later, I decided that time and resolutions gave me anxiety and fear of not achieving what I had set out to do. Fear of time itself. Every day that I wake up is a new day, another day that I am so very grateful for. I don’t take life too seriously, but I don’t take it for granted either.
I now have the confidence of believing that I am an accomplished Artist. I’m ready to sell my work beginning in 2023! I’m very excited about this.
I’ve been given Grace and I believe that individuals who have suffered by whatever loss, pain, disease, or trauma, have discovered some form of Grace. The desire to choose joy, strength, and victory over all things negative. Jump up and down and scream out loud your hope’s & goals because they belong to you!


Wendi Schneider

I don’t think of the new year in terms of resolutions, but of opportunities – a chance to be more grateful, generous, gracious, present, playful, intentional, and explorative. I’m excited to move forward with a new incarnation of my ongoing States of Grace series, illuminations of my reverence for the natural world. It’s a direction I’ve had in mind for several years, with which I finally began experimenting in 2022. We hope to convert our lawn to a native habitat, a project we have been mulling for a few years, to better support wildlife, deter invasive species, and return our small yard to the earth.

As I age and deal with unexpected, but adaptable health issues, I treasure each day, each breath, each loved one, each tree, each bloom, and each inspiration. I awaken early to revel in the ethereal dance of light on the enchanting coffee trees beyond my bedroom window, inspired to express how they feel, and to live in a poetic state of grace.




Candice Parno

I’ve always enjoyed taking photos but other than showing them to a few to close friends and family, my photos were only on my phone or computer. On January 2, 2022 I randomly found a photo a day challenge and made the decision to start a photo Instagram account just to challenge myself to try and be more creative with my photos. I joined an online mobile photography course, upgraded my phone and haven’t looked back. I once was that person who took photos and deleted most of them because I didn’t think they were good enough to show off. Now, I understand that my ideas and how I look at the world around me are worth photographing. I’ve found a way to see the world’s beauty that I never saw before and have found an incredible community of photographers who inspire me daily to try new ideas.

For 2023 my goal is to learn a new photography skill each month whether it’s composition, or artistic editing. And to just keep my creative ideas blooming!



Biljana Radojicic

The past year has been challenging and difficult for me in many ways. I’m a person who doesn’t really like to make plans for the New Year and Anais Nin’s quote perfectly describes my thoughts:
“I made no resolutions for the New Year. The habit of making plans, of criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me. ”
But, there are always desires and aspirations to change, achieve, realize or give up something or someone…
Life is often unpredictable and that’s why I want to go along with the challenges it brings.
One of the biggest challenges is how to deal with disappointments. If I would like to work on something, it is to more easily accept things that I cannot change, especially my expectations. I never understood how, if we don’t expect anything from people, we won’t be disappointed. Especially if we are attached to them. It’s a skill I’d definitely like to learn in the new year.  I want to back to myself and to live my life more authentically.

To be more inspired. To continue creating. To love. To be loved. To spread kindness .Truth.
Interestingly, the photo I chose is from the series “Holidays are over”  and it speaks volumes about how people feel, who are otherwise lonely, especially during the holidays. I would like people to feel less lonely.
Thank you, Joanna for this opportunity to share our art and thoughts.

I wish everyone a happy New Year!


First, I’d like to thank Joanne Carter for this invite to participate in this event

Well who would have though 2022 would have unfolded the way it did?

I left the year 2022 with high hopes for normal conditions and social gatherings and outings as before covid – Everything was going to be fine, but once again a new but different gloomy shadow came on the doorstep here, namely the war in Ukraine – It has affected my everyday working life in 2022 and the meeting with refugees in the classroom and their destinies.

My wishes for the new year are peace for Ukraine and that we remind ourselves how well we have it. We must be happy that we have warm houses and food – all the little things that are not a matter of course. I pray to all out there in this incredible world that we can work together to make life better for everyone.
Creating art is important to me so I hope to be as dedicated as ever to my art.
I want to continue discovering new and inspiring artists.  I also want to continue to spread my wings and become as creative as I can in 2023. I want my imagination to sing beautiful artwork.
Thank you Joanne for all your support of the mobile artists!
Peace and love and joy to each of you, and a Happy Creative New Year to everybody from Norway

Julie Denning

Each New Year I often reflect on where I was, where I am and where I am going. Not this year! I am not going to evaluate a past I cannot change or plan for a future that is precarious at best, I perceive the present as my best hope for happiness. My art reflects who I am today, filled with hope and awe in everything around me. I wish that peaceful and loving existence for everyone!

Sara Seldowtiz

I’m thrilled to join you Joanne and all the artists here on this journey.
A new year is starting and with it comes unlimited opportunities in our lives to discover and create. Every moment in time can be framed and is up to us to choose what we want to focus on. My intention is to highlight the beauty existing in the world through art and expression.

Jaz Oldham

Each passing year is a teacher who gives us many lessons. Often , we don’t listen.  After a tough 2022 ,with a visit to my husband from the C- word, I have learned that anything which makes you live life in fear must be seen in a new light. 2023 must be viewed with fresh eyes and an ever more open heart and mind. Courage must be taken from the smallest of victories and inner voices listened to.
Love is all around us , let’s take it and weave a little of it into each of our days to make them sparkle and shine.

Stefanie Dietrichsen

I’m honored to be included with these artists who inspire me daily, so I hope that I can do the same through my art for 2023.

My focus for the new year is to simplify. I am looking forward to a lot of things in 2023, but the most important is leaning into a simpler way of thinking and doing: Letting go. Trusting the process. Doing and learning.

“Simplify. Look within. Within ourselves we all have the gifts and talents we need to fulfill the purpose we’ve been blessed with. ~Steve Maraboli


Meg Greene Malvasi

2022 was a year of meandering. Up, down, one side, other side, crossways. Repeat. Focus was a challenge and inspiration, a holy grail. What kept me grounded were the daily walks with my senior dog, Jack Henry. His mindfulness helped me rediscover some of mine. Those walks became paths of rediscovery to the quiet joy of the everyday, moments in which to forget the turmoil, strife, and anxiety that fights for space everyday.
Looking forward to the coming year, I have chosen as my word for the year “movement”—to new ways of seeing, of experimentation and of playing. For me still, the best camera is the one in my pocket and I look forward to seeing where we go this year. Thank you Joanne for all that you do for this wonderful and inspiring artistic community. Wishing all good health, an abundance of creativity and peace in 2023.

Adrian McGarry

Time to turn the page and embrace the next chapter of life. The pages of this ageing book seem to turn faster than ever but it’s once again time to embrace a bright New Year and bid a fond farewell to the old.
My creative resolution for 2023 is simple, I wish to continue having the courage to follow my heart and create work that fully captures my thoughts, emotions and intentions. Allowing myself to learn and not fearing failure.
My hopes are for continued health and happiness for my wonderful family.
And my thanks to Joanne for inviting me to express my thoughts and for my ongoing inclusion in this amazing community of brilliant mobile artists.
A happy new year to all.

Shelley Benjamin

Everyday I send out an affirmation for the people in my life, myself included, who need it. By focusing on what we do have and a positive outlook I try to make each day worthy of that.

My resolution for 2023 is to spend more time and work through creative blocks to continue to develop and grow in my art.

I truly believe the creative communities have a positive impact on our world. I am so grateful to be a part of this. Happy and Healthy New Year to you all.


Zarina Ibrahim / Ina Ibs

I wish for myself a healthier and more energetic me. 2022 for me is quite challenging as I am somehow slowly losing motivation and passion for mobile photography and digital art although I just started in 2017. Sometimes I feel very determined and sometimes I feel like giving up.
I hope 2023 will be a better year for me and everyone. We always hope it will be better. And if we look at the bright side, of course something will always be better.

Here’s wishing everyone may the Almighty grant you in 2023 bright days and inspiration, and may you always be safe, in good health and achieve your next dream! Thank you so much to my FB&IG family, friends and followers for your strong support, likes, loves, wows, comments and friendship. I truly appreciate it!

Also huge thanks to photography hubs and galleries admins and moderators who share my work especially to Joanne and The AppWhisperer. You don’t know how much it means to me! I hope I will continue to make good work worth sharing and inspiring, however small. I am always grateful that you consider my work worth sharing! Thank you again from the bottom of my heart!


Gerry Coe

I don’t do New Year resolutions but what am I thinking of doing in 2023? Hard to say but I am looking at physical/analogue collage work. I have amassed an awful lot of prints which are not doing very much sitting in boxes, so I am going to try to utilise these as collages rather than just dumping them. The picture attached is a good idea of where I am starting from but have not a clue as to where I will end up.
Have a good 2023 everyone.

Patricia Larson

Hello! Thank you for considering my participation! The beginning of the year 2022 marked for me the return to the wonderful world of photography editing and the mixture of the use of different apps that achieved many very interesting works. I appreciate the recognition that your page gave to several of my works. I love being in contact with this great community and I wish them the best for this coming year 2023!

Joseph CYR

January might be an arbitrary designation as a time to begin a “new year,” but it does us all good at regular intervals to reset and refocus, to refresh our goals, and for me that includes continually recalibrating eyes and heart to appreciate what we have where we are. A dear old family friend just spent some time with us—she’s going to be relocating to Arizona, so I took her to this spot to observe a classic saguaro sunset—I hope that she will learn to love her new home as I have learned to love what the desert teaches: it does us good to feel small in a big landscape, to remember that even the ephemeral can be monumental, that time and texture are part of what makes us remarkable creatures that can appreciate the creation of which we are but a part.

Diane Adler Monheit

The world turns round and round. It will continue to turn. My hope for 2023 is for World Peace and a healthy planet. Making my art brings me peace and happiness – which extends outward to those around me and by extension affects more and more people who in turn affect more people. Biggest thanks to Joanne Carter for all her help and good work for our artistic community! Wishing you, Joanne, as well as our community a Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year.

Ken Matthews

I tend not to set new year’s resolutions as the notion has never worked for me! I’ve had more success thinking of personal grown or change as a journey not a goal. I tend to think in terms of a three month period and set myself challenges to change habits.

Looking back over 2022 I’ve really enjoyed the photographic challenges I set. And although in recent months family commitments have meant I’ve produced and posted far fewer photographs, I’d love to turn that around again in the next few months. I’d also like to improve the level of engagement I have with people on Instagram.

It’s been a tough few years for so many of us. Let’s hope 2023 brings health and happiness as wide and far as possible. So all the best you ti and yours. Your good health, or as we say here in Scotland “Lang may yer lum reek!”Slàinte Mhath! 🥃


Lyne Nagele

Wishing you all a wonderful new year. For 2023 my focus will be resilience . This past year has been challenging for our family. 2022 has taught many lessons to us and we now are realizing we can only control so much. For 2023 we will focus on being resilient on the things we can control and have faith in that which we have no control.  Instagram is a wonderful community of caring and love. Here’s to wishing you all the very best.

Marco Prado


Fiona Christian

2022 seemed to whizz by at an alarming rate, as relative normality resumed following the pandemic. It’s fair to say we were thrown a few curveballs last year, leaving people the world over facing unexpected challenges and hardships. With plenty more to follow in the year to come.

I managed to keep up with my daily #365 obligations and have committed to do so again in 2023. This will be my 5th year. I’m still enjoying the challenge although it can be difficult at times to find new and interesting things to shoot.

I’ve started dabbling in glass fusing too so maybe that will also provide some inspiration!

I stopped making resolutions years ago, choosing instead to live each day to the full and be grateful for that.

Who knows what craziness this year will bring!

Here’s wishing you all, wherever you may be, and very happy, healthy and fulfilling year. xx




Alon Goldsmith

I’m not much of a believer in new year’s resolutions but I endeavor to always move forward with resolve. I have to admit, I fail at this much of the time. My resolve is constantly in a state of flux with soul buffeting ebbs and flows. Currently I’m interested in finding where gratitude and joy can be found in a world I’m increasingly pessimistic about. Perhaps it all boils down to love and creativity, so I’ll strive to move in that direction for a while. Hopefully they lie on the same path. Happy creative, love-filled 2023!





Lee Atwell

The last year feels like a blur to me as we moved from the west coast to the heartland in the Midwest.
I’ve continued to take photos daily (going into my fourth year of the 365 project) and find inspiration from hiking in the unique pastoral landscape of this region with endless vistas from the ridge tops of hardwood forests and dramatic skies.
This self portrait was taken when we first arrived to our new home – a feeling of wonder and uncertainty as to what would lie ahead after landing in a completely new environment and after leaving so much familiarity behind.
I’m grateful for this community – thank you, Joanne!  Wishing peace, love and joy to you all.

Catherine Caddigan

I found myself struggling for creative energy after a period of devoting much time to the care of another. My sense of self, and the confidence in my creative energy waned. The way forward seems a little confusing but I remain committed to growing and becoming more centered on my work. I found myself experimenting with other media, yet still rooted here in this community of mobile artists, and I hope to continue.

Thank you Joanne for this opportunity to share and for all of your support of so many creatives. I wish you, and the world a healthier more peaceful year ahead.




Lynette Sheppard

“I look to the sea

Reflections in the waves spark my memory”      

Come Sail Away by Styx  

I quit making New Year’s Resolutions years ago. Instead, I make intentions. 2022 continued with losses and grief, but also illuminated the importance of being present. Making art on my phone is a way for me of being present, of healing, of growing even when I might feel stuck. My intention for the coming year is to cultivate simplicity. And joy in the ordinary. And gratitude for what is, rather than wishing for something else. (I began sewing on my photos this past year as a contemplative practice. It adds a layer of texture to the print and quiets my soul.)

Cathrine Halsor

Chosing a word to act as a guiding light for the new year is a lovely way to bring some gentle intention to a new year. A word can be embraced as a reminder and a promise, and that seems to work better for me than a list of resolutions.

This way of starting a new year is more empowering to me.

The words ’Visual wisdom’ came to me and will be my words for 2023.

I want to explore storytelling through visual wisdom and continue to catch stories the wind is whispering to me. I want to follow the ideas that makes me wake up in the morning without an alarm. The inspiration that causes me to scribble small stories and ideas on napkins and scrap papers and that makes me lose all sense of time.

I want that!

Thank you Joanne for being our rock! I’m sending much love and friendship along with heartfelt wishes for a happy, healthy, artful 2023.



‘Remembering’ ©Cathrine Halsor


Deborah McMillion

It’s a clean, new year and what you resolve to do is all in the future. We don’t know what the future will be, nature being a chaotic system, you can only guess. I’m just going to move forward slowly, thoughtfully and with renewed skepticism. 

It worked last year.


‘Time disassembled’ ©Deborah McMillion


Mehmet Duyulmus

Huge thanks to you Joanne for this opportunity to express and share my thoughts for and expectations from 2023! I sincerely hope that this year will be a year for great changes. I’m sure everyone would appreciate more awareness about Earth and Climate Changes and mindful use of the Natural Resources, ending wars, political and religious disputes. We demand for Justice for political prisoners, refugees, equal rights for women. Another extremely important problem is child abuse! Well my list is long…In addition to these global issues we all suffered from a pandemic which paralyzed our lives caused the death of our beloved ones. Since then everything has changed a lot. We survived! Our greatest consolation has been making art and the support Mobile art Community given to one other. I hope I wish we artists to flourish and continue to contribute to embellish the world to make it a better place to live….Mehmet Duyulmus




Paul Yan

It’s been acknowledged by many that all the images we make are essentially our self-portraits, which faithfully reflects our personalities and states of being. As usual, I strive to become a better person this year than the last by practising loving-kindness, compassion, empathetic joy, and equanimity. May all sentient beings be well and happy in 2023! 🙏🏻


James Grote

2023 is the year AI really explodes in the creative arts. Love it or hate it, AI generated images, words, even music will quickly reach into every aspect of life. My goal is to embrace the good of AI with an open mind and use it to give artists more power. We can’t stop the world from changing, but we can help guide it to a better future. To quote Neil Peart from the song, Spirit of Radio: “All this machinery making modern music can still be open-hearted, not so coldly charted, it’s really just a question of your honesty.” Hoping for a creative and amazing 2023!




Roger Guetta

Whether I’m right or whether I’m wrong

Whether I find a place in this world or never belong

I gotta be me, I’ve gotta be me

What else can I be but what I am


I want to live, not merely survive

And I won’t give up this dream

Of life that keeps me alive

I gotta be me, I gotta be me

The dream that I see makes me what I am

– Walter Marks




Robi Gallardo

Well here we are in 2023! Happy New Year to all of you. I’m not entirely sure, but I feel like the last time I contributed to the App Whisperer’s New Year Resolutions was an age ago (2020?). It all seems like a blur—a busy, teeth grinding three-year blur to be sure. Somewhere along the way I lost the old regularity with which I created something on the iPhone. I also joined the ranks of the hypertensive! However, now that Covid restrictions have been mostly lifted here in Hong Kong, it feels like we’ve been anxiously holding our breath just waiting to exhale. We’ve actually been able to travel without the burdensome (if necessary at the time) hassle of a 21-,14-, 3-day quarantine. What difference! That’s a step! Now I’m wondering what this post-pandemic time will prove to be like. Despite the rumbling thunder of war, and the oddness of the weather from time to time, the sun still rises in the east and sets in the west; the stars still twinkle–when the light pollution allows them to peep through; and moon still wends its elegant way across the night sky. There is hope out there and light. I know because I’ve once again been looking at things like merry-go-rounds and lanterns in a Japanese restaurant with the thought: “Hmmmmm… I think I can do something with that!” May there be more than just an exhale of bated breath, but shout for joy! Wishing you all the very best in 2023 and beyond!



Maurizio Zanetti

2022 hasn’t been a great year: some ailments and family problems have repeatedly forced me to put aside ideas, projects, travel. So my project for 2023 is very simple: to go back and take my life back into my own hands. The past and lost time does not come back but facing the new year with optimism and will certainly helps. Happy New Year and good photos to all.




Eliza Tsitsimeaua

Firstly, I’m wishing great, happy, healthy and beneficial year to all of you sharing into still wonderful community, guided by Joanne ! As for me I’m not aiming towards any fanciful resolutions , not making high hopes about anything , nor struggling to trying better or harder as I used to in past year. All I’m intending for this very magical 2023 is just BE and being here day by day as it comes . The only thing that will guide me is TRUST ; trusting me, trusting the universal vibes , trusting it all my very own way . I’m also relying on this stupidly funny belief of the number 7, considered to be one of my lucky numbers, because summing up 2023 equals #7 . So all in all , off we go towards this year’s adventure . May we have an enlightening one ! Cheers




Sarah Bichachi

A new year for me, is a new start to build from the now love, beauty, hope … faith and inspiration for a much better future. Thankful to the forces of the Universe that brought me this far in time, I take advantage of this opportunity to learn and improve myself more in all aspects of life…. always hoping for the best not just for myself but for the whole world as well. With existential threats hovering around endlessly, I have learned to value each moment that comes with the rising of the sun… enjoy the beauty each dawning brings and share the rapt through my works of art. As an artist, i vow to never stop dreaming. For it is in dreaming that I am free of the subjective reality the mind creates… its timeless feel allowing my creativity to ooze with ease… to blend infinity into something finite with my iPad and pen.




James Ellis

“A long December and there’s reason to believe this year will be better than the last” these words by Adam Duritz, from the band Counting Crows, always cause me to reflect as December turns to January. All the regrets of the past year and the promises of better times to come. One of my friends, the app developer Teresita Alonso Garrett, had to flee Ukraine for Poland. And another Yuri, who lives in Russia, had their artistic voice silenced by the conflict. I look forward to a future, be it the coming year or after, when our art and our global community can be whole again.
‘Laugh a little slower’ ©James Ellis


Phyllis Sherowtiz Shenny

I am starting this new year pretty busy with creative endeavors. A great start. From my branding and art directing local business, to returning to ballroom and latin dance, to preparing a solo exhibit at a local library this month I do feel I’ve used the last year to get back to “life” after the pandemic. My daughters wedding in July, two short vacations over the summer (although one ended early after testing positive for Covid) helped us round out an already good year. So what is my word or words for 2023? Focus, enjoy the journey, create, create, create. And one more. Laugh. Oh yea -prepare for retiring somewhere else. Not yet but it’s coming. Looking back on my life, my choice of friends have heavily leaned towards creative people with a great sense of humor and I’d like more of that. Learn more skills for my digital creations and use them. At this stage of my life taking care of health, both mine and my spouse, and making sure to exercise has to fit Into the picture. Being there for friends. So walking in places with great buildings will definitely have its place. Just sitting and creating and trying new things or as I call it “playing” is how I make art. Maybe getting back to jewelry making and some ceramics. Continuing to teach mobile photography to the Cancer Support Community also gives me purpose as I can only hope it gives the students the same relaxation and relief of stress as it does for me. I think in these later years staying calm and being kind is important. It spreads. We need that.
I took the shot of the three kayaks while in western Maryland. The colors and position popped at me. They seemed to need something looking over them. I experimented with blending images in iColorama until I chose the reflections of the cello player in the moon light. There’s no specific meaning. It just spoke to me. As always I make many images the same with variety.

Dale Bradshaw Botha

“After the last couple of years, 2023 appeared to quietly tiptoe its way into our lives. It felt a lot calmer where I live and I was fortunate to watch the sun rise over the sea as the New Year dawned. My wish for 2023 is peace, resilience, health and love for our world and I hope that sanity will prevail where it is needed most. To each and every person reading this, I wish you a year filled with everything you need and more, and may good health, abundant creativity and magical adventures be part of your journey! Much love xx”

Massimo Bortolini

Résolutions… Holly Résolutions ! What would a new year be without resolutions? Even not wanting to have any is already one. I like resolutions. For 2023, I want to finally recover, to take time to finish what is waiting to be finished, to meet people I love and miss, to play more with my granddaughters, to cook and have people at my table. This is for the egoist part. For all of us/you, I hope that you will cross the road of who and what give you the best in anything and avoid who and what don’t. And of course love and love and love.

Gianluca Ricoveri

Happy New Year, everyone. Personal resolutions? None really, just a hope that I can keep focused on current and future photographic projects. Much of my problem is that I have a lot of ideas and get really excited about a topic, but then get busy on other things, get distracted, or forget about them. Hence the wish to stay focused and see things through this year.In particular, to resume analogue photography, which I have put aside for a while, and to make interventions with pastels or watercolours on prints.

Susan Rennie


Şükrü Mehmet Ömür

For 2023 I think we will need: health, resilience, optimism, health, courage, hope, health, benevolence, fraternity, compassion and more health….. This is all that I wish to all my mobile artists friends with all my heart. This year beside my main mobile art activity I will do more film photoğraphy, more collage, more lithography. I want to fill my life with travels and art and art. Thanks Joanne for all you do for mobile artists community. Happy new year 2023 to all

Jane Schultz

My New Year Resolutions are to live life in a way that that showers love and closeness on my family and friends, promotes health and well being, and finds beauty around me. Last year, I explored several new creative efforts, merging mobile and working with cyanotypes, the elements, and collage. As part of these processes, I was able to pour myself into the creative process and experienced a great love and joy in doing so. In 2023, I will devote the time and creative energy to making this happen again, ideally with some new ideas and twists. Perhaps that’s the fun in it…which leads me to my last one. Looking over some of last years’ resolutions on TAW, many of us expressed a lot of difficult emotions coming out of the preceding year. We continue to emerge, but it seems it is into something new. As we move forward, I resolve to laugh more and have fun in the process. Thank you Joanne for inviting me to participate. Wishing you all peace and love ❤️ with wonderful sparks of creativity 💫

Andrea Bigiarini

As the new year approaches, I resolve to use photography as a tool for understanding and modifying reality. I believe that the art of photography has the power to reveal and transform the world around us, and I want to use it to explore and communicate my own unique perspective. I will seek out new and creative ways to capture images, whether it be through traditional compositions or more experimental techniques. I will strive to use my iphone as a way to understand and interpret the world around me, and to share my vision with others. I will also make an effort to challenge my own assumptions and biases through my photography, and to see the world from new and different angles. I recognize that the freedom of expression that comes with creating art is essential for my own personal growth and development. I will strive to let go of any self-consciousness or fear of judgement, and simply allow myself to be authentic and true to myself through my art. By embracing the freedom to express myself through images, I hope to gain a deeper understanding of my own values, beliefs, and goals in life. Whether I am capturing everyday moments or silly details, I will strive to create photos that are true to my vision and that speak to me personally. I am excited to see where my photography takes me in the new year, and I am determined to use it as a tool for understanding and modifying reality.

Ricardas Jarmalavicius


Beth Karbe

At a time when it can really feel as though the whole world has gone completely mad, my intention in this new year is to pivot more often towards “curiosity” about it all – to at least “suspend” my beliefs momentarily, and open an internal space for questions. This will be a challenge, because my nature has always leaned into overthinking and worry, even though this has honestly never come to any good. But I do wonder if I can finally, at my age (71), shift that habitual  hand-wringing into a more inquisitive, open state. And my intention, my resolution, is to try.

In the wise words of Pema Chodron, Buddhist nun & teacher, “let your curiosity be greater than your fear” – and I think that applies to literally everything we encounter in our lives, including global politics, our myriad relationships, and of course the inner workings of our creativity.

That said, I can’t help but reflect on the deep commitment to curiosity/inquisitiveness/exploration we see on a daily basis in Joanne Carter’s dedicated work with the many projects of @theappwhisperer. And for that, and so much else, I offer my deepest, heartfelt gratitude, Joanne.

Blessings to all – for health, for joy, for sweetness! ♥️


Claú Clará

It is fortunate to be alive today, after the health crisis caused by Covid 19 that we have had to live these last years and that took away many of our loved ones. This crisis taught us that we must take advantage of the opportunity that life gives us to live it to the fullest and appreciate every moment with those we love.

In this new year that has just begun, may our main purpose be to take care of our happiness and our creativity with tooth and claw, no matter the circumstances or what people say about us, let us propose to be happy and live every minute of life consciously, embracing our virtues, quirks and imperfections and loving ourselves as we are.

My wish is that creativity, joy, the ability to be amazed and live consciously accompany us throughout this new year, that we can rediscover life in everything we do, see, feel, hear and touch.

May this year be the best year of our lives and may we find the success we desire doing what we love to do.

Happy New Year!




Nicole Christophe

For a few years now, I have not been making New Year’s resolutions. For me, these are saying that I haven’t done my best in the last year, that I need to do better, be better, be more. And especially these last hard years, I have been all I could be.

I do however wish everyone, including myself, something very important, which is to seize any opportunity to create that you can get. Even if it is just to create an idea, a sketch, a word. This imagination, this gift that we artists have, this truly has the potential to make the world a better place to live in, to connect with our fellow human beings, to feel the care for the planet that we inhabit.

I wish for this next year that we all will be touched by the magic of these connections, and that we will touch others by our creations.




Robyn Mencher

“Just one drop of compassion is enough to bring back spring on Earth.”
–Thich Nhat Hahn

Humble gratitude to Joanne for the invitation, for her generosity of spirit and for her loving presence. May we, individually and collectively, return these gifts to the universe each moment of the coming year and beyond. As Matshona Dhliwayo said, “When a rainbow spreads across the sky it is reminding the world that beauty comes in all colors.”




Janis Brandenburg Lee

2022 Was a revelatory year for me on a deeply personal level. The more than 485 pieces of art I created have felt like letters to myself to ponder and savor and linger over as I reflect back on a decidedly life-changing year. I believe my art has directly led me to new relationships, new experiences and honest conversations with myself. I look forward to 2023 to open myself up even more to reveal nuances of my emotions and explore them through my art and watching my story unfold in my creativity. My art has always been about the need to express myself as therapy; my need to create art daily is more obvious to me than ever. I’m excited at the prospect of the art within me, just waiting to flow out of me and become a visual piece of myself in 2023.




Susan Detroy

As 2023 I once more feel forever changed by a year living on earth. Last year was different than I ever imagined. Into 2023 I will continue the beloved constant in my life, my art making. My resolutions are centered around learning new fascinating art skills and excitement about a recent series that emerged out of unlikely circumstances. I resolve to explore and treasure my art life for the precious jewel it is. I resolve to solidify the international art relationships that have emerged since the beginning of 2020. I resolve to be grateful for long time close friends, my house, garden, community and still active body. I resolve to always be attentive to earth and her gifts.




Diane Nicholette Jeon

First, I want to thank Joanne for again giving me this opportunity to reflect on where I have been and where I am going, and for everything she does for us all through the year, every year.

The last few years have been challenging…personally, in the US, globablly. For this year, I hope that we push beyond all this disruption and move to more peace and normalcy to everyone’s lives.

For my work, I just want to keep pushing forward, seeing where it goes next, both literally and figuratively.

I wish everyone joy, peace and happiness in 2023.


‘martha 1’ ©Diane Nicholette Jeon


Please support us

TheAppWhisperer has always had a dual mission: to promote the most talented mobile artists of the day and to support ambitious, inquisitive viewers the world over. As the years pass TheAppWhisperer has gained readers and viewers and found new venues for that exchange.

All this work thrives with the support of our community.

Please consider donating to TheAppWhisperer as this New Year commences because your support helps protect our independence and we can keep delivering the promotion of mobile artists that’s open for everyone around the world. Every contribution, however big or small, is so valuable for our future.

click here to help us

Joanne Carter, creator of the world’s most popular mobile photography and art website—— TheAppWhisperer platform has been a pivotal cyberspace for mobile artists of all abilities to learn about, to explore, to celebrate and to share mobile artworks. Joanne’s compassion, inclusivity, and humility are hallmarks in all that she does, and is particularly evident in the platform she has built. In her words, “We all have the potential to remove ourselves from the centre of any circle and to expand a sphere of compassion outward; to include everyone interested in mobile art, ensuring every artist is within reach”, she has said. Promotion of mobile artists and the art form as a primary medium in today’s art world, has become her life’s focus. She has presented lectures bolstering mobile artists and their art from as far away as the Museum of Art in Seoul, South Korea to closer to her home in the UK at Focus on Imaging. Her experience as a jurist for mobile art competitions includes: Portugal, Canada, US, S Korea, UK and Italy. And her travels pioneering the breadth of mobile art includes key events in: Frankfurt, Naples, Amalfi Coast, Paris, Brazil, London. Pioneering the world’s first mobile art online gallery - has extended her reach even further, shipping from London, UK to clients in the US, Europe and The Far East to a global group of collectors looking for exclusive art to hang in their homes and offices. The online gallery specialises in prints for discerning collectors of unique, previously unseen signed limited edition art. Her journey towards becoming The App Whisperer, includes (but is not limited to) working for a paparazzi photo agency for several years and as a deputy editor for a photo print magazine. Her own freelance photographic journalistic work is also widely acclaimed. She has been published extensively both within the UK and the US in national and international titles. These include The Times, The Sunday Times, The Guardian, Popular Photography & Imaging, dpreview, NikonPro, Which? and more recently with the BBC as a Contributor, Columnist at Vogue Italia and Contributing Editor at LensCulture. Her professional photography has also been widely exhibited throughout Europe, including Italy, Portugal and the UK. She is currently writing several books, all related to mobile art and is always open to requests for new commissions for either writing or photography projects or a combination of both. Please contact her at: [email protected]